Practice Final - Iowa State University

Practice Final Exam :
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Bio 211
1. _________ is a process in which an organism incorporates genetic material from
another organism without being the offspring of that organism
a. Reductionism
b. homeostasis
c. horizontal gene transfer
d. vertical gene transfer
2. Assemblage of populations of different species is considered to be a ___________
a. Community
b. Ecosystem
c. Population
d. Organization
3. The Endosymbiont Theory states
a. That the similarities between mitochondria and prokaryotes is an important piece
of evidence for this theory
b. Eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotes that engulfed other prokaryotes
c. Ancestors of eukaryotic cells formed a symbiotic relationship with prokaryotes
d. All of the above
4. Where is a bacterial cell’s DNA found?
a. Mitochondria
b. Nucleus
c. Peroxisome
d. Nucleoid region
e. Capsule
5) Which of the following is present in a prokaryotic cell?
a. mitochondrion
b. ribosome
c. nuclear envelope
d. chloroplast
e. ER
6) What are the 3 different domains?
7) List the differences in prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells
8. Which of the following is not included in the Endomembrane System?
a. nuclear envelope
b. endoplasmic reticulum
c. golgi apparatus
d. mitochondria
e. lysosomes
f. vacuoles
g. peroxisomes
h. plasma membrane
9) Mixotrophs:
a) get their energy from light and carbon from CO2
b) can use photoautotrophy as well as phagotrophy or osmotrophy to
obtain organic nutrients
c) get their energy from organic material
d) uptake small particles by “drinking” through osmosis
10) Name the defining characteristic for each Protist supergroup:
 Excavada 
Land Plants and relatives
Amebozoa 
Opsthokonta 
11) The gametophyte is _____________ and it produces ______________
a) diploid/spores
b) haploid/spores
c) diploid/gametes
d) haploid/gametes
12) A phylum whose members are also known as bryophytes is commonly known as
a) liverworts
b) hornworts
c) mosses
d) all of the above
13) which of the following is NOT a plant adaptation for land?
a) Sporopollenin
b) guard cells
c) cuticle
d) egg and sperm
e) seeds
14) a seed develops from
a) a spore
b) a fertilized ovule
c) a microsorangium covered by integuments
d) endosperm
15) In all plants except mosses the _______________ stage is dominant
a) gametophyte
b) sporophyte
c) zygotic
d) diploid
16) what is a pollen grain?
a) embryo
b) sporophyte
c) megaspore
d) microspore
17) which of the following is not a gymnosperm?
a) Cycads
b) Ginkgo
c) Coneaphyta
d) Conifers
e) Gnetophytes
18) Draw the basic plant life cycle:
19) Reproduction is ciliates: (protists)
a) In the Asexual phase the organisms go through ________________
b)The sexual phase is known as _____________, in which the organisms
exchange micronuclei .
20) Mosses have flagellated sperm and requires ___________ to move and fertilize the
21) What is a complete flower?
a) lack either stamens or carpels
b) contains both stamens and carpels
c) lack one or more flower organs
d) have all 4 flower organs
22) How are fungi and animals closely to animals?
a) they both are heterotrophic
b) they are both store food as glycogen
c) they both digest their food extracellularly
d) all of the above
23) the _______________ of a fungi is the mass of hyphae
a) mycelium
b) mushroom
c) fruiting body
d) megahyphae
24) Conidia are
a) cells produced by some fungi as the result of sexual reproduction
b) fugal asexual reproductive cells produced by the process of mitosis
c) structures that occur in septal pores
d) the unspecialized gametes of fungi
25) Lichens consist of a partnership between fungi and what other organisms?
a) red algae, and brown algae,
b) green algae, cyanobacteria, and heterotrophic bacteria
c) the roots of vascular plants
d) choanoflagellates and Nulearia
26) What is the correct order for the process of gastrulation
a) ZygoteCleavageBlastulaGastrulationGastrula
b) GastrulaZygoteCleavageBlastula Gastrulation
c) Zygote Gastrulation Cleavage Gastrula Blastula
d) Blastula Cleavage Zygote  Gastrulation  Gastrula
27) What is NOT a characteristic of animals?
a) Multicellular
b) Collagen is the supporting structure
c) Sexual reproduction
d) Carbohydrates (energy) stored as glycogen
28) What are the parts of the flower? (there are 4)
29) Fungi sexual Reproduction :
Fungi gametes
Plasmogamy 
Karygomy 
30) The dominant stage in fungi is the ______________.
