Reevaluation for Mild Disabilities Flowchart Student is or could be identified with a moderate to severe disability (AU, DB, DD, HI, IDMO, IDSE, OI, TBI, VI) or SLI, or may no longer qualify for identification in the above categories Student is or could be identified with a mild disability (SLD, OHI, IDMI, ED) or may no longer qualify for identification with a mild disability. Send parent and other team members an invitation to the IEP meeting. Proceed to Reevaluation Flowchart First meeting: Determine the purpose of reevaluation Re-determine the need for specially designed instruction Evaluation of the effectiveness and appropriateness of current IEP services, gather information for educational planning and related services, future planning for education and transition (IEP services will continue) Additional data is needed Student has met IEP Exit Criteria Goal with minimal services provided Consider cessation of services Consider a change in disability category Student has high intensity services Student has low intensity services Progress monitoring data indicates grade level probes are at or above Proficiency and services have been backed down to only general ed. No Use Tier 3 RtI processes and documenting forms including Tier 3e. Use baseline and decision making standards and changes in hypotheses. Documentation may include below grade level skills, but must include at least two grade level probes in the area of instruction. Additional assessments may be used to answer related services or other educational questions. No Yes NO Record all data the team considered when deciding no further assessments were needed in the evaluation results domain of the Present Levels of Educational Performance. Use the data to plan IEP services. Update the IEP document as necessary. Record options considered and rejected in the Procedural Safeguards. Yes Use Tier 3 RtI processes. Establish baseline and aimline and progress monitor for at least 4 weeks with a minimum of 5 points in 2 weeks using on-grade level probes in the areas the child was entitled. Tier 3 problem solving processes can be used when questions that need to be answered by the reevaluation include academic or behavior issues or may include other assessment information. Document new assessment needs in the reevaluation design folder of the IEP No Data supports entitlement? Yes Present a written report to RtI review team No Continue special education services, write new exit criteria, progress monitor minimum weekly, evaluation results are documented in the Present Level of Educational Performance under evaluation results and options considered and rejected are recorded in Procedural Safeguards. 4/13 Does the data support entitlement? Yes Invite the parent and other IEP members to an IEP meeting, complete IEP Present Level of Performance in the evaluation results domain, consider disability determination, write Exit Criteria goals, then options considered and rejected should be recorded in Procedural Safeguards.