Academic Pyramid of Supports Yorkdale Central School Outside Agency Consultation Meeting Involves parents, school staff, & outside agency representation to determine behavioural programming. Psycho- Educational Referral Referral to initiate psycho-educational or speech assessment processes, involving parents & school staff. Tier Four Intensive Academic Interventions SST “Supportive” Involvement Student may be provided more individualized program to address gaps in skills & knowledge. Individualized EA Support & Programs Through the use of additional human resources, students are provided support to meet unique needs within the classroom. Includes ROA & home programs. Differentiated Instruction Within homogenous groupings, students are placed at the center of teaching and learning. Each student is taught in a manner specifically tailored to their individual learning needs. Integrated Technology Every classroom and student are supported through the use of classroom pods, computer lab, SMART technology, and various applications. Supportive & motivation. Tier One Supports for All Students Levelled Literacy Intervention- SST Small group, explicit literacy intervention aimed at our most struggling readers, who receive 30-min per day intervention for a period of 12-18 weeks. Levelled Literacy Intervention- CRT Small group, explicit literacy intervention aimed at our at-risk readers, who are supported within classroom using LLI strategies. Lexia Reading Online program that accelerates reading acquisition, monitors progress in real time, and supports below & advanced readers. Modifications/Accommodations Using Response to Intervention strategies to address & document academic supports provided. See List of RTI Interventions. Additional Support Provided within the Classroom Small group or individualized support for students in need of additional literacy & numeracy support. . Guided Reading Implement Guided Reading in each classroom fitting teachers’ literacy programs and teaching styles. Student literacy levels will be monitored and review three times a year. Protected Instructional Time Periods are blocked in the time table to allow for explicit instruction of literacy and numeracy within grade levels 2-Week Progress Monitoring Report Student included in 2-week process of setting goals & close monitoring. School privileges withheld pending progression. May last 2/4/6 weeks. Collaborative Response for At-Risk Students. Possible PPP Construction. Determined in collaborative team meetings. Cross-class, cross-graded – specific to need. Homework Room Support provided on a voluntary & compulsory basis to students who are having difficulty meeting the deadlines around the completion of school assignments. Tier Two Academic Supports Individualized Programming & Instruction Individualized programming (PPP) is taught individually as well as through integrated efforts in classrooms to provide significant support to the learner. Collaborative Response for Few Students Highly Individualized & Intensive. PPP-Psych Assessment Involvement Tier Three Academic Interventions Co- Teaching SSTs plan & teach collaboratively with CRTs in an “assistive” role to meet the individual & class needs in literacy & numeracy. Principle 1: Children are at the center of everything we do. Principle 2: All students can and will achieve success. Principle 3: Our practice will reflect the students’ best interest. Principle 4: Parents are important partners in their child becoming a reader Principle 5: Collaboration is essential to our school culture Principle 6: We partner with members of the community in order to optimize the learning experience Common Timetabling & Teacher Collaboration Teachers align schedules & expectations for learning. Best practices, pods, teaching methods, & learning goals are aimed at student successes. Reading A-Z & Raz Kids Online support program featuring levelled literacy. Accessible at school and at home. This may be orchestrated with use of Paswistive Pals. DEAR Reading Dailey, uninterrupted periods of time where students are provided opportunities to practice reading. Also, an opportunity to provide support to struggling readers. Class & School Celebrations Celebrations provide opportunities to tell stories, the oldest way to convey school community values. These appeal to heart & mind, and personify purpose & priorities. Essential Learning Outcomes (PLCs) Every classroom is guided by specific learning outcomes that have been deemed essential within reading, writing, & numeracy. These are organized, instructed & assessed within a yearly plan. Classroom Buddies Coordinated effort between younger & older students to share mentorship and modelling of literacy and numeracy based skills & learning activities. Data Based Decision Making Timely & meaningful data is used to inform instruction & professional judgment. Decisions made using collective knowledge & a focus of learning not teaching. (Fountas & Pinnell) Tier One: Instruction for All Students Based on Effective Literacy & Numeracy Instruction – articulated for all staff