Chapter 4 Student Copy of Notes

Chapter 4: Atoms and the Periodic Table Unit Notes
Integrated Science I
Name: ___________________________
Date: ______________
Block: _____
Chapter 4:
Atoms and the Periodic Table
I can explain the different parts of the atom (protons, neutrons, electrons)
I can list important experiments, the scientist involved, and the outcomes of those
experiments to make up the atomic theory
I can identify the atomic number and mass number of an element from the periodic table
I can tell the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons, if given the atomic number and
mass number
I can identify an element from the number of protons or electrons
I can use atomic spectra to compare spectral lines used in identifying elements
I can list and identify the different groups and sections of the periodic table
I can list the various properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids
I can use the periodic table to identify the charge of an ion or the number of valence electrons
I know how the periodic law relates to the properties of an element (properties repeat)
Chapter 4: Atoms & the Periodic Table
Protons = _____________________
Neutrons = ____________________
Electrons = ____________________
Nucleus = _____________________
Nucleus = ________________ and ____________________
The nucleus occupies only a _________________________ of the atom
However, it contains almost _________________________________ of the atom
One proton or a neutron is almost ____________________ greater than the mass of
Is there anything smaller than an atom? _____________! _______________________
 Model of the atom has changed over the years
o 6 very important changes have taken place!
o 1. _____________________
o 2. _____________________
o 3. _____________________
o 4. _____________________
o 5. _____________________
o 6. _____________________
Chapter 4: Atoms & the Periodic Table
 Democritus
o ________________
o Idea proposed that ____________________________________
o Aristotle disagreed with Democritus’ theory
o Aristotle’s theory that ________________________________
throughout was accepted
o Thought atoms looks like ____________________________!
o *The Greek word atomos means indivisible (cannot be cut any
 John Dalton
o _________________
o ______________________________________
o Proposed:
 1. All substances are made of _____________ and ______________
 2. Atoms of the __________________ are ______________ alike
 3. Atoms __________ other atoms to _________________________(like water)
o Proved atoms existed by using a __________________________
 Joseph John “JJ” Thompson
o _________________
o Thompson did not know ____________________________________
 He thought there were ______________________________
 Thought it was a _____________________________ with
____________________________ on sphere, scattered around
o He thought it looked like a ____________________________________________!!
 Ernest Rutherford
o _________________
o A student of _________________________!
o Created the __________________________________
o From the experiment, he learned:
 1. The atom is mostly ________________________
 2. The ______________ is very densely packed
 3. The ______________ is _____________ charged.
 Niels Bohr
o Hypothesized that __________________ travel in
__________________ around the _______________
 Modern Atomic Theory
o Known as the ________________________________
o Electrons travel in “__________” instead of levels, called __________.
Chapter 4: Atoms & the Periodic Table
 Practice!!! Match the correct theory with the pictures below:
1. Modern Theory
2. Rutherford Model
3. Thompson Model
 The Periodic Table
o 1st Periodic Table was developed by ________________________________
o Elements are organized by ________________________________(in other words,
increasing # of protons in nucleus)
o Properties in lighter elements could be shown to __________________ in
o Organization of the Periodic Table:
 Groups
 ___________________ columns
 Organized by ________________________________
 Have the _____________________________ in outer energy levels
 Each level can have a __________________________ of electrons
 Each row ________ when an outer energy level is _______________
 You can use ___________________________ represent outer energy
level electrons (known as valance electrons)
 Periods
 ________________________ rows
 Organized by ___________________________ of protons and neutrons
 Classified as metals, nonmetals, and metalloids
 Valance Electrons
o Valance electrons are ________________ in the ______________ most layer.
o In general, the number of valance electrons of an element is ____________
to the _________ number.
o Groups 3-12 are skipped and do not follow the same pattern
o Group 18 (Noble Gases) are stable because ____________________________________
Chapter 4: Atoms & the Periodic Table
 Atomic Number vs. Mass Number
o Each element has the same number of ________________, but different number of
o In a neurtral atom, ____________(+) and ______________ (-) are _________..... so they
balance out to zero!
o Atomic Number – ___________________________
o Mass Number – ____________________________
o Using your periodic table, complete the following chart:
Atomic #
# of
# of Neutrons
Mass #
Hydrogen – 4
Carbon – 12
Carbon – 14
Oxygen – 16
o Isotopes – atoms of the same _____________ with different numbers of ___________
 Different isotopes have different _____________________
 Name of the element, followed by ___________________ identifies the isotope
 Ex) _____________________________________
Chapter 4: Atoms & the Periodic Table