Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF EQUITY & DERIVATIVES A Project Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment Of Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) To TIMSR By RAJ PANDYA Batch 2010-11 Under the Guidance of Prof. Dr. GITIKA MAYANK THAKUR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES AND RESEARCH KANDIVILI MUMBAI 1 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the study presented by Raj Pandya to Thakur Institute of Management Studies and Research in part completion of Post Graduate Diploma in Management under Empirical analysis of equity and derivatives has been done under my guidance in the year 2009 - 2011 The Project is in the nature of original work that has not so far been submitted for any other course in this institute or any other institute. Reference of work and relative sources of information have been given at the end of the project Signature of the Candidate (Raj Pandya) Forwarded through the Research Guide Signature of the Guide (Prof. Dr. Gitika Mayank) 2 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The success of my project was not only with my efforts but also with interest, guidance and help offered to me by others. It gives me great pleasure to express my gratitude towards all the individuals who have directly or indirectly helped me in completing this project. I wish to express my sincere thanks to our Director Dr. Mrinalini Kohojkar and my project guide Prof. Dr. Gitika Mayank for providing me valuable guidance & inputs which helped me to complete this project in true sense. I would also like to express my thanks to my colleagues for their constant help and guidance throughout the project. Also, not forgetting the college library facilities and computer lab facilities without whose help gathering the relevant information would not have been possible. 3 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Executive Summary The project is about the empirical analysis of equity and derivative. It gives the knowledge of market position of the company. I studied as to how this company proves to an option for the investors, by studying the performance of investing in equity & derivative for few months considering their analysis. I selected area of empirical analysis of equity & derivative, which attract different kinds of investors to invest in equity derivative and to face high risk and get high returns. I have applied some option strategies on the live market. The major findings of the project are to overview of the comparison between equity cash segment and equity derivative segment . The methodology of the project here is to analyze the Equity & Derivative performance based on fundamental and option strategies. The methodology of the project here is to analyze the investment opportunities available for those investors & study the returns & risk involved in various investment opportunities and also study of investment management & risk management. So for that we have to study & analyze the performance of Equity & Derivative in the market. We know that there is a high risk, high return in equity but in a long time only. While in derivative there is a high risk, high return in the short term, because derivative contract is for short time for 1/2/3 months only. So this project included different types of returns, margin & risk involved in equity, and types, need, use & margin involved in the derivatives market and also participants & terms use in derivative market. 4 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Objective of the study Any investor’s vision is a long term investment and short term investment and gets high returns by bearing high risk. For that objective need to be climbed successfully an so objectives of this project are, 1) To find the RIGHT SCRIPT to buy and sell at the RIGHT TIME 2) To get good return. 3) To know how derivatives can be use for hedging. 4) To know the outcome of Equity and Derivative. 5) How to apply derivative option strategies. METHODOLOGY OF THE PROJECT Defining objective won’t suffice unless and until a proper methodology is to achieve the objectives. 1) Analyzing and observing the investment opportunities. 2) Analyzing the performance of Equity and Derivative market with the help of NAV, EPS, P/E ratio etc. 5 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives INDEX Sr. No Topic Page No. 1 Introduction 1 2 Equity 3 3 Benefits of equity 4 4 Risk in equity investment 6 5 Selection of shares 8 6 Lesson to be learn 10 7 Types of cash margin 14 8 Derivative 17 9 Types of derivatives 19 10 Option strategies 29 11 Types of traders in derivative market 34 12 Types of future & option margin 36 13 Comparative analysis 39 14 Conclusion 44 15 References 45 6 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Introduction Background of the study: The oldest stock exchange in Asia (established in 1875) and the first in the country to be granted permanent recognition under the Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956, Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) has had an interesting rise to prominence over the past 133 years. A lot has changed since 1875 when 318 persons became members of what today is called “Bombay Stock Exchange Limited” paying a princely amount of Re 1. In 2002, the name "The Stock Exchange, Mumbai" was changed to Bombay Stock Exchange. Subsequently on August 19, 2005, the exchange turned into a corporate entity from an Association of Persons (AoP) and renamed as Bombay Stock Exchange Limited. BSE, which had introduced securities trading in India, replaced its open outcry system of trading in 1995, with the totally automated trading through the BSE Online trading (BOLT) system. The BOLT network was expanded nationwide in 1997. Since then, the stock market in the country has passed through both good and bad periods. The journey in the 20th century has not been an easy one. Till the decade of eighties, there was no measure or scale that could precisely measure the various ups and downs in the Indian stock market. Bombay stock Exchange Limited (BSE) in 1986 came out with a stock Index that subsequently became the barometer of the Indian Stock Market. SENSEX first compiled in 1986 was calculated on a “Market Capitalization Weighted” methodology of 30 component stocks representing a sample of large, well established and financially sound companies. The base year of SENSEX is 1978-79. The index is widely reported in both domestic and international markets through prints as well as electronic media. SENSEX is not only scientifically designed but also based on globally accepted construction and review methodology. From September 2003, the SENSEX is calculated on a free-float market capitalization methodology. The “free-float Market Capitalization-Weighted” methodology is a widely followed index construction methodology on which majority of global equity benchmarks are based. 7 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives The growth of equity markets in India has been phenomenal in the decade gone by Right from early nineties the stock market witnessed heightened activity in terms of various bull and bear runs. The SENSEX captured all these happenings in the most judicial manner. One can identify the booms and bust of the Indian equity market through SENSEX. The Exchange also disseminates the Price-Earnings Ratio, the Price to Book Value Ratio and the Dividend Yield Percentage on day-to-day basis of all its major indices. The value of all BSE indices are every 15 seconds during the market hours and displayed through the BOLT system. BSE website and news wire agencies. All BSE-Indices are reviewed periodically by the “Index Committee” of the Exchange. The Committee frames the broad policy guidelines for the development and maintenance of all BSE indices. Department of BSE Indices of the exchange carries out the day to day maintenance of all indices and conducts research on development of new indices. Institutional investors, money managers and small investors all refer to the Sensex for their specific purposes The Sensex is in effect the substitute for the Indian stock markets. The country's first derivative product i.e. Index-Futures was launched on SENSEX. 