tree poems

Nature’s Beauty
Emerald evergreens shining in the Autumn light,
While red robins soar through the sky.
Old Wrinkly trees start to call,
To their old friends, the ancient walls.
The friendly wind whistles to the trees,
While the Ash rustles back to her keys.
Lazy leaves start to sway,
And tall brown trees gather to pray.
Ash, Oak, Hawthorn and Birch
Stand proudly on the forest earth.
Red, orange, jade leaves,
Dancing in the forest green.
Swaying in the Breeze
By Nicole
Trees cackle, crunch, whisper and whistle,
They make noises so big and so little,
God has made the wonderful trees
He made them with freedom, calmness and ease,
September and October are my favourite times to be,
Sitting on the school bench looking at the trees,
From my bedroom window the leaves go by,
Across the floor across the sky,
I love, I love, I love it so,
To watch them fly so high and so low,
But quite often I have a worry,
That they can’t walk, run or hurry
But they can’t be bored now I clearly see,
Because they have a view from the canopy.
Swaying Trees
Leaves whisper “it’s our time”,
Who knows what it means when it’s
“their time”.
Trees swaying standing tall,
Birds singing oh so small!
Nests, berries, twigs, and beehives,
The animals forage food ahead of those
who are alive.
Ancient trees, modern trees looking oh
so unique,
While bees collect honey from flowers,
Oh so chique.
I’ve realised now when it’s “their time”,
That when autumn is upon us, nature
is alive !!!.
By Aoife B
Trees trees everywhere,
Lots of people start to stare,
How beautiful they think.
No one even has time to blink,
I see clever squirrels in the tree,
Thinking how beautiful this tree can be,
I see beautiful birds flying different places,
None of them need suit cases,
Birds are lucky they can fly;
Right up in the big blue sky!
By Saoirse
The Trees Play
The wind roared,
Making the trees sway,
But they didn’t mind,
They thought it was play,
I watched them dance, swing and sway,
Under the sunlight on this beautiful day,
I gazed at the leaves tumbling from their strong
And landing gently on the damp forest floor,
And then I knew,
It was finally Autumn
By: Jenny
Nature’s beauty
I see a sycamore from far away,
Shimmering in the light all day,
Its leaves have fallen bit by bit,
There’s red, brown and yellow in it,
Standing beside it is an oak,
Sitting beside it is two old folk,
Lots of families have picnics out,
With their children running about,
As the trees sway in the breeze,
I begin to admire the different trees,
The leaves have fallen to the ground,
With helicopters fluttering around,
It’s getting colder every day,
But all the trees continue to sway.
By Ellen Y
Thunder forest
The frightened birds chirped loudly,
The howling wind was strong,
“Boom” “Bam” bright lights of thunder,
Crashed down in the woods,
The trees stood their ground,
The leaves clung tightly to the branches,
Suddenly the thunder stopped,
The birds tweeted sweetly,
The leaves gently swayed,
There was no more thunder for that day.
by Mia
The Way Trees Live
I sat alone quietly,
As the trees swayed and swilled so
Air is fresh as God wants it to be,
Oak leaves soared the most majestically,
What can be better than a tree?,
Nothing at all
As it is nature’s light to thee
Lauren O
Trees Trees Trees!!
Trees dancing in the cold breeze,
Helicopters tumbling slowly,
Around the swaying trees,
Kicking the mossy leaves while skipping
Rolling and dancing all day long
By Amy !!
the last leaf !!!
I saw a fascinating huge tree,
The biggest of all can be,
It sat beside a still, sun sparkling lake,
The wind making the leaves shake,
Swaying the from left to right,
Till they’d fall quietly at the end of the night,
The chirpy birds sit on the rough old branches,
Humming and chirping till “bang” the branch snapped,
They’d fly up into the bright blue sky,
Looking down upon the huge oak tree,
The way it was cut down,
Because it was too old to be.
By Daniela 
Trees in Autumn
The wind shouted and made leaves fall
The wind made them crawl,
Warm cosy colours fluttered around
Helicopters twirled and rippled to the ground,
As the leaves swivelled and danced about
The tree’s swaying branches gave a bang of a shout,
As the strong but flaky leaves gracefully flowed
The wind started to roughly blow,
Acorns and chestnuts fell hard to the damp floor,
And the trees whispered and whistled more and more,
By: Roma
The Magical Forest
The forest comes alive as I walk in,
The trees awake and the birds start to sing,
Trees are all different to me,
They are all joined like a family.
The wind makes them sway side to side,
And the huge branches reach out wide,
The leaves are all full of colours and shades,
It’s amazing to think that this is what God made.
The bark is rough with bumps and swirls,
The leaves are collected by boys and girls,
Trees are truly magical creations,
Everybody loves them all across the nations.
Some trees are old and wise,
And some trees are young but they will grow to the right size,
I really love trees I love them so,
As I leave the forest the trees bough down low.
By: Holly
Crunch Crunch
I see crunchy leaves on
the ground,
They all make different
types of sounds,
They flutter sway and
All through autumn .
I saw a tree more beautiful than me,
I could not believe my eyes,
I got such a surprise,
A grand oak tree, the biggest I could see.
Its leaves swayed in the wind,
They swished and swashed elegantly.
Then I realised,
A tree is twice as good as me.
Squirrels are getting ready for hibernating,
Climbing up the trees.
Doing a race with the rabbits.
As birds flew up the Grand Oak tree,
Shouting, “this one’s just perfect for me!”
By:Lauren W
Nature all around in Autumn
I love to smell the trees’ refreshing air
God’s beautiful nature is here and everywhere,
I can’t wait for fresh leaves to come and fall,
Children play around the big trees, so tall.
I hear the wind the rustling leaves,
I see it blowing from the trees
Now all the leaves have fallen on the floor
The sad trees gaze sadly at their fallen leaves,
That look so red and damp and torn.
By Migail