Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: Day 1 of 2 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are effective methods of food and energy conservation? Content Sentence: Students will understand how to conserve food and energy. Daily Essential Question: What are types of conservation in the home when preparing food? What are examples of reducing, reusing and recycling when preparing food? NCSCOS: 1.03 Students will engage in: Whole group instruction Research Understand food x Independent study Small group instruction Debate conservation x Cooperative learning Projects x Lecture practices. Peer tutoring Technology Simulations x Art/Drama activities Presentations Pairing Hands-on activities Role plays Other: Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ. Time: 5 mins. 5 minute quick write on what reduce, reuse, recycle means to students. 5 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: 1.03 Reduce Reuse Recycle ppt with Time: 10 min. notes. Guided Practice: Have students work in pairs to create a list of ways to reduce, Time: 15 min. reuse and recycle involving food. Vocabulary: 1.03 Key terms Time: 20 min Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: Group poster with ways to Time: 20 min. conserve with a variety of appliances etc. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Students will share posters with class. Time: 15 min. Additional Activity: As a homework assignment, have students to search the Internet for ways to conserve water in the kitchen. Suggest to students to check out sites such as www.Discovery.com and www.epa.gov as examples of information. They will be instructed to classify these ways of conserving water by: faucets, dishwashing, and cooking methods. At Home Assignment: Finish water conservation. Anticipated time for completion: Modifications Needed: students with modifications will be given key terms with definitions. They will be paired with other students with group projects. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: 1.03 key terms, projector, laptop. 1.03 notes page. Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 1 Date: Day 1 of 2 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: What are effective methods of food and energy conservation? Content Sentence: Students will understand how to conserve food and energy. Daily Essential Question: What are solutions to reducing, reusing and recycling when preparing food? What are the benefits of reduce, reuse, and recycle when preparing food? NCSCOS: 1.03 Understand food conservation practices. Students will engage in: Independent study x Cooperative learning Peer tutoring Art/Drama activities x Hands-on activities Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Review EQ. Whole group instruction Small group instruction Projects Technology Presentations Role plays x Research Debate x Lecture Simulations Pairing Other: Time: Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: LAB OR DEMONSTRATION: Have Time: 20 min students go to the labs and conduct an experiment, “Does a watched pot or tea boil?” Take two pots of the same size with 2 cups of water. Cover one with a lid and one without a lid. Place on the same sized burners and turn on high. Guided Practice: Reduce reuse, recycle chart. Time: 30 min Vocabulary: done. Time: done Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: Complete vocats. Time: Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Review Vocats for 1.02 and 1.03. Time: 15 min. Additional Activity: Vocat 4 corners. At Home Assignment: Study Vocats Anticipated time for completion: 15- 20 min Modifications Needed: none needed. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: pot, water, vocats. Notes to self (Reflection):