8 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Equity Total equity capital of a company is divided into equal units of small denominations, each called a share. It is a stock or any other security representing an ownership interest. It proves the ownership interest of stock holders in a company. For example: In a company the total equity capital of Rs 2, 00, 00,000 is divided into 20, 00,000 units of Rs 10 each. Each such unit of Rs 10 is called a Share. Thus, the company then is said to have 20, 00,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each. The holders of such shares are members of the company and have voting rights. 9 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Benefits from Equity The benefits distributed by the company to its shareholders can be: 1) Monetary Benefits and 2) Non Monetary Benefits. 1. Monetary Benefits: A. Dividend: An equity shareholder has a right on the profits generated by the company. Profits are distributed in part or in full in the form of dividends. Dividend is an earning on the investment made in shares, just like interest in case of bonds or debentures. A company can issue dividend in two forms: a) Interim Dividend and b) Final Dividend. While final dividend is distributed only after closing of financial year; companies at times declare an interim dividend during a financial year. Hence if X Ltd. earns a profit of Rs 40 crore and decides to distribute Rs 2 to each shareholder, a holding of 200 shares of X Ltd. would entitle you to Rs 400 as dividend. This is a return that you shall earn as a result of the investment made by you by subscribing to the shares of X Ltd. B. Capital Appreciation: A shareholder also benefits from capital appreciation. Simply put, this means an increase in the value of the company usually reflected in its share price. Companies generally do not distribute all their profits as dividend. As the companies grow, profits are re-invested in the business. This means an increase in net worth, which results in appreciation in the value of shares. Hence, if you purchase 200 shares of X Ltd at Rs 20 per share and hold the same for two years, after which the value of each share is Rs 35. This means that your capital has appreciated by Rs 3000. 2. Non-Monetary Benefits: Apart from dividends and capital appreciation, investments in shares also fetch some type of non-monetary benefits to a shareholder. Bonuses and rights issues are two such noticeable benefits. A. Bonus: An issue of bonus shares is the distribution free of cost to the shareholders usually made when a company capitalizes on profits made over a period of time. Rather than paying dividends, companies give additional shares in a pre-defined ratio. Prima facie, it does not affect the wealth of shareholders. However, in practice, bonuses carry certain latent advantages such as tax benefits, better future growth potential, and an increase in the floating stock of the company, etc. Hence if X Ltd decides to issue bonus shares in a ration of 1:1, every existing shareholder of X Ltd 10 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives would receive one additional share free for each share held by him. Of course, taking the bonus into account, the share price would also ideally fall by 50 percent post bonus. However, depending upon market expectations, the share price may rise or fall on the bonus announcement. B. Rights Issue: A rights issue involves selling of ordinary shares to the existing shareholders of the company. A company wishing to increase its subscribed capital by allotment of further shares should first offer them to its existing shareholders. The benefit of a rights issue is that existing shareholders maintain control of the company. Also, this results in an expanded capital base, after which the company is able to perform better. This gets reflected in the appreciation of share value. 11 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Risks In equity investment: Although an equity investment is the most rewarding in terms of returns generated, certain risks are essential to understand before venturing into the world of equity. Market/ Economy Risk. Industry Risk. Management Risk. Business Risk. Financial Risk Exchange Rate Risk. Inflation Risk. Interest Rate Risk. How to overcome risks: Most risks associated with investments in shares can be reduced by using the tool of diversification. Purchasing shares of different companies and creating a diversified portfolio has proven to be one of the most reliable tools of risk reduction. 12 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives The process of Diversification: When you hold shares in a single company, you run the risk of a large magnitude. As your portfolio expands to include shares of more companies, the company specific risk reduces. The benefits of creating a well diversified portfolio can be gauged from the fact that as you add more shares to your portfolio, the weightage of each company’s share gets reduced. Hence any adverse event related to any one company would not expose you to immense risk. The same logic can be extended to a sector or an industry. In fact, diversifying across sectors and industries reaps the real benefits of diversification. Sector specific risks get minimised when shares of other sectors are added to the portfolio. This is because a recession or a downtrend is not seen in all sectors together at the same time. However all risks cannot be reduced: Though it is possible to reduce risk, the process of equity investing itself comes with certain inherent risks, which cannot be reduced by strategies such as diversification. These risks are called systematic risk as they arise from the system, such as interest rate risk and inflation risk. As these risks cannot be diversified, theoretically, investors are rewarded for taking systematic risks for equity investment. 13 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Selection of Shares Proper selections of shares are of two types: 1. Fundamental analysis: It involves in –depth study and analysis of the prospective company whose shares we want to buy, the industry it operates in and the overall market scenario. It can be done by reading and assessing the company’s annual reports, research reports published by equity research houses, research analysis published by the media and discussions with the company’s management or the other experienced investors. 2. Technical analysis: It involves studying the prices movement of the stock over an extended period of time in the past to judge the trend of the future price movement. It can be done by software programs, which generate stock prices charts indicating upward. Downward and sideways movements of the stock price over the stipulated time period. When to buy & sell shares: With high volatility prevailing in the market, major price fluctuations in equities are not uncommon. Therefore, apart from ascertaining ‘which’ stock to buy or sell, it becomes equally important to consider ‘when’ to buy or sell. Any investor should be aware of the fact where all the investor is following i.e., Buy Low. Sell High. That means we should buy stocks at a low price and sell them at a high price. When to buy Three ways by which we can figure that out what it is about this stock that makes it hot. 1. Earnings per Share (EPS): How well the company is doing EPS is the total earning or profits made by company (during a given period of time) calculated on per share basis. It aims to give an exact evaluation of the returns that the company can deliver. 