YEAR 3 Autumn Title: Ancient Egypt Opener: Exploring and Ancient

Title: Ancient Egypt
Opener: Exploring and Ancient Egyptian tomb with artefacts on loan from the Heritage Education Service – Carisbrooke
Outcome: Understand the different kingdoms of Ancient Egypt and compare life today with that of the Ancient
Visit: Guide Dogs for the Blind Association visitor related to Science.
English - Stories from other cultures; letters to archaeological sponsor; instructions; non-chronological science report.
Maths - Measures Length and Mass ; Place Value ; Addition and Subtraction.
Science - Light; Plants (seed dispersal)
Computing - Understanding computer networks.
Geography - Locating countries of the world including Egypt.
History - How we know about Ancient Egypt; kingdoms and daily life in Ancient Egypt.
Art - Sketching and painting; sculptures with mod-roc and clay.
DT - Baking falafel (cooking), Egyptian shaduf (wood)
Music - Use voice and instruments with increasing accuracy. Sing Up – Tutankhamun.
PE: - Tag Rugby, Basketball, Swimming
PSHE/PDL: Settling In.
British Values: Democracy – School Council voting.
Individual Liberty – Staying Safe when walking in the dark.
RE - Ceremonies.
Title: Under the Canopy
Opener: Visit to Medina Valley Centre to compare British woodland with rainforest.
Outcome: Understand the physical, animal and human geography of rainforests .
Visit: As opener.
English - Recounts/diary entries (trip to woodland); non-chronological reports (rainforest animals); poetry (images of
rainforest animals)
performance poetry (Easter assembly).
Maths - Number / Using and Applying ; Place Value ; Fractions - division ; Measures – time.
Science - Animals including humans (skeletons and nutrition)
Computing - Use logical reasoning – Crystal Rainforest and logo.
Geography - Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography.
Art - Collage of rainforest animals and layers – significant artist Alma Woodsey Thomas
DT – rainforest shelters (wood)
Music – Improvise and compose rainforest sounds.
PE: - Hockey; netball
PSHE/PDL – Making Friends
British Values: Mutual respect – developing friendships and tolerance of others.
RE – Ritual – Paschal Candle
Title: Superstructures
Opener: Building Challenge
Outcome: Understand how science and technology combine to build amazing structures around the world.
Visit: None
English - Stories about imaginary worlds.; plays and dialogues; humorous poems.
Maths - Number / Measures - Money and + - x and ÷ ; Measures – Capacity; Statistics.
Science - Forces and magnetism.
Computing - Write programs to achieve specific goals including solving problems (Scratch)
Geography - Countries and cities with significant superstructures.
Art – Architectural drawings.
DT- Building bridges (wood)
Music – Appreciate a wide range of live and recorded music.
PE: - Athletics; tennis
PSHE/PDL – Keeping safe outside school
British Values - Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different beliefs.
RE – Ritual - Sukkot
Title: Cleopatra vs the Cavemen
Opener: Stone Age workshop and Bronze Age dig with Heritage Education Service (HES) Visitor
Outcome: Compare developments in human pre-history in Britain – especially the Isle of Wight with those in Ancient Egypt – exhibition for parents.
Visit: Mottistone Longstone and beach fossil hunting for Science.
English - An archaeology dictionary; Creation Myths; Information Texts for Egypt/Pre-history
exhibition ;Traditional Poetry – Christmas.
Maths - Geometry – 2D-shape; Multiplication and Division; Statistics .
Science - Rocks, soils and fossilisation.
Computing - Presenting data (Maths Statistics and Science Investigation results).
Geography - Use 8 points of a compass, symbols and keys in Pre-history Ordnance Survey
History - Stone Age to Iron Age Britain and comparison with Ancient Egypt.
Art – significant artist David Hockney, landscape and colour with watercolours and wax resist; 3D
clay work based on trip to Mottistone Longstone.
DT - Using string making techniques to produce textile symmetrical patterns.
Music: Christmas Carol Singing in the community.
PE - Indoor Athletics, Handball, Swimming
PSHE/PDL - Focus on Feelings
British Values: Individual Liberty – Staying safe online.
RE - Angels
Title: Who cares about the Rainforests?
Opener: The Lorax - film.
Outcome: Understand the impact of humans upon the rainforest.
Visit: Owl and Monkey Haven visitor.
English - Adventure stories; persuasive writing.
Maths - Fractions – ratio; Geometry - angles ; Geometry - 3D shape.
Science - Plants (requirements for healthy growth)
Computing - Use email and add attachments.
Geography - human geography of the rainforest.
Art – Printing the Easter Story.
DT - Noodles including rainforest ingredients, baby beanie toys, rainforest animals. (auction for
adoption of an animal)
Music – Listen with attention to detail (Samba rhythms)
PE: - Gymnastics; Football
PSHE/PDL – Keeping Safe in School
British Values – Rule of Law (conservation)
RE – Symbol – The Cross as a Christian Symbol
Title: All Aboard – Travel and Tourism
Opener: Survey of tourist attractions and visitor habits in Ryde.
Outcome: Understand the impact of tourism on the Isle of Wight.
Visit: Havenstreet railway.
English - Stories by the same author; shape poems; instructions and explanations.
Maths - Place Value - including patterns; revisit Fractions, Measures, Shape, Areas of weakness .
Science – Plants (reproduction)
Computing - Use internet research effectively and create multimedia presentations.
Geography – Study other area of the UK (other coastal towns comparison)
History – Victorian tourism and the impact of the railway.
Art – Photography – flowers.
DT - Use annotated sketches and prototypes to explain ideas (moving vehicles)
Music – Begin to develop an understanding of music history (Sea Shanties)
PE: - Cricket; dodgeball
PSHE/PDL – Looking ahead
British Values:
RE – Protection – Raksha Bandhan
List of Texts
Ancient Egypt
Stories from Ancient Egypt (Joyce
Ancient Egypt: Tales of Gods and
Pharoahs (Marcia Williams)
Various Ancient Egypt non-fiction.
Cleopatra vs the Cavemen
Stig of the Dump (Dick-King Smith)
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
List of Texts
The Great Kopak Tree (Lynne
Dr Suess – The Lorax
The Vanishing Rainforest (Richard
List of Texts
I'll Take You To Mrs Cole – Michael
The Railway Children – E Nesbitt
Please complete the 2 terms with:
A title, Opener (if one), Outcome and any visits (in or out) – for as many topics that you are doing in the Term.
Subjects being covered with brief description e.g. His – Romans, DT – Roman chariot, Art – Printing, RE – Festival of Holi, SMSC – keeping safe in school/courage & rights,
Computing – music making, scratch, Sci – Forces, Magnets and How the time of day affects shadows.
Please also add a British Values statement to each topic or term.