Year 5 Summer Term

Year 5
Summer Term
Living Things
 Describe the differences
in the life cycles of a
mammal, an amphibian, an
insect and a bird.
 Describe the life
processes of reproduction
in some plants and
Animals, including humans.
 Describe the changes as
humans develop to old
R.E. - Islam
 Demonstrate understanding of beliefs
and practices within Islam.
 Demonstrate knowledge of
Muhammad; Qur’an; 5 pillars of
Islam; Friday prayer in the Mosque;
family life and Eid-ul-Adha.
Be prepared for the transition to Year
6 and start to think about transition to
secondary school.
Understand what might affect my
self esteem positively and negatively.
 Measurement: convert between different units;
use approximate equivalences; measure and
calculate area and perimeter; estimate volume;
and solve problems involving measure.
 Geometry: identify 3D shapes; measure, draw,
estimate and compare angles accurately; and
compare regular and irregular polygons.
 To tell time to the nearest minute using
analogue, digital and Roman Numerals and solve
time problems.
 To know 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 times
tables and their associated facts.
 To apply written strategies to problems
including addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division.
 Instructions.
 Classic poetry.
 Non-chronological reports (Ancient Egypt)
 Drama.
 Newspaper reports and journalism.
 Myths and Legends.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
 To spell commonly used words that are on the
Year 5 and 6 spelling list (new curriculum).
 To build cohesion within a paragraph, e.g. use a
range of connectives.
 To indicate parenthesis using brackets, dashes
or commas.
 To recreate images or symbols from historical
 To: design purposeful, functional and appealing
products; select from and use a range of
materials; and evaluate their products against
design criteria. (Build a bridge for a Greek
army to cross.)
 Use running, jumping, throwing
and catching in isolation and
in combination.
 Compare performance with
previous ones and demonstrate
improvement to achieve their
personal best.
History/ Geography
 Locate the world’s countries
using maps.
 Understand key aspects of human
geography, including types of
settlement and land use.
 To devise valid questions to
compare modern life with
earlier civilisations.
 Understand the achievements of
the ancient Egyptians and the
 To
sing more
complex songs with
attention to clear diction and
 To improvise and compose music,
using a variety of instruments
and technologies.
Design, write and debug
programs that accomplish
specific goals.
 Use sequence, selection and
repetition in programs.
 Use logical reasoning to
explain how some simple
algorithms work.
 Use search technologies
effectively, appreciate how
results are selected and
Frenchranked, and be discerning in
evaluating digital content.
 To listen attentively to
instructions and show
understanding by joining in and