14 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Example: Company XYZ Ltd. Capital: Rs 100 crore (Rs 1 billion). Capital is the amount the owner has in the business. As the business grows and makes profits, it adds to its capital. This capital is subdivided into shares (or stocks). The capital is divided into 100 million shares of Rs 10 each. Net Profit in 2003-04: Rs 20 crore (Rs 200 million). EPS is the net profit divided by the total number of shares. EPS = net profit/ number of shares EPS = Rs 20 crore (Rs 200 million)/ 10 crore (100 million) shares = Rs 2 per share 15 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Lesson to be learnt If a company's EPS has grown over the years, it means the company is doing well, and the price of the share will go up. If the EPS declines, that's a bad sign, and the stock price falls. Companies are required to publish their quarterly results. Keep an eye out for these results; check for the trend in their EPS. Price earnings ratio (PE ratio): How other investors view this share An indicator of how highly a share is valued in the market. It arrived at by dividing the closing price of a share on a particular day by EPS. The ratio tends to be high in the case of highly rated shares. The average PE ratio for companies in an industry group is often given in investment journal. Two stocks may have the same EPS. But they may have different market prices. That's because, for some reason, the market places a greater value on that stock. PE ratio is the market price of the stock divided by its EPS. PE = market price/ EPS Let’s take an example of two companies. Company XYZ Ltd Market price = Rs 100 EPS = Rs 2 PE ratio = 100/ 2 = 50 Company ABC Ltd Market price = Rs 200 EPS = Rs 2 PE ratio = 200/ 2 = 100 In the above cases, both companies have the same EPS. But because their market price is different, the PE ratio is different. 16 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives In the case of EPS, it is not so much a high or low EPS that matters as the growth in the EPS. The company's PE reflects investors' expectations of future growth in the EPS. A high PE company is one where investors have hopes that earnings will rise, which is why they buy the share. Forward PE: Looking ahead The stock market is not nostalgic. It is forward looking. For instance, it sometimes happens that a sick company, that has made losses for several years, gets a rehabilitation package from its bank and a new CEO. As a consequence, the company's stock shoots up. Because investors think the company will do better in the future because of the package and new leadership, and its earnings will go up. And we think it is a good time to buy the shares of the company now. Suddenly, the demand for the shares has gone up. Because stock prices are based on expectations of future earnings, analysts usually estimate the future earnings per share of a company. This is known as the forward PE. Forward PE is the current market price divided by the estimated EPS, usually for the next financial year. Forward PE = Current market price/ estimate EPS for the next financial year. To illustrate what we have been talking about, let's take the example of ABC LTD. Trailing 12-month EPS = Rs 56.82 (EPS of the last four quarters) Closing price on January 6 = Rs 2043.15 PE = Price/EPS = 2043.15/ 56.82 = 35.95 Estimated EPS for 2009-10 = Rs 67 Estimated EPS for 2010-11 = Rs 90 these figures are according to brokers' consensus estimates. Forward PE = current market price/ estimated EPS for next financial year Forward PE for 2009-10 = 2043.15/ 67 = 30.49 Forward PE for 2010-11 = 2043.15/ 90 = 22.70 With an EPS growth of over 30%, a forward PE of 22.7 is not high, indicating that there is scope to be optimistic about the stock's price. 17 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Sometimes, investors look out for a low PE stock, expecting that its price will rise in the future. But sometimes, low PE stocks may remain low PE stocks for ages, because the market doesn't fancy them. Keep tab on the business news to check out the company's prospects in the future When to sell Stock Reaches Fair Value or Target Price This is the easiest part of selling. We should sell when a stock reaches its fair value. It is the main reason why we chose to buy it on the first place. The target price can be computed by assessing the company’s estimated financial performance over the next 3 to 5 years, computing its EPS and using an acceptable P/E ratio to compute the future market price. Based on this future estimated price and our required return on our investment, compute our target price. When the prices reaches Stop loss It is advisable to always consider the possibility of a loss before making our investment. We should decide how much loss we are willing to book in the stock. The lower price i.e., the price at which we are willing curtail our loss, is called ‘Stop Loss’. Need the money The generally happens due to improper planning. However, things happen. Even the most carefully planned strategy may not work. Catastrophic events may force investors to sell an investment if his household is affected by it. The book is unclean When management left their post abruptly or when the SEBI conduct a criminal investigation on a company, it may be time to sell. Our assumption may be inaccurate as a lot of fair value calculation is based on the company's balance sheet, cash flow or other financial statement published by management. 18 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Takeover news When one of your stock holding is getting bought by other companies, it may be time to sell. Sure, you might like the acquiring company but you still need to figure out the fair value of the common stock of the acquiring company. If the acquiring company is overvalued, then it is best to sell. Other Investment Opportunity Let us consider we bought stock A and it has risen to 10% below its fair value. Meanwhile, we noticed that stock B fallen to below 50% of our calculated fair value. This is an easy decision. We will sell our stock A and buy stock B. Our goal as an investor is to maximize our investment return. Sacrificing a 10% of return in order to earn a 50% return is a sensible way to do that. Inaccurate Fair Value Calculation As investors, we sometimes made errors in our fair value calculation. There are factors that we might not take into accounts when researching a particular company. For example, satyam scandal. New Competitors with Better Products When new competitors sprung up, the company that you hold might have to spend more money in order to fend off competition. Recent example includes the emergence of pay-per click advertising by Google. Any advertising business such as newspapers or cable network, this new product by Google might hurt profit margins and eventually the fair value of the stock. Not having a valid reason to Buy When we don't know why we bought a particular stock, we won't know how much our potential return is or when we should sell it. This is the easiest way of losing money. When we have no valid reason to buy, we should sell immediately. 19 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Types of Cash market margin 1. Value at Risk (VaR) margin. 2. Extreme loss margin 3. Mark to market Margin 1. Value at Risk (VaR) margin : VaR Margin is at the heart of margining system for the cash market segment. VaR is a technique used to estimate the probability of loss of value of an asset or group of assets (for example a share or a portfolio of a few shares), based on the statistical analysis of historical price trends and volatilities. A VaR statistic has three components: a time period, a confidence level and a loss amount (or loss percentage). Keep these three parts in mind as we give some examples of variations of the question that VaR answers: With 99% confidence, what is the maximum value that an asset or portfolio may lose over the next day? Example: Suppose shares of a company bought by an investor. Its market value today is Rs.50 lakhs but its market value tomorrow is obviously not known. An investor holding these shares may, based on VaR methodology, say that 1-day VaR is Rs.4 lakhs at 99% confidence level. This implies that under normal trading conditions the investor can, with 99% confidence, say that the value of the shares would not go down by more than Rs.4 lakhs within next 1-day. In the stock exchange scenario, a VaR Margin is a margin intended to cover the largest loss (in %) that may be faced by an investor for his / her shares (both purchases and sales) on a single day with a 99% confidence level. The VaR margin is collected on an upfront basis (at the time of trade). 