Conference Session (B5) Paper #6193 Disclaimer — This paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering. This paper is a student, not a professional, paper. This paper is based on publicly available information and may not be provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for any purpose other than these authors’ partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk. THE USE OF GRAPHENE AS A PHOTOVOLTAIC MATERIAL Karl Sewick,, 10AM Mahboobin, Thomas Dastalfo,, 4PM Mahboobin Revised Proposal — Our conference paper will discuss the advantages of the use of graphene as a photovoltaic material instead of the current use of various compounds of silicon in the structure of solar panels. Graphene is a good material for photovoltaics because of its low electrical resistance, compound structure, and its ability for doping to improve its absorption spectrum/coefficient. This paper will mainly compare graphene to silicon and their use in a photovoltaic system. These issues are mainly centered around the efficiency of energy collection from a solar panel. Solar panels function by converting energy from the sun in the form of photons into an electric current using a semiconducting material that is doped on both sides in order to polarize the semiconductor. To each side of the semiconductor an electrode is attached. When photons strike the positive side of the semiconductor, their energy is absorbed by the semiconductor. The absorbed energy excites electrons across the semiconductor from the positive to the negative side, and these electrons are repelled from the negative side and forced into a wire. This movement of electrons into the wire induces an electric current [1]. The prospect of achieving all of our energy needs through clean solar power is certainly a topic worth discussion and research. In fact, the National Academies of Engineering has declared “making solar power economical” one of the grand engineering challenges of the 21st century [2]. The main problems they have cited is that solar cells need to become more efficient, cheaper, and we need to have a better method of storing energy. We believe that using graphene as a photovoltaic material may be the answer to making solar cells more efficient. This is not a method of energy production that comes without any ethical dilemmas however. The main ethical dilemmas surrounding solar energy production is to where do we route all of this power? Who deserves it more, the big cities or the fledgling rural communities that could benefit from it massively [3]? The general structure of graphene allows for more efficient solar panels, relating to its electrical properties which are conducive to carry electricity. Graphene is a 2-d sheet of carbon atoms which is one atom thick. This pi bond between carbons acts as a conducting bond for the electrons University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering 1 Submission Date to travel in across the structure increases the conductivity of the material [4]. Therefore, graphene as a material has the lowest resistivity of any material, about 37% less resistant than silver [5]. This is an issue with silicon because of how poor of a conductor it is. Another problem with silicon is with its color, being a black color, some of the light will only heat up the material without providing any additional energy. This decreases efficiency because the temperature and resistivity of materials follows a direct relationship. Pure graphene absorbs poorly but can be altered to be a 54% better absorber than silicon [6]. REFERENCES [1] Institute of Physics. ”How do solar cells work?”. [2] (2016).National Academy of Engineering. “Make Solar Energy Economical” . [3] (2011).“Ethical Issues in Use Of Solar Energy Researchomatic”. [4] Joseph Bunch.(2008). Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Graphene Sheets.(45-47) [5] University of Maryland.(2008). “Electrons Can Travel Over 100 Times Faster In Graphene Than In Silicon, Physicists Show”. ScienceDaily [6] Koppens Thongrattanasiri. Garcia de Abajo. (2013). “Total light absorption in graphene” ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY F. Brunetti, G. Ulisse, M. Dianetti, G. Susanna, G. Innaccone, G. Fiori, O. Martin, D. Neumaier, R. Puicervert, D. Lordan, M. Burke, A Quinn, M. Schimidt, P. Lugli. (2015 July). “Doped and textured graphene as electrode for organic solar cells”. 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology. (Conference Publication). 88666&newsearch=true&queryText=graphene%20cost Karl Sewick Thomas Dastalfo This conference paper was presented at the IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology in Rome, Italy. This paper analyzes the using graphene electrodes to develop low-cost, flexible, large area solar cells. This paper also analyzes research in which n and P doped graphene films were transferred onto glass to produce solar cells. This paper will be helpful to our paper by providing experimental data of the efficiency of graphene used in solar cells to incorporate into our paper. This document is relevant to our topic and gives us data to support our claims, and is also from a well respected source. G. Hwang, S. Haliyo, S. Regnier. (2010, April). “Infraredphotovoltaic properties of graphene revealed by electroosmotic spray direct patterning of electrodes”. Micro & Nano Letters. vol:5. issue:2. pp.140-145 (Online Article). 