Rear Window criteria

Shows a limited awareness and
makes limited reference to the
themes and/or characters
present in the text.
Generates a discussion that
includes some reference to
specific film techniques.
Attempts to reference
metalanguage relevant to the
Shows some understanding
of themes and/or characters
present in the text.
Shows a good understanding
of themes and/or characters
present in the text.
Clearly articulated a sophisticated
understanding of themes and/or
characters present in the text.
Generates a clear discussion
that makes reference to how
the director has constructed
scenes, with some reference
to specific film techniques.
Makes some use of
metalanguage relevant to
the film.
Use appropriate evidence from
the film to substantiate ideas
and arguments.
Includes some examples from
the film throughout the analysis.
Incorporates a limited
number of examples from
the film in order to support
ideas and discussion points
throughout the analysis.
Generates a clear discussion
that incorporates some
information as to how the
director has constructed
scenes, with some reference
to specific film techniques.
Demonstrates frequent use
of metalanguage relevant to
the film techniques.
Incorporates a variety of
examples from the film in
order to support ideas and
discussion points throughout
the analysis.
Reveal an understanding of ideas
and concerns raised in the film.
(Critically analyse meaning
generated by the text).
Demonstrates some reference to
the time period in which the film
is set, with some reference to
the social, historical context of
the film.
Demonstrates some
reference to the time period
in which the film is set and
some discussion of the
social, cultural and/or
historical context of the film.
Generates a cogent discussion that
incorporates details as to how the
director has constructed scenes,
with a critical analysis of and
reference to specific film
techniques. Consistently
incorporates appropriate
metalanguage in the analysis of
film techniques.
Incorporates links and
comparisons between and a
variety of examples from the film
in order to support ideas and
discussion points throughout the
Demonstrates a detailed analysis
and understanding of how the
time period in which the film is set
and how the social, cultural and
historical contexts influence the
viewer’s interpretation of the film.
Demonstrate an understanding
of the various ways a viewer can
be positioned by the film.
(Explore the different ways the
topic for analysis may e
Generates a discussion that
identifies one or more
interpretations of the film and
Generates a discussion that
demonstrates a general
understanding of the various
interpretations of the film
and topic.
Use expressive, fluent and
coherent writing (using English
correctly and providing logical
and sensible responses
Demonstrates some organisation
and a generally coherent
discussion with an attempt to
link back to the topic and the
Demonstrates a generally
organised and coherent
discussion with an attempt
to link back to the topic and
the text.
Demonstrates an understanding
of ideas, characters and themes.
Analyse structures, features and
film conventions used to
construct meaning, with
appropriate metalanguage.
Demonstrates strong
understanding of how the
time period in which the film
is set and how the social,
cultural and historical
contexts influence the
viewer’s interpretation of
the film.
Generates a well-developed
discussion on the various
interpretations of the film
and topic, with some
explanation as to why it may
interpreted so.
Demonstrates a highly
organised, fluent and
coherent discussion with
continual links back to the
topic and the text.
Generates a multi-faceted
discussion that illustrates a
sophisticated understanding of the
various interpretations of the film
and topic, with an explanation as
to why it may interpreted so.
Demonstrates engagement with
external criticism and analysis in
the development of an individual
interpretation and analysis of the
Demonstrates a highly expressive,
organised, fluent and coherent
discussion with continual links
back to the topic and the text.
. Character names
. References to themes
. Inclusion of references that are appropriate
to the topic.
. References visual elements
. References the use of sound.
.References narrative structure
. References point of view
. Links film techniques to the point of
discussion and explains the effect
. Uses correct metalanguage
. Reference multiple scenes from the film in
generating a discussion of arguments
. Discusses the significance of the setting
. Discusses the views and values of the time
. Draws links between scenes,
. Discusses the notion of voyeurism
. Engagement with the topic
.Consideration of different viewpoints or
arguments for/against the topic.
. Consideration as to why the topic or film
may be interpreted differently.
. Spelling, grammar, syntax
. Tenses
. References
. Flow of discussion