20 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives How is VaR margin calculated? VaR is computed using exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) methodology. Based on statistical analysis, 94% weight is given to volatility on ‘T-1’ day and 6% weight is given to ‘T’ day returns. To compute, volatility for January 1, 2008, first we need to compute day’s return for Jan 1, 2009 by using LN (close price on Jan 1, 2009 / close price on Dec 31, 2008). Take volatility computed as on December 31, 2008. Use the following formula to calculate volatility for January 1, 2009: Square root of [0.94*(Dec 31, 2008 volatility)*(Dec 31, 2008 volatility)+ 0.06*(January 1, 2009 LN return)*(January 1, 2009 LN return)] Example: Share of ABC Ltd Volatility on December 31, 2008 = 0.0314 Closing price on December 31, 2008 = Rs. 360 Closing price on January 1, 2009 = Rs. 330 January 1, 2009 volatility = Square root of [(0.94*(0.0314)*(0.0314) + 0.06 (0.08701)* (0.08701)] = 0.037 or 3.7% How is the Extreme Loss Margin computed? The extreme loss margin aims at covering the losses that could occur outside the coverage of VaR margins. The Extreme loss margin for any stock is higher of 1.5 times the standard deviation of daily LN returns of the stock price in the last six months or 5% of the value of the position. This margin rate is fixed at the beginning of every month, by taking the price data on a rolling basis for the past six months. 21 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Example: In the Example given at question 10, the VaR margin rate for shares of ABC Ltd. was 13%. Suppose the 1.5 times standard deviation of daily LN returns is 3.1%. Then 5% (which is higher than 3.1%) will be taken as the Extreme Loss margin rate. Therefore, the total margin on the security would be 18% (13% VaR Margin + 5% Extreme Loss Margin). As such, total margin payable (VaR margin + extreme loss margin) on a trade of Rs.10 lakhs would be 1, 80,000/ How is Mark-to-Market (MTM) margin computed? MTM is calculated at the end of the day on all open positions by comparing transaction price with the closing price of the share for the day. Example: A buyer purchased 1000 shares @ Rs.100/-at 11 am on January 1, 2008. If close price of the shares on that day happens to be Rs.75/-, then the buyer faces a notional loss of Rs.25, 000/ -on his buy position. In technical terms this loss is called as MTM loss and is payable by January 2, 2008 (that is next day of the trade) before the trading begins. In case price of the share falls further by the end of January 2, 2008 to Rs. 70/-, then buy position would show a further loss of Rs.5,000/-. This MTM loss is payable. In case, on a given day, buy and sell quantity in a share are equal, that is net quantity position is zero, but there could still be a notional loss / gain (due to difference between the buy and sell values), such notional loss also is considered for calculating the MTM payable. MTM Profit/Loss = [(Total Buy Qty X Close price)] -Total Buy Value] -[Total Sale Value (Total Sale Qty X Close price)] 22 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Derivatives Derivative is a product whose value is derived from the value of one or more basic variables, called bases (underlying asset, index, or reference rate), in a contractual manner. The underlying asset can be equity, forex, commodity or any other asset. For example, wheat farmers may wish to sell their harvest at a future date to eliminate the risk of a change in prices by that date. Such a transaction is an example of a derivative. The price of this derivative is driven by the spot price of wheat which is the "underlying". In the Indian context the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (SCRA) defines "derivative" to include- 1. A security derived from a debt instrument, share, loan whether secured or unsecured, risk instrument or contract for differences or any other form of security. 2. A contract which derives its value from the prices, or index of prices, of underlying securities. Derivatives are securities under the SC(R)A and hence the trading of derivatives is governed by the regulatory framework under the SC(R)A. 23 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Factors driving the growth of derivatives Over the last three decades, the derivatives market has seen a phenomenal growth. A large variety of derivative contracts have been launched at exchanges across the world. Some of the factors driving the growth of financial derivatives are: 1. Increased volatility in asset prices in financial markets, 2. Increased integration of national financial markets with the international markets, 3. Marked improvement in communication facilities and sharp decline in their costs, 4. Development of more sophisticated risk management tools, providing economic agents a wider choice of risk management strategies, and 5. Innovations in the derivatives markets, which optimally combine the risks and returns over a large number of financial assets leading to higher returns, reduced risk as well as transactions costs as compared to individual financial assets. 24 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Types of derivatives 1. Forward Contract: A forward contract is an agreement to buy or sell an asset on a specified date for a specified price. One of the parties to the contract assumes a long position and agrees to buy the underlying asset on a certain specified future date for a certain specified price. The other party assumes a short position and agrees to sell the asset on the same date for the same price. Other contract details like delivery date, price and quantity are negotiated bilaterally by the parties to the contract. The forward contracts are normally traded outside the exchanges. The salient features of forward contracts are: • They are bilateral contracts and hence exposed to counter-party risk. • Each contract is custom designed, and hence is unique in terms of contract size, expiration date and the asset type and quality. • The contract price is generally not available in public domain. • On the expiration date, the contract has to be settled by delivery of the asset. • If the party wishes to reverse the contract, it has to compulsorily go to the same counter-party, which often results in high prices being charged. Limitations of Forward Contract Forward markets world-wide are afflicted by several problems: Lack of centralization of trading, Illiquidity, and Counterparty risk 25 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives In the first two of these, the basic problem is that of too much flexibility and generality. The forward market is like a real estate market in that any two consenting adults can form contracts against each other. This often makes them design terms of the deal which are very convenient in that specific situation, but makes the contracts non-tradable. Counterparty risk arises from the possibility of default by any one party to the transaction. When one of the two sides to the transaction declares bankruptcy, the other suffers. Even when forward markets trade standardized contracts, and hence avoid the problem of illiquidity, still the counterparty risk remains a very serious issue. 