Unit Plan Template UNIT OVERVIEW Title: o ¿Como te prepares? Unit Goal: o To be able to talk about getting ready and preparing for events Subject Area: o Spanish 2 Grade Level: o 9-12 graders Approximate Time Needed: o 2 weeks (10 days) Unit Summary: o Students will be able to talk about getting ready for a special event, talk about daily routines and express possession. Key Vocabulary: o Vocab list from page 96 and 97 in Realidades 2, Reflexive verbs, Ser/Estar, and possessive adjectives Materials and Resources Needed: o Textbook (Realidades 2), blank paper, pencil/pen, chrome books, planners Technology Connections: o Studying vocab and grammar concepts using Quia to create practice quizzes, using the “Describe what you learned in 140 characters” activity on twitter and using media offered with the book for vocabulary activities. LEARNING OUTCOMES Essential Questions: o How do you describe how to get ready for a special event in Spanish? o How do you explain your daily routine in Spanish? o How do you describe people and things in Spanish? o How do you express possession in Spanish? o What are some cultural perspectives on clothing? Standards, Skills and Learning Outcomes: o Identify the standards (MUST reference SD DOE K-12 content standards) and Student Learning Outcomes for this unit. SD DOE K-12 Standard(s): Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. Student Learning Outcomes: o Students will know: How to describe people and things using a list of vocab o Students will understand: multiple vocab words of an relating to preparing for a special event, going through a typical routine, expressing possession o Students will be able to do: Understand cultural perspectives on clothing ASSESSMENT PLAN Before Instruction Assessment: o As a pre-assessment, I will have the students go through a list I have prepared for them of all the vocab we will encounter this section as well as some of the vocab they already possess that may be helpful. The students will go through this list and define as many of these words as they can. The list will not be graded, but I will use at as a reference to understand what materials I may need to re-address. o Scoring Guidelines: The completion of this vocab list will be reviewed by me and I will use it to decide whether or not we need to review some of the important words that the students should already know. During Instruction Assessment: o Formative assessment will take place throughout the chapter in the form of workbook pages that I will hand out to them. The students will complete these homework worksheets for a grade. I will use this information to gage how fast the students are picking up on new material and what we need to spend more time on prior to the after Instruction Assessment. After Instruction Assessment: o This summative assessment will be in the form of a presentation between two students. They will discuss and use the vocab and grammar concepts that we addressed during this unit in order to describe an event that they will be attending. o Scoring Guidelines: RUBRIC: Use of Reflexive verbs A- Uses 2 or more reflexive verbs correctly B- Uses One reflexive verbs correctly but others with error C- Uses ONE reflexive verb correctly D- Incorrectly uses a reflexive verb F- Does not use a reflexive verb Use of ser/estar A- Uses ser and estar multiple times without error B- Uses ser and estar without error at least once C- Uses ser and estar one time in conversation but with one or less errors D- Uses either ser OR estar once in conversation but with errors F- Does not use ser or estar Use of Possessive Adjectives A- Uses multiple possessive adjectives correctly B- Uses one possessive adjective correctly C- Uses possessive adjective incorrectly D- Does not use possessive adjectives Preparation A- Student completed the presentation with no prompts in conversation B- Student completed presentation with only one prompt C- Student completed the presentation with 2 or less prompts D- Student completed the presentation but requires multiple prompts to complete the conversation F- Student did not complete the presentation UNIT AT-A-GLANCE WEEK #1 UNIT INTRODUCTION: I will introduce the unit by ask students what some special events that they attend are. I will follow it up by asking them about some of the things they do to get ready in the morning. We will then begin by going through the new vocab. Day 1 Lesson Go over 2A Vocab, possessive Adjectives Day 2 Lesson Review vocab, Ponchos and talk about reflexives Instructional Activities Instructional Activities Read through Pronunciation Ponchos with Cultural, Talk chromebooks, about our uses smart board versus notes on Hispanics,Activity possessive 8 with partners, adjectives begin working on homework Assessment Assessment Write all vocab More worksheet words down assignments due Spanish/English, by day 3, will go worksheet on over in class possessive adjectives Day 1 Lesson Day 2 Lesson Estar Ser Instructional Activities Go over quiz together, uses of ser, smart board activity (only ser conjugations) Assessment Worksheet on Instructional Activities More on ser’s uses and compare it to uses of estar, activity 19 with partners, activity 20 Assessment