GRANTS TO AUSTRALIAN ORGANISATIONS PROGRAM PROGRAM GUIDELINES 2013 - 2016 Pursuing an equitable and accessible system of federal civil justice. Contents 1. Program Objective ................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Funding ................................................................................................................................................. 3 3. Commissioned Proposals ........................................................................................................................ 3 4. Eligibility Criteria .................................................................................................................................... 3 5. Selection Criteria.................................................................................................................................... 4 6. Assessment Process and Awarding of Funding ........................................................................................ 5 7. Recipient Responsibilities and Accountabilities ....................................................................................... 5 8. Conflict of Interest ................................................................................................................................. 6 9. Grant Publication Requirements ............................................................................................................. 6 10. Privacy ................................................................................................................................................. 6 11. Taxation............................................................................................................................................... 6 12. Complaints ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Page 2 of 6 1. Program Objective The Grants to Australian Organisations Program (GAOP) provides the Commonwealth’s contribution to the Standing Council of Law and Justice (SCLJ) and with remaining funds offers grants to organisations for projects relating to the pursuit of an equitable and accessible system of federal civil justice. The main objective of GAOP is to fund suitable activities that relate to, or assist with, the pursuit of an equitable and accessible system of federal civil justice. 2. Funding Funding for 2013-14 is reduced with SCLJ funding secured and approximately $250,000 available for non-SCLJ activities. From 2014-15 the annual appropriation will be reduced by $1 million per annum, with the majority of available funding reserved for SCLJ commitments. Due to the small quantum of available funding from 2014 onwards, a closed, non-competitive process will apply to the non-SCLJ component of GAOP. Proposals may be commissioned and assessed individually against the program objective and selection criteria relative to priority areas of government. Funding may be awarded for single or multi-year projects subject to the available appropriation. All projects must commence in the financial year of the approved appropriation and not be applied retrospectively or begin in future years. Single year projects must be completed within 18 months of project commencement. 3. Commissioned Proposals The Department may commission proposals for non-SCLJ activities over the duration of the program subject to the available appropriation. Commissioned proposals must meet the program objective, the eligibility criteria and address the selection criteria. An invitation from the Department to submit a proposal should not be taken as an assurance that funding will be provided. 4. Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for funding grant recipients should be a non-government ‘not for profit’ organisation, a community organisation, or a local government association or agency and demonstrate that their project will contribute to an equitable and accessible system of federal civil justice. It is preferable that the applicant organisation be incorporated for greater accountability. Applications will not be accepted from: Individuals Political organisations Australian Government and State and Territory government agencies, or Page 3 of 6 Commercial and for-profit organisations. Organisations with outstanding acquittal reports for previously funded projects, or who have had projects terminated by State/Territory or Australian Government agencies for performance or integrity reasons, will generally not be considered for funding. Organisations should include information about previous funding history in their proposal. Grants will be paid to the successful organisation and not to any individual within an organisation. 5. Selection Criteria Commissioned proposals need to describe their proposed project including its intended purpose, target group and what community benefits will be realised. Each proposal will be considered against the following specific program criteria, which have an equal weighting, to determine value for money and to align projects against policy outcomes: 1) Program Objective—the organisation applying for funding should demonstrate how the proposed project contributes to the program objective. 2) Value for Money—proposals need to demonstrate their project provides value for money. To assist the Department to make an assessment applicants must provide a budget, management plan for the proposed project and outline the intended benefits. 3) Government priorities—applicants should demonstrate that their proposed project is consistent with broader government priorities and policies, for example, whether the project clearly supports a current major government policy aligned to civil justice. 4) Capacity of the organisation—applicants should demonstrate that they have the capacity and expertise to successfully manage and monitor outcomes of the project. The following activities are generally not suitable for GAOP funding: 1) Ongoing administrative expenses— Funding will not usually be provided for an organisation’s ongoing operation or running costs, for example, funding for general operation, secretariat expenses or support for a research officer. However, administrative expenses directly and exclusively associated with the proposed project may be considered. 