Readme This entry holds the genotype data associated with the publication: Nikula R, Spencer HG, Waters JM (2012) Passive rafting is a powerful driver of transoceanic gene flow. [Manuscript accepted for publication in Biology Letters, pending minor revision] Data were collected and prepared by Raisa Nikula Correspondence: The three data sheets in contain the AFLP-fingerprint data as follows: DataSheet1: Cantharidus roseus, 111 AFLP loci DataSheet2: Onithochiton neglectus, 94 AFLP loci DataSheet3: Parawaldeckia karaka, 164 AFLP loci The data are in a format compatible with the analysis package GenAlEx v. 6.4.1. Cells/columns contain the following information: Cell A1 = number of loci Cell A2 = species name Cell B1 = total number of fingerprinted individuals Cell C1 = number of population samples Cell D1 and rightward = sample size at each site Cell A2 = species name Column “SITE” = sampling site, abbreviated: Ant=Antipodes Island, Auc=Auckland Island, Bou=Bounty Island, Cam=Campbell Island, NZSI=New Zealand South Island. Sna=Snares Island, Stw=Stewart island Column “CODE” = identifier codes of the genotyped individuals Cell C3 and rightward=locus names indicating the fluorescent dye (Green, Blue, Yellow, Red) and the fragment length in base pairs Matrix starting from Cell C4 = presence (1) or absence (0) of the AFLP fragment in the fingerprint of an individual Column “Genbank_COI_ht_name = mitochondrial COI gene haplotype detected in the individual Column “Genbank_Accession” = Genbank accession of the mtDNA COI haplotype