VOCATS 1.01 – 1.03 Career Management 1. The way person lives

VOCATS 1.01 – 1.03
Career Management
1. The way person lives his or her life is known as:
A. Career
B. Hobby
C. Lifestyle
2. The stages of human development are:
A. Clear and distinct
C. Varied from person to person
D. Value
B. Only physical traits
D. Easily navigated
3. Learned abilities to perform tasks or duties of various occupations are:
A. Workplace ethics
B. SCANS skills C. Postsecondary training
4. Time free from everyday responsibilities is:
A. Independence
B. Leisure
C. Hobbies
D. Lifelong learning
D. Vocation
5. You can reap the benefits of exercise by exercising a minimum of:
A. Once a week for thirty minutes
B. Three times a week for twenty minutes
C. Five times a month for twenty minutes
D. Seven times a day for ten minutes
6. A positive self-concept is characterized by:
A. Always being happy
C. Frequent periods of depression
7. Which is an aptitude?
A. Humor
B. Dexterity
B. Easily overcoming self-doubt
D. Always making good grades in school
C. Loyalty
D. Kindness
8. The main reason why most young people seek a first job is:
A. Health benefits
B. Insurance benefits
C. College admissions requirement
D. To earn money
9. Vocational rehabilitation services are:
A. Free only to those who are physically handicapped
B. Free only to those who are mentally handicapped
C. Available only to those persons who are at least 21 years old
D. Free to those who meet he legal eligibility guidelines
10. This act was passed in 1967 and prohibits discrimination against people between forty and seventy
years of age:
B. Americans with Disabilities Act
C. Age Discrimination Act
D. Rehabilitation Act
11. When a person has a job that is enjoyable, mental health is generally:
A. Unaffected B. Good
C. Negative
D. Exceptional
12. Which personality type might be best suited for a career in clothing design?
A. Artisan
B. Guardian
C. Idealist
D. Rational
VOCATS 1.01 – 1.03
Career Management
13. If an individual has a Holland code suggesting Conventional strengths, a career in which field might
be most satisfying?