2) Similarity to projects already funded by the Commonwealth—Prospective applicants are required to declare any other Commonwealth funding they have received or have applied for. Funding will not usually be provided for projects or activities which are already funded by the Commonwealth. Other funding sources for the same project need to be identified in their application. 3) Capital equipment and capital works— Funding will not be provided for the purchase of large scale capital equipment or capital works, including the purchase or lease of land and the purchase, construction or maintenance of buildings and vehicles. 4) Other activities—Funding will not usually be provided for individual scholarships, projects that provide personal protection for specific individuals or projects that duplicate existing projects in the same community. Page 4 of 6 6. Assessment Process and Awarding of Funding 6.1 SCLJ Funding Funding for Commonwealth contributions to SCLJ are recommended by the National Justice CEO Group (NJCEO) recorded in the minutes of their official meetings. The Attorney-General has delegated Senior Executive Staff in areas with policy responsibility in relation to an entity to sign funding agreements and minor variations in relation to that entity, in consultation with the Departmental Grant Performance Unit. 6.2 Non SCLJ Funding Proposals may be commissioned for separate projects with an indicative funding range of between $10 000 and $250 000 per annum (ex GST). Grants awarded under this stream are for single or multi-year projects (to a maximum of three years) subject to the available appropriation. Organisations funded under SCLJ are eligible for funding under the non-SCLJ funding stream provided proposals they submit address the program objective and selection criteria. All of the selection criteria outlined in section 5 should be addressed. Commissioned proposals will be assessed by the Department on their individual merits, based on the selection criteria above, to determine whether an application will allow the Australian Government to achieve value with public money. The Attorney-General makes the final decision about which non-SCLJ projects will receive funding, the level of funding and any conditions of offer. The Attorney-General has delegated Senior Executive Staff with program responsibility to sign funding agreements and any minor variations, in consultation with the Departmental Grant Performance Unit, once the funding has been approved by the delegate. Once the assessment process is complete successful projects will receive an invitation to enter into a funding agreement with the Commonwealth (represented by the Attorney-General’s Department) which will cover the amount of funding, timeframes, activity to be completed, reporting requirements and any specific conditions of offer. The frequency of reporting i.e. quarterly, biannual or annual will be determined by the risk assessment of the organization and nature of the activity. The funding agreement will contain the entire agreement between the two parties. There is no binding agreement on any party until the funding agreement is agreed to and signed by the departmental delegate and the applicant’s authorised representative. It is recommended that the Low Risk Funding Agreement template be used unless the applicant is rated as high risk. All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome at the conclusion of the assessment and approval process. 7. Recipient Responsibilities and Accountabilities Reliable, timely and adequate evidence is required to demonstrate that grant funds have been expended in accordance with the terms of the funding agreement. The funding agreement will include details about what reporting and evidence of acquittal is required from an organisation, including any evaluation against the objective of the program. Page 5 of 6 8. Conflict of Interest Commissioned applicants must identify any potential conflicts of interest that are likely to arise during the implementation of their projects as well as mitigation strategies. Should a conflict of interest situation arise at a later date, applicants must advise the Department in accordance with their funding agreements. A conflict of interest may exist, for example, if an applicant or any of its staff has a relationship (professional, commercial or personal) with a party who is able to influence the implementation or operation of the project. Departmental officers involved in the assessment of applications are required to declare whether they have a conflict of interest. Where a conflict of interest does arise they are to be managed according the Departmental policy document, Guidelines for Managing Conflicts of Interest in the Attorney-General’s Department. 9. Grant Publication Requirements The Department is required to publish information about a successful grant on its website. If an organisation has concerns about grant information being published, they should raise these concerns with the Department as part of their proposal. If the organisation is successful in obtaining a grant, the Department will discuss these concerns with them. 10. Privacy Any personal information collected by the Department is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Generally, the Department collects personal information to carry out its functions properly and efficiently, and only uses personal information for the purposes for which it was given to the Department and for directly related purposes (unless otherwise required by, or authorised under, law). 11. Taxation Other than the clauses in the funding agreement relating to taxes, duties and government charges (the Department does not provide advice on GST matters). All applicants are advised to seek advice from a qualified professional or the Australian Taxation Office ( 12. Complaints Applicants should direct any enquiries or complaints to: Assistant Secretary Indigenous Justice and Community Safety Branch Attorney-General’s Department 3-5 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 Or via email to Page 6 of 6