Please read all the questions before you begin to complete the form.
Please answer every question on this form, where ‘not applicable’ indicate ‘n/a’.
[ Click on grey shaded area to begin typing] Grant Reference:
Applicant Name:
Company/Group Name:
Applicant Address:
Please indicate how you wish the fund to be paid;
By BACS (payment straight into your account – please provide account details below)
Name of Account:
Address of
(if different from above)
Name and address of bank:
Account number:
Sort Code:
By cheque
Cheque Payee:
How much are you applying for? (We are offering 2 grants of £500: one with a visual arts focus and one with a performing arts focus)
Community Arts Fund Amount £ (maximum £500)
Please provide brief details (no more than 250 words) about your company, group or partnership, what you do and your relevant experience in running a similar project.
Please provide a title and brief paragraph describing your project in no more than 50 words.
Project Title:
Brief description:
Please state who you have discussed your project with beforehand, (i.e. Arts and Culture Project Leader,
Local Arts Officer, Community partners, etc please include name/s)
Please tell us how many people will engage with your activity – (provide estimates if not known)
People taking part (active participants - people doing the activity, workshops)
People attending an event/s (as audience members)
Volunteers Number of Volunteer Hours (estimate):
Artists (number of artists involved in delivery / performance)
Number of Artist Days (estimate):
Number of Activities/ Events/ Workshops
Please indicate the geographical location/s of your project:
South East
East South West
North East
Please provide the address/s and postcode/s where possible:
When will the project take place?
When is it due to end?
/ /
/ /
Please indicate below which target group/s your project is aimed at:
Children & Young People
(from 11th January 2016)
(before 31 st July 2016)
Vulnerable adults & older people
People with physical or learning disabilities
Black and minority ethnic groups
Rural communities
People who experience socio-economic deprivation
People living in areas with low level or no arts participation
Other, please specify;
Please indicate which art form/s best describes your project
Visual Arts & Crafts
Combined Arts
Film & New Media
Other, please specify;
What is your proposed artistic activity, how will it be managed and what do you want to achieve by
doing it? (max 500 words)
You are welcome to provide any further support information on a separate sheet if you wish, i.e. details of past relevant projects you have delivered and the outcome.
Please briefly describe evidence of need for the project or any consultation you have undertaken during
planning and preparation (e.g. feedback/ evaluation from pilot projects, observations, discussions, statistics, survey & demographic data where applicable)
Please briefly describe how your project will achieve the following outcomes. Please indicate n/a if not applicable.
Inspires people and provides opportunities for learning and developing skills
Improves and promotes positive health & wellbeing
Widens engagement and participation in the arts locally and involves new audiences
Delivers high quality arts activity and engages local artists/ creative practitioners/ arts organisations, volunteers, etc (please include names of artists involved).
Please describe any plans to sustain the project/ activity and how the benefits will be long lasting
Please give details of your project partners and describe their involvement in the project
Please describe how you will reach your target audience or participants and give details of your proposed
marketing activities, i.e. posters/ flyers, social media, press release, etc
Please briefly describe your plans to monitor and evaluate this activity (i.e. photographs, feedback/ monitoring forms, film, report, etc.)
Please indicate whether you would allow us to use your evaluation material in future arts grants publicity?
Yes No
Please give details of the expenditure and description of costs you are applying for specifically in the left hand side columns.
Please note: You will be asked to provide copies of Artist / Professional Invoices directly relating to the
Community Arts Fund (X) in the evaluation report.
If you are applying for funds towards a larger project, please also provide the total whole project costs in the column on the right.
Expenditure Details
Artist / Professional Fees
(please specify number of days and rate of pay) e.g. Artist Fee - 10 sessions @ £50 per session
Equipment / venue hire / transport please specify:
Production costs: please specify:
Materials: please specify:
Community Arts Fund
Whole Project Costs
Marketing / Promotions – flyers, print, etc. please specify:
Staffing costs:
(please specify number of days and rate of pay )
Support in kind - estimated value
(non-cash contributions, volunteers, etc)
Other please specify:
Community Arts Fund Total:
Total Project Costs: £
Please give details of all income for the whole project.
Please note total figures (A) & (B) should match.
Please list any other sources of funding confirmed and unconfirmed such as trusts, business sponsorship
and income from ticket sales and provide evidence; i.e. a letter or agreement.
Income & other funding Total Provider Details – please let us know if this is confirmed or when confirmation is due
Community Arts Fund
Business Sponsorship
Trusts / Public funding / Other funding
Partnership contributions
(if different from above)
Other financial income
SHSU Community Arts Fund e.g. awaiting confirmation due in 6 weeks
(please include your financial match here if not included above)
* please specify:
Support in kind - estimated value
(non-cash contributions, volunteers, etc)
Earned Income/ ticket sales
(please note this does not count towards match funding)
Total Project Income:
Does your project meet all the assessment criteria outlined in the Guidelines? Yes No
Have you...?
Included a copy of your organisation’s constitution (essential)
Visited our website for information and advice
Discussed your project with your Local Arts Officer
Ensured all contact names are correct
Ensured name of payee for cheque/ bank details are correct
Told us how much you are applying for
Told us when and where your project will take place
Demonstrated how your project meets the criteria set out in the guidelines
Provided a clear and well-structured project proposal
Told us about your outcomes for the project and how you will achieve them
Told us your marketing plans and provided copies of promotional material if possible
Given examples of your past activities/ projects
Included previous programmes or publicity material relating to your previous projects
Told us how your project will be evaluated
Ensured that the budget is complete and income/expenditure figures balance
Provided a breakdown of workshop programmes/ artist/ professional fees
Given full details of other funding sources and confirmation of support
Included your organisation’s accounts from the previous financial year
Provided Artist/ Professional details/ CV’s where relevant
Provided relevant supporting information, e.g. evidence of need, letters of support, etc.
Provided evidence of Partnership support through budget or written correspondence
Provided relevant policies and evidence of DBS checks, (formerly known as CRB), for those working with children or vulnerable adults.
If you have answered yes and checked you have included all the relevant information above, you are now ready to submit your application.
Send to: Alison Lord, Arts and Culture Project Leader, The HUBS, Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2QQ