Worksheet Day 3 Lesson More reflexives Day 4 Lesson More possessive adjectives Day 5 Lesson QUIZ DAY/ Introduce ser/estar Instructional Activities Activity 6 (also uses vocab) Instructional Activities Activity 10, 9 and 22 Smart board activity on possessives (fill in the blank with partner) Instructional Activities Vocab review game (board races), Quiz, discuss the idea that there are two ways to say “to be” in spanish Assessment Exit slip, write a sentence about the first thing you did that morning. Assessment Watch them work on smart board and go over it as class Assessment Prepare them for tomorrow by memorizing conjugations of ser Day 4 Lesson Presentation work day Day 5 Lesson Presentations Instructional Activities Walking around room, helping prepare for presentation Instructional Activities Grade student preformances based on rubric Assessment Watching them Assessment Students will WEEK #2 Day 3 Lesson Presentation intro/ser vs. estar Instructional Activities Group quiz on ser vs. estar uses (grade as class) introduce the chapter project Assessment Evaluate who different uses of ser. assignment on ser vs estar still needs ser/estar practice work on presentations give Presentations UNIT CONCLUSION: Students will receive a grade on their presentations, any common errors will be addressed and any questions students have on their grade will be answered. DIFFERENTIATION PLAN Differentiated Instructional Support for All Learners: o Describe how instruction can be differentiated according to learner needs, to help all learners either meet the intent of the standard, or, if the standard is already met, to advance beyond the specified indicator(s). Learner Resource or Struggling Student Suggestions for Differentiated Instructional Support 1. Look for a struggling learners positive and offer instruction that caters to what they excel at 2. Assess students first: Rather than waiting until the unit of study is complete, assess struggling students throughout the unit to determine the student’s current level of understanding and skill. Non-Native English Speaker or ELL Student 1. Get to know as much as possible about each student, English Language Learners represent a wide range of academic skills, interests, languages, English language proficiency levels, and cultures. The more a teacher can learn about each student's background, the better prepared they can be to provide appropriate instruction for that student. 2. Use ongoing assessment to guide instruction — Ongoing, informal assessment is vitally important to matching instruction to students' changing needs. 1. Offer pretests, if a student has already mastered concepts that are about to be taught, offer them the assignments for that lesson, they don’t need instruction of something they’ve already mastered. 2. Lots of gifted students are very interested in technology or the arts, allows these gifts students to use their interests in order to complete a final project or end of the year assessment. Gifted or Accelerated Student LESSON PLANS Select and fully develop AT LEAST two lessons using the following format: Lesson 1: PART I: PRE PLANNING LESSON IN CONTEXT: Ser/Estar What did students learn Previous Lesson was a vocab lesson, students will use that about this topic in the vocab while differentiating between SER/ESTAR PREVIOUS lesson? What will the students They will be learning the specific rules of when to use ser vs. learn about this topic in estar the FOLLOWING lesson? UNIT GOAL Successfully differentiate between the two ways that Spanish speakers say “to be”, also use them interchangeably in conversation. OBJECTIVES Conjugate ser Conjugate estar ACTIVITIES Smart Board activity in which I will write the different conjugations ASSESSMENTS Make sure this is in their notes Smart Board activity in which I will write the different conjugations Make sure this is in their notes Worksheet in with students Know that the two have are told whether ser or different uses estar is used but must choose the proper conjugation K-12 SD DOE STANDARDS ALIGNMENT Score on the worksheet Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What are the different conjugations of ser and estar? Are ser and estar used interchangeably? KEY VOCABULARY Different Conjugations of both ser and estar MATERIALS/SUPPLIES Textbook, scratch paper, penil/pen TECHNOLOGY none CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Students will be seated next to a partner in rows. Students will be discussing the answers with each other. Will consult me when need and will need to be focused when going over answers together. PART II: INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURE & LESSON FORMAT ANTICIPATORY SET: (Time needed? _____5min_____) (NOTE: What will you do to focus student attention and prepare them for the lesson?) I will get the students seated immediately and have them go over their vocab that was previously written down while I take attendance. All students will then go get books. LESSON SEQUENCE: (Time needed? _____25min_____) (NOTE: What is your plan for carrying out the lesson with clear directions, smooth transitions, etc.) I will instruct students to turn to page 86 in their text books. While they are