AGM 2013 Minutes - Council of Archives New Brunswick

Council of Archives New Brunswick
Annual General Meeting
May 24, 2013
Present: Patti Johnson (UNB), Patsy Hale (UNB), Amanda Tomé (UNB), David Mawhinney
(Mount Allison University), Ava Sturgeon (Grand Manan Archives), Natalie Urquhart (Grand
Manan Archives) Marilyn Brewer (Girl Guides of Canada – NB Council), C. Ruth Lawrence (Girl
Guides of Canada – NB Council), Robert Richard (CEAAC), Carl Eisen (CEAAC), Richard Brown
(Kings County Historical & Archival Society), Elsie Carroll, (McAdam Railway Station), Dave
McInroy (McAdam Railway Station), Janice Fairney (Charlotte County Archives), Maureen Boone
(Grand Bay-Westfield Heritage Com.), Janet Holt (Saint John Police Museum), Alberta Mercer
(Saint John Police Museum), Ruth Murgatroyd (Fredericton Region Museum), Melynda Jarratt (NB
Sports Hall of Fame), Philippe Basque (Société historique Nicolas-Denys & Village Historique
Acadien), Fred Farrell (PANB), Joanna Aiton-Kerr (PANB), Anne LeClair (PANB), Tim
McLaughlin (YCW summer student), Felicity Osepchook (NBM) (minutes)
1. Welcome and announcements
CANB President, Joanna Aiton welcomed members to the 2013 Annual General Meeting.
2. Approval of the agenda
No additions to the agenda
3. Approval of the minutes for the 2012 CANB AGM
Motion to approve the minutes for May 25, 2012: Ruth Lawrence
Seconded: Ava Sturgeon
4. President’s Report
Joanna reported that the application which was submitted to the Strategic Initiatives
component of the Canada Cultural Investment Fund, for setting up a province-wide
photographic database, was unfortunately not accepted, as this particular funding stream is for
Considering the financial climate and the NADP funding cuts, CANB has been fortunate to
be able to continue moving forward. Travel for the Archives Advisor has been somewhat
curtailed, in order to cut expenses.
At the May 2011 Annual General Meeting, CANB membership agreed to move forward with
the implementation of a web-based database of archival holdings, and that ICA-AtoM would
be the chosen database. Throughout the year, Joanna has been in discussions with
Archivematica, and also with representatives from other Atlantic Councils. There was an
interest from other Councils in combining efforts and resources, and a meeting was held in
Nova Scotia, which both Joanna and Fred attended. It was determined, by the end of this
meeting, that it was best for each Council to develop their own database.
We now have a quote from Archivematica and will hopefully have AtoM up and running the
week of the 27th. Tim McLaughlin is a summer student who has been hired through the
Young Canada Works program, and he will be working on reviewing and editing
descriptions. Training will also be provided for members who wish to use AtoM.
When the NADP funding was eliminated last year, we were fortunate to have the Heritage
Branch of the Provincial Government grant CANB $65,000.00. Some of these funds were
used to pay for the Advisor’s salary, as well as travel for professional development. The
remainder of the funds were used to complete preservation projects, to create another
calendar and to distribute grants to CANB members for institutional projects through a grant
application process. We are still waiting for confirmation of the amount of grant money
CANB will receive this year.
Outreach activities included CANB creating another calendar with the theme of “water for
life”. Joanna visited the Garden Creek Elementary school grade 5 class room for a
presentation introducing children to archives, and CANB executive members, as well as the
Archives Advisor, attended Heritage Fairs.
The digital guide that was created last summer by the Young Canada Works student and
archivist William Vinh-Doyle, was completed and is very in-depth. Melissa has condensed it
to 14 pages. It will be available online once it is translated.
5. Grants program
Fred reported that when NADP funds were cancelled, an inundation of applications was
expected, but instead there has been a marked drop in the numbers, and the same applies to
the Young Canada Works applications. The reasoning is not certain, but could relate to the
amount of time required to prepare the application, and/or the amount of funding available in
the program. There have also been complaints concerning the delay in hearing whether an
application has been successful. The deadlines for applications next year may be moved up to
allow for earlier notification.
CANB grant applications will likely be requested in June.
6. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
Felicity reviewed the financial statements
7. Archives Advisor’s Report
The report was provided to members.
Melissa mentioned that there was quite a bit of activity related to the NADP funding cuts.
The number of site visits were reduced due to funding cuts , but assistance to members will
still be provided in some way.
Marilyn Brewer mentioned that the assistance provided by the Archives Advisor is greatly
8. Preservation Advisor’s Report
There is no report as yet, but a report will be posted to the CANB website when available
9. CCA Update (Fred Farrell)
Fred reported that CCA has a 2 to 3 year window to become viable. Now that the funding has
been cut, they are working with reserve funds. Webinars have been developed and offered,
and a variety of topics will be developed over the next few months. CCA has applied for a
grant to make these webinars more stable, but they have not yet heard if the application has
been successful.
A number of expert panels have been created to look at the archival situation in Canada.
There could be some public meetings across the country. CANB will keep members posted.
There should be a letter going out from CCA in a few days, concerning the replacement of
Daniel Caron.
10. CANB Executive for 2013-14 – Election of New Officers
Joanna reported that Patti Johnson has stepped down as Member at Large. Amanda Tomé
and Janice Fairney have offered to become Members at Large. Joanna asked 3 times for
other nominations from the floor, but as none were received, both Amanda and Janice
were acclaimed. David Mawhinney will be taking over the position of Secretary. Joanna
remains as President, with Carl Eisen as Vice President and Felicity as Treasurer.