2. Future Contracts: Futures markets were designed to solve the problems that exist in forward markets. A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future at a certain price. But unlike forward contracts, the futures contracts are standardized and exchange traded. To facilitate liquidity in the futures contracts, the exchange specifies certain standard features of the contract. It is a standardized contract with standard underlying instrument, a standard quantity and quality of the underlying instrument that can be delivered, (or which can be used for reference purposes in settlement) and a standard timing of such settlement. A futures contract may be offset prior to maturity by entering into an equal and opposite transaction. More than 99% of futures transactions are offset this way. The standardized items in a futures contract are: Quantity of the underlying Quality of the underlying The date and the month of delivery The units of price quotation and minimum price change Location of settlement 26 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Payoff The payoff from a long position in a forward contract is P = S - X, where S is a spot price of the security at time of contract maturity, X is the delivery price. Similarly, the payoff from a short position is P = X - S. For example, let's say the current price of the stock is $80.00 and we entered in forward contract to buy this stock in 3 months time for $81.00 (that means we hope that price will not fall lower than $81.00). If after three months price is more than $81.00, let's say $83.00, than we can buy the same stock for $81.00 (as stated by forward contract) and after reselling it on the market our payoff will be P = $83.00 - $81.00 = $2.00 If at forward maturity the stock price falls to $78.00, than our loss will be P = $81.00 - $78.00 = $3.00 The graphs above illustrate the forward contract payoff patterns for long and short positions. 27 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Distinction between futures and forwards Future terminology Spot price: The price at which an asset trades in the spot market. Futures price: The price at which the futures contract trades in the futures market. Contract cycle: The period over which a contract trades. The index futures contracts on the NSE have one- month, two-month and three months expiry cycles which expire on the last Thursday of the month. Thus a January expiration contract expires on the last Thursday of January and a February expiration contract ceases trading on the last Thursday of February. On the Friday following the last Thursday, a new contract having a three- month expiry is introduced for trading. Expiry date: It is the date specified in the futures contract. This is the last day on which the contract will be traded, at the end of which it will cease to exist. Contract size: The amount of asset that has to be delivered less than one contract. Also called as lot size. Basis: In the context of financial futures, basis can be defined as the futures price minus the spot price. There will be a different basis for each delivery month for each contract. In a normal market, basis will be positive. This reflects that futures prices normally exceed spot prices. Cost of carry: The relationship between futures prices and spot prices can be summarized in terms of what is known as the cost of carry. This measures the storage cost plus the interest that is paid to finance the asset less the income earned on the asset. Initial margin: The amount that must be deposited in the margin account at the time a futures contract is first entered into is known as initial margin. 28 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Marking-to-market: In the futures market, at the end of each trading day, the margin account is adjusted to reflect the investor's gain or loss depending upon the futures closing price. This is called marking-to-market. Maintenance margin: This is somewhat lower than the initial margin. This is set to ensure that the balance in the margin account never becomes negative. If the balance in the margin account falls below the maintenance margin, the investor receives a margin call and is expected to top up the margin account to the initial margin level before trading commences on the next day. 3. Option Contracts An option is a contract written by a seller that conveys to the buyer the right — but not the obligation — to buy (in the case of a call option) or to sell (in the case of a put option) particular asset, at a particular price (Strike price / Exercise price) in future. In return for granting the option, the seller collects a payment (the premium) from the buyer. Exchange traded options form an important class of options which have standardized contract futures and trade on public exchanges, facilitating trading among large number of investors. Theyprovide settlement guarantee by the Clearing Corporation thereby reducing counterpartyrisk. Options can be used for hedging, taking a view on the future direction of the market, for arbitrage or for implementing strategies which can help in generating income for investors under various market conditions. Option Terminology Index options: These options have the index as the underlying. Some options are European while others are American. Like index futures contracts, index options contracts are also cash settled. 29 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Stock options: Stock options are options on individual stoc ks. Options currently trade on over 500 stocks in the United States. A contract gives the holder the right to buy or sell shares at the specified price. Buyer of an option: The buyer of an option is the one who by paying the option premium buys the right but not the obligation to exercise his option on the seller/writer. Writer of an option: The writer of a call/put option is the one who receives the option premium and is thereby obliged to sell/buy the asset if the buyer exercises on him. Option price/premium: Option price is the price which the option buyer pays to the option seller. It is also referred to as the option premium. Expiration date: The date specified in the options contract is known as the expiration date, the exercise date, the strike date or the maturity. Strike price: The price specified in the options contract is known as the strike price or the exercise price. American options: American options are options that can be exercised at any time upto the expiration date. Most exchange-traded options are American. European options: European options are options that can be exercised only on the expiration date itself. European options are easier to analyze than American options, and properties of an American option are frequently deduced from those of its European counterpart. In-the-money option: An in-the-money (ITM) option is an option that would lead to a positive cash flow to the holder if it were exercised immediately. A call option on the index is said to be in-the-money when the current index stands at a level higher than the strike price (i.e. spot price >strike price). If the index is much higher than the strike price, the call is said to be deep ITM. In the case of a put, the put is ITM if the index is below the strike price. At-the-money option: An at-the-money (ATM) option is an option that would lead to zero cash flow if it were exercised immediately. An option on the index is at-themoney when the current index equals the strike price (i.e. spot price = strike price). Out-of-the-money option: An out-of-the-money (OTM) option is an option that would lead to a negative cash flow if it were exercised immediately. A call option on the index is out-of-the money when the current index stands at a level which is less than the strike price (i.e. spot price < strike price). If the index is much lower than the 30 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives strike price, the call is said to be deep OTM. In the case of a put, the put is OTM if the index is above the strike price. Intrinsic value of an option: The option premium can be broken down into two components intrinsic value and time value. The intrinsic value of a call is the amount the option is ITM, if it is ITM. If the call is OTM, its intrinsic value is zero. Putting it another way, the intrinsic value of a call is Max[0, (St — K)] which means the intrinsic value of a call is the greater of 0 or (St — K). Similarly, the intrinsic value of a put is Max[0, K — St],i.e. the greater of 0 or (K — St). K is the strike price and St is the spot price. Time value of an option: The time value of an option is the difference between its premium and its intrinsic value. Both calls and puts have time value. An