turning the page I will pull up my pre-prepared smartboard slides. Begin by explain that there are two different ways to say to be in the Spanish language. Followed by the slides that have the different conjugations of ser, students will copy this into their notes, then we will go through pronunciations. Followed by the slide of estar and go through pronunciations, also needs to be copied into student’s notes. Read through the different uses so students have a basic understanding that they are different from eachother Will then introduce worksheets to students and do the first one together. This worksheet will require students to correctly conjugation ser and estar. Remainded will be work time or these worksheets. CONTINGENCY PLAN: (NOTE: What is your plan if the lesson is not working, you are running out of time, you have time to spare, etc.) With time to spare we will play a vocab review game, if not enough time the remainder of the worksheet will be homework for students. CLOSURE: (Time needed? ____2 min______) (NOTE: How will you conclude the lesson by bringing it back full circle to the objectives and actively involve students in doing so?) Explain that remainder is homework and that tomorrow we will focus on the specific uses of both ser and estar. Exit slip to turn in before students leave in a piece of scratch paper with the answer to this question: What are both ser and estar used to say? ANSWER: to be Lesson 2: PART I: PRE PLANNING LESSON IN CONTEXT: Vocab Lesson to talk about a routine What did students learn Nothing, this will be the first lesson on the new vocab of this about this topic in the unit. PREVIOUS lesson? What will the students Student will learn the new vocab words and their definitions learn about this topic in the FOLLOWING lesson? UNIT GOAL Begin to understand the uses of the vocab words that will assist them in talking about a routine, a special event and possessions OBJECTIVES Correctly Pronounce new vocab Begin to understand the meaning of the word in the vocab list Correctly spell the new vocab list ACTIVITIES Use Media included in book to hear native speaker pronounce vocab words ASSESSMENTS Students will repeat after native speaker, I will listen to ensure they pronounce correctly Read definition aloud as class after pronunciation I will listen to students repeat definitions Copy the Spanish then English into notes Full list completed for next day of class K-12 SD DOE STANDARDS ALIGNMENT Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What are the vocab words used to talk about getting ready, talk about things used to get ready, talk about a special event, talk about how you feel, and some other useful words. KEY VOCABULARY List of vocab on pg. 96 in Realidades 2 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES Textbook, worksheet pages, smartboard, book’s technology materials, pen/pencil TECHNOLOGY CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Technology provided by Class will be set up in rows, book to hear native speaker student will be focused on pronunciation smart board for pronunciation and on their books to copy list of vocab. PART II: INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURE & LESSON FORMAT ANTICIPATORY SET: (Time needed? ____5min______) (NOTE: What will you do to focus student attention and prepare them for the lesson?) Students will get books from shelf as they enter classroom. Turn to page of vocab of vocab list. Begin copying vocab as I open the pronunciation from the native speaker that is provided with the book. At this point I will hand back old tests and let students look through their error LESSON SEQUENCE: (Time needed? _____25min_____) (NOTE: What is your plan for carrying out the lesson with clear directions, smooth transitions, etc.) I will ask students to close their notebook so that they aren’t distracted by continuing to copy their vocab lists. I will go through tests previously completed and graded. I will open the pronunciation by native speaker. I will instruct the students to repeat after the native speaker and go through the entire list of vocab words. I will repeat any words that students struggle to pronounce. Once we make it through the list the first time we will go through list and they will repeat after me followed by the English definition. Once we have gone through pronunciation and definitions students will be able to continue to work on writing out their vocab lists. CONTINGENCY PLAN: (NOTE: What is your plan if the lesson is not working, you are running out of time, you have time to spare, etc.) If lesson is running out of time I will have students read definitions to each other, If I have time to spare we can play a hangman game with the vocab lists at hand. CLOSURE: (Time needed? ____5______) (NOTE: How will you conclude the lesson by bringing it back full circle to the objectives and actively involve students in doing so?) Explain that the new chapter will be discussing how to talk about getting ready, talk about things used to get ready, talk about a special event and talk about how you feel which is why we have the list of words we do. I will explain that any vocab lists not completed should be completed for the next day in class.