A. Teaching
B. Finance
C. Food service
D. Medicine
14. What would likely be the result if a person who values variety took a job as an assembly line
A. The person will be fulfilled with his/her career selection
B. The person will be unhappy performing the same tasks daily
C. The person will advance easily in his/her position
D. The person’s values will compliment his/her career choice
15. Which characteristic might be an area of strength for an individual with a Thinker work type
A. Effective conflict management skills
B. Great administrative & operational skills
C. Uncomfortable with risk-taking
D. Systematic problem solving
16. Learning through the use of language in reading and writing is which learning preference?
A. Kinesthetic B. Logical
C. Spatial
D. Linguistic
17. Which developmental groups is mainly concerned with providing for a family?
A. Infants
B. Older adults
C. Middle-aged adults D. Adolescents
18. Life roles are:
A. The various parts of one’s life, such as citizen, parent, spouse, worker, etc.
B. The way a person lives his/her life, including geographic location, type of home, etc.
C. The legal union of a man and a woman
D. Extended protection to those with need
19. One condition that can be most dangerous on the job is:
A. Obesity
B. Absenteeism
C. Inadequate rest
20. A person with a poor self-concept would:
A. Like him/herself
C. Take responsibility for his/her actions
D. Sexual harassment
B. Be afraid of failure
D. Value his/her own ability
21. A law that guarantees financial assistance to workers injured on the job is:
A. Medicare/Medicaid
B. Rehabilitation Act of 1973
C. Workers’ Compensation
22. Getting inadequate rest is related to:
A. Improved productivity
C. Increased accidents on the job
B. Feeling good
D. Lower number of workdays missed
VOCATS 1.01 – 1.03
Career Management
23. Those that learn best by pursuing interests through an individual pace have which learning
A. Kinesthetic B. Intrapersonal
C. Logical
D. Musical
24. Because abilities are learned, they will:
A. Change with experience
C. Depend on choice of friends
B. Always stay the same
D. Become less important with age
25. Changes that can be planned for are:
A. Random
B. Sequential C. Unexpected
26. SCANS Interpersonal qualities include:
A. Creativity
B. Knowing how to learn
D. Predictable
C. Listening
D. Social skills
27. According to medical experts, a major cause of stress is:
A. Change
B. Money
C. Headaches D. Anger
28. SCANS Thinking Skills include:
A. Problem-solving
B. Reading
C. Sociability
D. Speaking
29. The Family Medical Leave Act was designed to cover:
A. Females only
B. Males only C. Children only
D. Male and females
30. Natural or acquired skills or talents describe a person’s:
A. Goals
B. Values
C. Standards D. Abilities
31. Putting important items that need to be done first is referred to as:
A. Criticizing
B. Complaining
C. Prioritizing D. Authorizing
32. An individual who values variety will find satisfaction pursuing a career as a/an:
A. Assembly line worker
B. Toll booth attendant
C. Cashier
D. Animal Control Officer
33. Which group is most influenced by peer pressure?
A. Infants
B. Teenagers C. Adults
D. Senior citizens
34. Having excellent grades in math and science means that a person may be successful in the career
field of:
A. Communications
B. Engineering
C. Business
D. Travel/Tourism
35. Being healthy can help a person’s career by:
A. Giving the energy needed to perform a job
B. Preventing being alert
C. Promoting conflict with coworkers
D. Encouraging absenteeism
VOCATS 1.01 – 1.03
Career Management
36. Which contributes to unsafe working conditions?
A. Patience
B. Consideration
C. Laziness
D. Punctuality
37. Workplace safety is primarily the responsibility of the:
A. Employers B. Government
C. Individual employees
D. Safety committee
38. If an individual has a Holland code suggesting Social strengths, a career in which field might be most
A. Writing
B. Finance
C. Teaching
D. Mathematics
39. When laid off from work, a person:
A. Is required to receive severance pay
C. Cannot look for another job
B. Is forced to retire and take benefits
D. May qualify for unemployment insurance
40. If an individual has a Holland code suggesting Enterprising strengths, a career in which field might be
most satisfying?
A. Hospitality B. Teaching
C. Finance
D. Science
41. Having awareness of strengths and weaknesses in skill level helps an individual to:
A. Avoid further education to strengthen skills
B. Steer clear of opportunities to develop areas of weakness
C. Set appropriate goals
D. Focus narrowly on potential careers
42. What might an IQ score suggest about an individual’s career goal?
A. An IQ can give a good indication of success in occupational groups
B. A person should only choose careers as suggested by his/her IQ test results
C. A person should not consider IQ in choosing a career
D. A person with a 130 IQ can perform well in any career
43. Which is a job?
A. Newspaper carrier
B. Editor
C. Graphic artist
D. Teacher
44. Having strong ability in English and Theatre Arts means that a person may be successful in the
career field of:
A. Travel/Tourism
B. Engineering C. Business
D. Communications
45. Physical and mental health can affect:
A. Job performance
B. Car selection
C. Location of residence
D. Gasoline price
46. According to Keirsey, a Thinking (T) individual prefers to make decision based on:
A. Thoughts and facts B. Intuition
C. Perception D. Feeling and judging
VOCATS 1.01 – 1.03
Career Management
47. A group of people who are caring for both their parents and their children are called:
A. Generation X
B. Generation Y
C. The sandwich generation
D. The greatest generation
48. An interest inventory may indicate that the student:
A. Can play basketball well
B. Has good handwriting
C. Likes to work with people
D. Would be a good bricklayer
49. According to Erikson, attitudes toward work and personal responsibility are first formed as a/an:
A. Infant
B. Preschooler
C. Adolescent
D. Adult
50. Learning by doing experiments, working with numbers and participating in problem solving
identifies which kind of learner?
A. Interpersonal
B. Logical/mathematical
C. Natural
D. Spatial
51. During leisure time, a person might be involved in which activity:
A. Business travel
B. Conference call
C. Favorite hobby
D. On-the-job training
52. Someone who aspires to become a teacher or guidance counselor probably prefers to work with:
A. Things
B. Data
C. People
D. Values
53. A natural reaction to the demands of daily life is:
A. Mediation B. Fighting
C. Stress
D. Depression