option that is OTM or ATM has only time value. Usually, the maximum time value exists when the option is ATM. The longer the time to expiration, the greater is an option's time value, all else equal. At expiration, an option should have no time value. There are two basic types of options, call options and put options. Call option: A call option gives the holder the right but not the obligation to buy an asset by a certain date for a certain price. i) Long a call:- person buys the right (a contract) to buy an asset at a certain price. We feel that the price in the future will exceed the strike price. This is a bullish position. ii) Short a call:- person sells the right ( a contract) to someone that allows them to buy to buy an asset at a certain price. The writer feels that asset will devaluate over the time period of the contract. This person is bearish on that asset. Put option: A put option gives the holder the right but not the obligation to sell an asset by a certain date for a certain price. i) Long a put:- Buy the right to sell an asset at a pre-determined price. We feel that the asset will devalue over the time of the contract. Therefore we can sell the asset at a higher price than is the current market value. This is a bearish position. ii) Short a put:- sell the right to someone else. This will allow them to sell the asset at a specific price. We feel the price will go down and we do not. This is a bullish position. 31 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Profit / payoff in Option The payoff to a derivative portfolio is the market value of the portfolio at expiration. (Also gross payoff). The profit on a derivative portfolio is the payoff less the cost of acquisition or assembling the portfolio. (Net profit). We will be looking at a number of option strategies and combinations. The (gross) payoff is the value (positive or negative) of the option or portfolio at maturity. The payoff does not include the initial cost (or the initial cash inflow) at the time the was set up. Net profit= (gross) Payoff- cost of buying options or other securities+ premium received for selling options or other securities. 32 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives If S is a final price of the option underlying security, X is a strike price and OP is an option price, than the profit is Long Call: P = S - X - OP Short Call: P = X - S + OP Long Put: P = X - S - OP Short Put: P = S - X + OP For example, let's say the stock price is $50.00, we bought European call option with strike $53.00 and paid $2.00 for this option. If option price is less than $53.00, we will not exercise the option to buy the stock, because it doesn't make sense to buy security for higher price than it costs on the market. In this case we lose all initial 33 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives investment equal to the option price $2.00. If stock price is more than $53.00, we will exercise the option. For example if the stock price is $56.00, after exercising the option and immediately reselling the acquired stock our profit will be: P = $56.00 - $53.00 - $2.00 = $1.00 if the stock price is $54.00, than the profit is: P = $54.00 - $53.00 - $2.00 = - $1.00 As we see in latter case we lose money. The reason is that increase of stock price just by $1.00 above the strike ($53.00) doesn't cover our initial investment of $2.00, although we still exercise the option to recover at least $1.00 of initial investment. If the stock price at exercise time is $55.00 than we exercise the option to cover our initial expenses(equal to option price): P = $55.00 - $53.00 - $2.00 = $0.00 This latter case corresponds to option graph intersection point with horizontal axis on the drawing above. Distinction between futures and options 34 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives The option strategies which are applied by me on live stock market: 1) Date-1/10/2010-Friday Expiry of contract -28/10/2010-Thursday Nifty contract Market outlook- range bound Strategy- long put butterfly Buy 1 Oct. 6000 put @ 43.30 = Rs. 2165/Sell 2 Oct.6100 put @71.50 = Rs. 7150/Buy 1 Oct.6200 put @ 117 = Rs.5850/- Net debit = Rs.865/Risk is limited to Rs 865/Upper breakeven point = 6217 Lower breakeven point=5982.70 THE PAYOFF SCHEDULE Nifty SP Put Buy 6000 5800 5850 5900 5950 6000 6100 6150 6200 6250 6300 6350 6400 156.7 106.7 56.7 6.7 -43.3 -43.3 -43.3 -43.3 -43.3 -43.3 -43.3 -43.3 2 put Sell 6100 -457 -357 -257 -157 -57 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 Put Buy 6200 Profit/Loss 283 233 183 133 83 -17 -67 -117 -117 -117 -117 -117 -17.3 -17.3 -17.3 -17.3 -17.3 82.7 32.7 -17.3 -17.3 -17.3 -17.3 -17.3 35 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives THE PAYOFF CHART Profit/Loss 100 80 60 40 Profit/Loss 20 0 5600 -20 5800 6000 6200 6400 -40 36 6600 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives 2) Date-08/06/2010 Expiry of contract: 24/06/2010-Thursday Nifty contract Market outlook: moderately bullish Strategy: Ratio bull call spread Current nifty = 4987 Sell 18 lots (s.p 5200) call @33.33/-= Rs. 29970/Buy 5 lots (s.p 5000) call @ 250/- = Rs. 30000/- Short Nifty Call 18 Lots (Strike Price 5200) Premium Received 900@33.30 = 29970 Date Premium Days Profit/Loss Rs. Total Profit/Loss 900 33.3 8-Jun-10 21.3 12 10800 10800 9-Jun-10 25 -3.7 -3330 7470 10-Jun-10 39.3 -14.3 -12870 -5400 11-Jun-10 35.35 3.95 3555 -1845 14-Jun-10 64.65 -29.3 -26370 -28215 Long Nifty Call 5 Lots (Strike Price 5000) Premium Paid 250@120 = 30000 Date Premium Days Profit/Loss Rs. Total Profit/Loss 250 120 8-Jun-10 94 -26 -6500 -6500 9-Jun-10 108.3 14.3 3575 -2925 10-Jun-10 150.3 42 10500 7575 11-Jun-10 157 6.7 1675 9250 14-Jun-10 220 63 15750 25000 Net Nifty Profit if closing Profit/Loss Close today 4300 4987.1 NIL 4545 5000.3 75 2175 5078.6 19650 7405 5119.35 29837.5 -3215 5197.7 49425 37 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives 3) Date-08/06/2010 Expiry of contract : 24/06/2010-Thursday Nifty contract Market outlook: Range Bound Strategy: Short Straddle Current nifty: 4987 Short Nifty call 1 lot (strike price 5000) Premium received 50@ 120= 6000 Short Nifty put 1 lot (strike price 5000) premium received 50@101.80= 5090 Upper BEP =5221 Lower BEP = 4778 Short Nifty Call 1 Lot (Strike Price 5000) Premium Received 50@120 = 6000 Date Premium Days Profit/Loss Rs. Total Profit/Loss 50 120 8-Jun-10 94 26 1300 1300 9-Jun-10 108.3 -14.3 -715 585 10-Jun-10 150.3 -42 -2100 -1515 11-Jun-10 157 -6.7 -335 -1850 14-Jun-10 220 -63 -3150 -5000 Short Nifty Put 1 Lot (Strike Price 5000) Premium Received 50@101.80 = 5090 Date Premium Days Profit/Loss Rs. Total Profit/Loss 50 101.8 8-Jun-10 131.9 -30.1 -1505 -1505 9-Jun-10 105.1 26.8 1340 -165 10-Jun-10 63 42.1 2105 1940 11-Jun-10 49.05 13.95 697.5 2637.5 14-Jun-10 18.5 30.55 1527.5 4165 38 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Net Profit/Loss -205 420 425 787.5 -835 Nifty Breakeven Close Downside Upside 5221.8 4778.2 4987.1 208.9 234.7 5000.3 222.1 221.5 5078.6 300.4 143.2 5119.35 341.15 102.45 5197.7 419.5 24.1 If today is expiry Profit on Profit on Net SC SP Profit 6000 5985 2070 32.5 -3885 4445 5090 5090 5090 5090 10445 11075 7160 5122.5 1205 39 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Types of traders in derivative market 1. Hedgers:- Hedgers are those who protect themselves from the risk associated with the price of an asset by using derivatives. A person keeps a close watch upon the prices discovered in trading and when the comfortable price is reflected according to his wants, he sells futures contracts. In this way he gets an assured fixed price of his produce. In general, hedgers use futures for protection against adverse future price movements in the underlying cash commodity. Hedgers are often businesses, or individuals, who at one point or another deal in the underlying cash commodity. Take an example: A Hedger pay more to the farmer or dealer of a produce if its prices go up. For protection against higher prices of the produce, he hedges the risk exposure by buying enough future contracts of the produce to cover the amount of produce he expects to buy. Since cash and futures prices do tend to move in tandem, the futures position will profit if the price of the produce raise enough to offset cash loss on the produce. 