57366&newsearch=true&queryText=graphene%20manufactu ring%20cost This article was published in Micro & Nano Letters, a publication that publishes short research papers presenting research on micro- and nanoscale science. This article analyzes a method of using a robotically controlled electroosmotic spray to create optoelectronic devices directly onto the surface of graphene in a cost efficient way. These manufactured graphene optoelectronic devices have great photoelectric properties in infrared wavelengths. This will be useful in our paper by illustrating a method in which graphene can create an electric current from not only visible wavelengths of light but also infrared wavelengths. J. Bunch.(2008). Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Graphene Sheets. Cornell University.(pg. 45-47). (Dissertation) /publications/Thesis_Bunch.pdf This dissertation, from the graduate department of Cornell University, discusses the difference between graphite and silicon in their electrical properties. The dissertation also discusses the fundamental characteristics of graphene and its construction. The paper also helps to describe the structure of graphene. These specifications are critical to our paper by helping us understand the properties of graphene and its comparison to silicon. F.H.L. Koppens, S. Thongrattanasiri, F.J. Garcia de Abajo. (2013). “Total light absorption in graphene”. Physical Review Letters. (Online Article). 01 This article, from the American Physical Society, details discoveries in the improvements of the absorption of graphene. This article states that graphene can be perfectly absorbent when doped, ordered in a periodic array of nanodisks, and placed on a dielectric. This is crucial to our paper because of the importance on the absorption light for solar panels, which would improve efficiency in the panels. G. Fiori, P. Paletti, R. Pawar, G. Iannaccone, G. Ulisse, F. Brunetti. (2015 July). “Improving the efficiency of organic solar cells with graphene transparent electrode and light management: a simulation study”. 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology. (Conference Publication). 88915&newsearch=true&queryText=graphene%20solar%20e fficiency This conference paper was also presented at the IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology in Rome, Italy. This paper details how to improve the efficiency of organic solar cells by as much as 30% by using graphene electrodes instead of ITO transparent electrodes. This data was acquired through simulations, and this data scales from the atomic level up to the device level. This paper and data will help us illustrate how graphene electrodes can dramatically increase the efficiency of solar cells. University of Maryland. (2008). “Electrons Can Travel Over 100 Times Faster In Graphene Than In Silicon, Physicists Show”. ScienceDaily. (Online Article). 4.htm This article, from ScienceDaily, a respected source for current research discoveries, gives statistics on the resistance of graphene as a material. This article fundamentally explains the difference of resistivity of graphene compared to that of copper, a low resistance metal. the article is very helpful to our paper because of resistance being a limiting factor in the current that we can produce from the photoelectric effect. C. Huang, S. Yu, Y. Lai, G. Chi, and P. Yu. (2015). "Efficiency Enhancement of Organic/GaAs Hybrid Photovoltaic Cells Using Transparent Graphene as Front Electrode,". IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-6 (Online Article) 42873 This article is from the IEEE journal of Photovoltaics and explains the possible use of graphene as a front electrode. The source gives data on the use of doped graphene as the ptype semiconductor for the panel, with a dielectric below it, and compares its efficiency to a generation two solar panel. W. Wang, T. Li, Y. Wang. (2012). “Photovoltaic Response of N-doped Graphene-based Photodetector”. IEEE 7th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems. (Conference Publication) arnumber=6196714&newsearch=true&queryText=Graphene %20photovoltaic 2 Karl Sewick Thomas Dastalfo This conference paper was presented at the IEEE 7th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS) in Kyoto, Japan. This paper analyzes the photovoltaic response that was found in an Ndoped graphene based photodetector with a metal-graphenemetal structure. The paper also covers how nitrogen atoms are doped into the graphene and also, how once doped with nitrogen the graphene displays semiconducting properties and generates a photocurrent under light excitation. This paper will help us to describe an effective way of doping graphene in order to make it produce a current when struck with photons. 3