31) Describe the type of reproduction (or identify the fruiting bodies) in the following
32) Define the following fungal association methods:
33) Define:
Endoderm 
Mesoderm 
34) Define the following body cavities:
35) Describe the following phylums of invertebrate:
PoriferaCnidariaCtneophoraRotirferaMolluscaPlatyhelminthesAnnelidaNematodaArthropoda36) Which Phylums are included in Duterstomata?
a) Echinodermata and Mollusca
b) Chordata and Gastropoda
c) Echiondermata and Chordata
d) Chordata and Platehelminthes
37) What is the name of the order that includes frogs and toads?
a) Order Caudata
b) Order Anura
c) Order Gymnophiona
d) Order Reptilia
38) What is NOT a distinguishing innovation for phylum chordate?
a) Notochord
b) Backbone
c) Pharyngeal slits
d) Post anal tail
39) What stage of interphase are the chromosomes replicated?
a) G1
b) S
c) G2
d) M phase
40) What happens during G1?
a) synthesize DNA
b) Prepares for cell division
c) cell growth and recovery
d) mitosis
41) At what phase of mitosis do the sister chromosomes begin to condense, and sister
chromatids join to make chromosomes?
a) Prophase
b) Prometaphase
d) Anaphase
e) telophase
42) At what phase of mitosis do pairs of sister chromatids separate and migrate toward
the poles?
a) Prophase
b) Prometaphase
d) Anaphase
e) telophase
43) what is an example of incomplete dominance?
a) having a white and red flowers in the parental generation make a pink flower
b) having a white and purple flowers in the parental generation make 1 white and
3 purple offsprings
c) Blood type
d) pleiotrophy
43) What is happening during the following stages of interphase?
G1SG2M phase –
44) Explain what is happening at each step:
45) Draw a Punnett squire for a heterozygote male crossed with a heterozygote female
46) What is a linked gene?
47) What is independent assortment?
48) What is the smallest unit that can evolve?
a) an individual
b) a species
c) a population
d) none of the above
49) When 2 different species from different lineages show similar characteristics because
they occupy similar environments, they are showing
a) Divergent evolution
b) Convergent evolution
c) Homologies
d) Natural selection
50) A population is
a) group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area
b) a group of individuals that are genetically similar
c) a single individual within a group of individuals that live in the same area
d) a group of individuals that have become isolated over time
51) In the hardy-weinberg equation, what does p stand for?
a) The genotype frequency of the homozygous dominant
b) The genotype frequency of the homozygous recessive
c) The allele frequency of the dominant allele
d) The allele frequency of the recessive
51a) Write the Hardy-Weinberg equation.
52) What is NOT a requirement for hardy-weinberg?
a) Very large population
b) Genetic drift
c) Random mating
d) Isolation of population
53) What is it called when there is mass die off in a population and survivors create a new
a) Founder effect
b) Bottleneck effect
c) Gene flow
d) assortative mating
54) What is not an example of a prezygotic barrier?
a) Habitat isolation
b) Temporal isolation
c) Sterile offspring
d) Gametic isolation
55) What is Homology?
56) What is a fundamental niche?
57) What is a realized niche?
58) Describe competitive exclusion
59) Describe character displacement
60) What is Resource partitioning?
61) What are the different types of dispersion?
62) Define
semelparityiteroparity63) A species interaction in which one species benefits but the other species in unharmed
is called
a) mutualism
b) amensalism
c) parasitism
d) commensalism
64) In Lack’s study of British passerdine birds, different species seem to be segregated
based on resource factors such as location of prey items. This differentiation among the
niches of the birds is known as.
a) competitive exclusion
b) intraspecific competition
c) character displacement
d) resource partitioning
65) Batesian mimicry differs from Mullerian mimicry in that
a) in Batesian mimicry, both species possess the chemical defense
b) in Batesian mimicry one species has several different mimics
c) Mullerian mimicry one species has several different mimics
d) in Mullerian mimicry, one species has several different chemical defenses
e) in Batesian mimicry, cryptic coloration is always found
66) the amount of energy that is fixed during photosynthesis is known as
a) net primary production
b) biomagnification
c) trophic level transfer effiency
d) gross primary production
67) Chemoautotrophic bacteria are
a) primary consumers
b) secondary consumers
c) tertiary consumers
d) primary producers
68) Primary production in aquatic systems is limited mainly by
a) temperature and moisture
b) temperature and light
c) temperature and nutrients
d) light and nutrients
69) Eutrophication is
a) caused by an overabundance of nitrogen, which leads to an increase in bacteria
b) caused by an overabundance of nutrients, which leads to an increase in algal
c) the normal breakdown of algal plants following a population increase in algal
d) normally seen in dry hot regions of the world