2. Speculators: Speculators are somewhat like a middle man. They are never interested in actual owing the commodity. They will just buy from one end and sell it to the other in anticipation of future price movements. They actually bet on the future movement in the price of an asset. They are the second major group of futures players. These participants include independent floor traders and investors. They handle trades for their personal clients or brokerage firms. Buying a futures contract in anticipation of price increases is known as ‘going long’. Selling a futures contract in anticipation of a price decrease is known as ‘going short’. Speculative participation in futures trading has increased with the availability of alternative methods of participation. 40 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Speculators have certain advantages over other investments they are as follows: If the trader’s judgment is good, he can make more money in the futures market faster because prices tend, on average, to change more quickly than real estate or stock prices. Futures are highly leveraged investments. The trader puts up a small fraction of the value of the underlying contract as margin, yet he can ride on the full value of the contract as it moves up and down. The money he puts up is not a down payment on the underlying contract, but a performance bond. The actual value of the contract is only exchanged on those rare occasions when delivery takes place. 3. Arbitrators: According to dictionary definition, a person who has been officially chosen to make a decision between two people or groups who do not agree is known as Arbitrator. In commodity market Arbitrators are the person who takes the advantage of a discrepancy between prices in two different markets. If he finds future prices of a commodity edging out with the cash price, he will take offsetting positions in both the markets to lock in a profit. Moreover the commodity future investor is not charged interest on the difference between margin and the full contract value. 41 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Types of Futures and Options Margins Margins on Futures and Options segment comprise of the following: 1) Initial Margin 2) Exposure margin In addition to these margins, in respect of options contracts the following additional margins are collected; 1) Premium Margin 2) Assignment Margin How is Initial Margin Computed? Initial margin for F&O segment is calculated on the basis of a portfolio (a collection of futures and option positions) based approach. The margin calculation is carried out using software called -SPAN® (Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk). It is a product developed by Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and is extensively used by leading stock exchanges of the world. SPAN® uses scenario based approach to arrive at margins. It generates a range of scenarios and highest loss scenario is used to calculate the initial margin. The margin is monitored and collected at the time of placing the buy / sell order. The SPAN® margins are revised 6 times in a day -once at the beginning of the day, 4 times during market hours and finally at the end of the day. Obviously, higher the volatility, higher the margins. How is exposure margin computed? In addition to initial / SPAN® margin, exposure margin is also collected. 42 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Exposure margins in respect of index futures and index option sell positions have been currently specified as 3% of the notional value. For futures on individual securities and sell positions in options on individual securities, the exposure margin is higher of 5% or 1.5 standard deviation of the LN returns of the security (in the underlying cash market) over the last 6 months period and is applied on the notional value of position. How is Premium and Assignment margins computed? In addition to Initial Margin, a Premium Margin is charged to trading members trading in Option contracts. The premium margin is paid by the buyers of the Options contracts and is equal to the value of the options premium multiplied by the quantity of Options purchased. For example, if 1000 call options on ABC Ltd are purchased at Rs. 20/-, and the investor has no other positions, then the premium margin is Rs. 20,000. The margin is to be paid at the time trade. Assignment Margin is collected on assignment from the sellers of the contracts. How Marked to Market Margins are computed? 1. Future contracts:-The open positions (gross against clients and net of proprietary/ self trading) in the futures contracts for each member are marked to market to the daily settlement price at the end of each day is the weighted average price of the last half an hour of the futures contract. The profits/losses arising from the different between the trading price and the settlement price are collected/ given to all clearing members. 2. Option contracts:-the marked o market for option contracts is computed and collected as part of the Initial Margin in the form of Net Option Values. The Initial Margin is collected on an online real time basis based on the data feeds given to the system at discrete time intervals. 43 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives How Client Margins are computed? Client Members and Trading Member are required to collect initial margins from all their clients. The collection of margins at client level in the derivatives markets is essential as derivatives are leveraged products and non-collection of margins at the client level would provide zero cost leverage. In the derivative markets all money paid by the client towards margins is kept in trust with the Clearing House/ Clearing Corporation and in the event of default of the Trading or Clearing Member the amounts paid by the client towards margins are segregated and not utilized towards the dues of the defaulting member. Therefore, Clearing members are required to report on a daily basis details in respect of such margin amounts due and collected from their Trading members/ clients clearing and settling through them. Trading members are also required to report on a daily basis details of the amount due and collected from their clients. The reporting of the collection of the margins by the clients is done electronically through the system at the end of each trading day. The reporting of collection of client level margins plays a crucial role not only in ensuring that members collect margin from clients but it also provides the clearing corporation with a record of the quantum of funds it has to keep in trust for the clients. 44 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Comparative Analysis Comparative analysis is easy to understand when we are analysis with the example of the real market situation. Now I would like to quote a real life example during my internship where I understood the actual comparison of equity and derivative market. Example: There was an investor Mr. Jaichand. He has Rs. 1, 00,000/-and he wants to invest it in share market. Now he has two options either to invest in equity cash market or equity derivative market (F&O). Now suppose if he invest in equity cash market and buy shares of Rs. 1, 00, 000/and diversified risk so he buys different scrips. So he purchases 10 RIL shares of Rs. 2350/-each. 10 L&T shares of Rs 800/-each, 15 Religare Enterprises Shares of Rs. 45 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives 370/-each, 20 ICICI bank shares of Rs. 800/-each, 10 Tata power shares of Rs. 1250 each and 10 BHEL shares of Rs. 1595/each. So for investing Rs. 1, 00,000/-in equity cash market he has to pay Rs. 1,00,000/-and gets the delivery of the shares. Now suppose if he invest in equity derivative market then he will able to purchase the shares worth Rs. 5,00,000/-though he has capital of Rs. 1,00,00/-only, because of the margin payment. But he has to purchase the share in a lot size. So he is able to purchase the 1 lot (100 shares) of RIL at Rs. 2350/-, 1 lot (50 shares) of L&T at 2650/-, 2 lots (100 shares each) of Religare Enterprises at Rs. 370/-and 1 lot (70 shares) of ICICI bank at Rs. 800/-. Here Mr. Jaichand has to pay Rs. 1,00,000/-as a margin money and he is able to purchase a shares worth Rs. 5,00,000/But he has to pay the full amount of money at T+3 basis. So he has to pay the remaining amount on the 3rd day of the trading if he wants the delivery. I. Returns Mr. Jaichand gets return on equity by two ways. One is when the share price of the holding shares will increases in futures, called as capital appreciation. Second is by getting a dividend income from the holding shares. Mr. Jaichand gets return on equity derivative when the future prices of the shares are increase in short term called as capital gain through price fluctuation or through options premium. II. Risk: There are four types of risk involved in equity cash market. 