Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________ Period: _________ Score: ________ /60 American Dream Project Group Explanation Group Interpretation Individual Explanation Individual Interpretation Individual Perspective Individual Performance (10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts) (10 pts) Sophisticated: an unusually thorough, elegant, and inventive account of the American Dream; fully supported, verified and justified; deep and broad; goes well beyond the information given. Profound: a powerful and illuminating interpretation and analysis of the importance/meaning/ significance; sees deeply and incisively any ironies in the different interpretations. Sophisticated: an unusually thorough, elegant, and inventive account of the American Dream; fully supported, verified and justified; deep and broad; goes well beyond the information given. Profound: a powerful and illuminating interpretation and analysis of the importance/meaning/ significance; sees deeply and incisively any ironies in the different interpretations. Insightful: a penetrating and novel viewpoint of the American Dream; takes a long and dispassionate, critical view of the issues involved. Highly Effective: The (8 pts) (8 pts) (8 pts) (8 pts) (8 pts) (8 pts) Developed: an account of the American Dream that reflects some in-depth and personalized ideas; the students are making the work their own, going beyond the given–there is supported theory here. Perceptive: a helpful interpretation or analysis of the importance/ meaning/significance: tells a clear and instructive story of the American Dream. Provides a useful history or context; sees different levels of interpretation Developed: an account of the American Dream that reflects some indepth and personalized ideas; the student is making the work his/her own, going beyond the given– there is supported theory here. Perceptive: a helpful interpretation or analysis of the importance/ meaning/significance: tells a clear and instructive story of the American Dream. Provides a useful history or context; sees different levels of interpretation. Considered: a reasonably critical and comprehensive look at all points of view in the context of one’s own; makes clear that there is plausibility to other points of view in the American Dream. Effective: The product is effective. The layout and design elements are presented in a clear and thorough manner, showing awareness of the audience, context, and purpose. product is highly effective. The product is engaging, polished, clear, and presents the material in a thorough manner. The presentation is mindful of the audience, context, and purpose. The final product shows high quality craftsmanship. Group Explanation Group Interpretation Individual Explanation Individual Perspective Individual Performance (5 pts) (5 pts) (5 pts) (5 pts) (5 point possible) (5 pts) Intuitive: an incomplete account but with apt and insightful ideas about the American Dream; extends and deepens some of what was learned; some “reading between the lines.” There is a theory. Interpreted: a plausible interpretation or analysis of the importance/ meaning/significance; makes sense of a story; provides a history your context to the American Dream. Intuitive: an incomplete account but with apt and insightful ideas about the American Dream; extends and deepens some of what was learned; some “reading between the lines.” There is a theory. Interpreted: a plausible interpretation or analysis of the importance/ meaning/significance; makes sense of a story; provides a history your context to the American Dream. Aware: knows of different points of view and somewhat able to place own view in perspective, but weakness in considering worth of each perspective (3 pts) (3 pts) (3 pts) (3 pts) SomewhatEffective: The product is somewhat effective. Some problems with clarity, thoroughness, delivery, and polish are evident. It is unclear whether the audience, context and purpose have been considered. (3 pts) (3 pts) Naïve: a superficial account of the American Dream: more descriptive than analytical or relative;; less a theory than an unexamined hunch or borrowed idea. Literal: a simplistic or Naïve: a superficial account of the American Dream: more descriptive than analytical or relative;; less a theory than an unexamined hunch or borrowed idea. Literal: a simplistic or Uncritical: unaware of different points of view; prone to overlook or ignore other perspectives. superficial reading of the American Dream. Mechanical translation; a decoding with little or no interpretation; no sense of wider importance or significance: a restatement of what was taught or read. Individual Interpretation superficial reading of the American Dream. Mechanical translation; a decoding with little or no interpretation; no sense of wider importance or significance: a restatement of what was taught or read. Ineffective: The product is ineffective. The product is unpolished, providing little evidence of planning, practice, and consideration of purpose and audience; or the presentation is so unclear and confusing that the key points are difficult to determine.