1. Company Specified risk:-If company is not performing well than process of the shares will declining and vice versa. 2. Sector specified risks:-If the sector is not performing well i.e. power sector, metal sector, oil & gas sector, banking sector then prices of the shares will go down and vice versa. 46 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives 3. Global risk:-If global cues are positive then prices will increases but if global cues are not good than prices of shares will go down. 4. General market risk:-General market risk is also affect the equity cash market like inflation, banks interest rates etc. So Mr. Jaichand has to consider all these risk factors while dealing in the equity cash market. There are four types of risk involved in equity derivative market. 1. Market risk:-In derivative market we have to calculate the market risk or mark to market risk involved in the stocks or securities, that is the exposure to potential loss from fluctuations in market prices (as opposed to changes in credit status). It is calculated on the tradable assets i.e., stocks, currencies etc. 2. Credit risk: It may possible in derivative contract that the counterparty may be fail to perform the contract or say defaulted then it is a risk for us. It is calculated on non-tradable assets i.e., loans. So generally it is for long term purpose. 3. Liquidity Risk:-If Mr. Jaichand will not able to find a price( or a price within a reasonable tolerance in terms of the deviation from prevailing or expected prices) for one or more of its financial contracts in the secondary market. Consider the case of a counterparty who buys a complex option on European interest rates. He is exposed to liquidity risk because of the possibility that he cannot find anyone to make him a price in the secondary market and because of the possibility that the price he obtains is very much against him and the theoretical price for the product. 4. Settlement Risk:-The risk of non-payment of an obligation by a counterparty to a transaction, exacerbated by mismatches in payment timings. So, Mr. Jaichand has to consider all these factors while dealing in the equity derivative market. I. Margins: Now Mr. Jaichand has also seen the margin paid in the equity cash segment. 1. Var Margin: -Now Mr. jaichand bought shares of a company. Its market value today is Rs. 1, 00,000/-Obviously, we do not know what would be the market value of these shares next day. Now Mr. Jaichand holding these shares may, based on VaR 47 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives methodology, say that 1-day Var is Rs. 1, 00,000/-at the 99% confidence level. This implies that under normal trading conditions the investors can with 99% confidence, say that the value of shares would not go down by more than Rs. 1,00,000/- within next 1-day. 2. Extreme loss margin: -In the above situation, the VaR margin rate for shares of RIL was 13%. Suppose that SD would be 1.5 x 3.1= 4.65. Then 5% (which is higher than 4.65%) will be taken as the Extreme Loss margin rate. Therefore, the total margin on the security would be 18% (13% VaR Margin + 5% Extreme Loss margin). As such, total margin payable( VaR margin + extreme loss margin) on a trade of Rs. 23, 500/- woud be 4, 230/3. 3.Mark to Market Margin:-Now Mr. Jaichand purchased 10 shares of RIL @ Rs. 2350/-, at 11 am on May 12, 2009. If close price of the shares on that happened to be Rs. 2350, then the buyer faces a notional loss of Rs. 500/-on his buy position. In technical term this loss is called as MTM loss and is payable by May 13, 2009 (that is next day of the trade) before the trading begins. In case, price of the shares falls further by the end of May 13 2009 to Rs. 2200/-, then buy postion would show a further loss of Rs. 1, 000/-. This MTM loss is payable by next day. Now we will consider the margin payable under the equity derivatives segment. i) Initial Margin: The initial margin required to be paid by the investor would be equal to the highest loss the portfolio would suffer in any of the scenarios considered. The margin is monitored and collected at the time of placing the buy/ sell order. As higher the volatility, higher the initial margin. ii) Exposure Margin: Exposure margins in respect of index futures and index option sell position are 3% of the notional value. iii) Premium margin:-If 1000 call option on RIL are purchased at Rs. 20/and Mr. Jaichand has no other positions, then the premium margin Rs. 20,000. iv) Assignment Margin: Assignment Margin is collected on assignment from the sellers of the contract. 48 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives I. Duration: Generally equity market is a long term market and people invested in it for more than one year and then only they get good return on equity. Generally any safe investors can invest in it because here risk is comparatively low then derivative market. While in derivative market investors are investing for less than one yea, generally for 2 months or 3 months. Here they get high returns on it because they are bringing high risk. II. Participants: Generally any long term investors can invest in equity or hedgers are investing in the equity, who wants to reduce their risk. Any person who wants to be safe investors and wanted to earn a good amount of returns after a period of more than one year is also invested in equity. In derivative market mostly speculators and arbitragers are invested because they wanted quick money in short time period and hedgers are also invested in derivative market to reduce their risk. III. Expiry date: It’s a last Thursday of any month in case of a derivative market but no such things in case of an equity market. 49 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives Conclusion This project has covered several areas. Its main conclusions are: Derivatives market growth continues almost irrespective of equity cash market turnover growth. Since 2000 Cash equity turnover has fallen in the developed markets, but derivatives turnover continued to rise steeply and steadily. Equity market volume and derivative market notional value are strongly correlated- with a ratio significant differences between individual markets. A number of cash equity markets- particularly in developing Asia- do not have equity derivatives markets. Comparison of their cash market volumes with those that do have derivative exchanges shows that the markets without derivatives are of similar size. I am not convinced that market or infrastructure differences explain this, but suspects that regularity barriers have effectively prevented the development, markets in several developing Asian countries. 50 Empirical analysis of equity & derivatives References Securities Laws and Regulations of Financial Markets National Securities Depository Limited Fundamentals of Futures & Options Markets- John C. Hull Financial Derivatives- S. L. Gupta Websites:www.world-exchange.org www.nseindia.com www.bseindia.com www.religaresecurities.com www.moneycontrol.com www.indiamart.com www.finpipe.com 51