Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation: Epidemiological skills development programme PROGRAMME OUTLINE 26 June 2008 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Contents In this document This document outlines a proposed epidemiological skills development programme. The purpose of the programme is to strengthen the capacity of the New Zealand public health workforce to identify investigate and control outbreaks of infectious and aberrant disease. This document contains the following topics. Topic Skills development programme at a glance Skills development programme overview Description of Modules Level 1: Foundations of outbreak investigation Overview Module 1.1: Epidemiological concepts Module 1.2: Effective case investigation Module 1.3: Introduction to outbreaks Level 2: Training for outbreak practitioners Module 2.1: Outbreak investigation and response training Module 2.2: Using EpiData and Epi Info™ for outbreak investigation Module 2.3: Making the most of the laboratory Module 2.4: Outbreak investigation: on line case study Level 3: Advanced outbreak investigation Module 3.1: Advanced outbreak investigation Module 3.2 Special topic Module 3.3: Effective case investigation trainers module Module 3.4: Facilitating case studies Level 4: Specialist field epidemiology expertise References Glossary Consultation and sources Page 3 4 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 Thanks to all those who attended the ESR NCBID needs assessment workshop – many of the ideas in this document are a result of the workshop. The document also draws on: a review of the literature on current practice and trends in applied epidemiology and outbreak investigation training feedback from ESR NCBID staff and public health service staff consultation with representatives from CDC, the Public Health Agency of Canada. Ministry of Health and OzFoodNet Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 2 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Skills development programme at a glance Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 3 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Skills development programme overview Introduction This document outlines a proposed epidemiological skills development programme. The purpose of the programme is to strengthen the capacity of the New Zealand public health workforce to identify investigate and control outbreaks of infectious and aberrant disease. Figure 1: The proposed programme to strengthen outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Goals The goal of the programme is to build the professional capacity for outbreak investigation and response in New Zealand. Continued on next page Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 4 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Skills development programme overview, Continued Level of expertise supported The ‘gold standard’ for developing applied epidemiology expertise is a Field Epidemiology Training programme (such as the MAE programme in Australia), which typically provides two years of intensive training supported by mentored field experience. This programme, built around shorter courses cannot achieve this level of skill. However shorter course programmes can offer a viable intermediate step (Lescano, Salmon-Mulanovich, Pedroni, & Blazes, 2007). The table below shows competence each level of the programme will support. Level 1 2 3 4 Approach Simple investigations Will know about Can carry out Complex Investigations Awareness Growing Can collaborate on with competency support from expert advisors Skilled Can lead Expert advisor (not offered through this programme) The main features of the programme are A focus on the particular expertise offered by ESR NCBID, in partnership with local staff skilled in the practical aspects of outbreak investigation Complementing rather than duplicating existing training Competency based An applied, practical approach based on adult learning principles. Partnerships with training institutions ESR NCBID expertise ESR NCBID will offer expertise in the following areas: Investigating individual disease cases of enteric disease Investigating disease outbreaks Disease surveillance tools (e.g. Episurv and Early Aberrant Reporting System - EARS) Public health analytical software Laboratory expertise Field epidemiology Relationship to other training Competency Other providers also offer training in competencies that support outbreak investigation (e.g. academic providers, Southern Monitoring Services, (SMS) and the New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA). The proposed will programme will supplement this existing training rather than duplicate it. The programme supports the following key competencies, which were identified Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 5 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme based through a needs assessment (Roseveare, 2007). The table below shows which level of training addresses the competencies. The shaded areas show which competencies are addressed at each level of training. Competency 1 Awar eness Level 2 3 Growi Skilled/ ng Leaders compe hip tence 1. Surveillance/assessm ent 2. Epidemiological concepts 3. Investigation skills 4. Epidemiological analysis 5. Communication 6. Reporting 7. Prevention and control 8. Project management and leadership Learning approach The training will be applied, active and practical with considerable use of case studies based on topical international and New Zealand examples. It will offer a ‘blended learning approach’ combining face to face courses, work place training and on-line options. Workforce development ESR NCBID will build on the expertise in public health services to develop a network of regional trainers as will as drawing on ESR staff, and a network of international trainers. Partnership with training institution ESR NCBID will investigate collaborating with a training provider to deliver some of the modules (e.g. train the trainer, on-line options). Certification ESR NCBID will investigate the possibility of creating a certificate that is recognised as part of the national qualifications framework. Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 6 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Level 1: Foundations of outbreak investigation Overview Introduction Contents Modules offered at the entry level are for staff working in public health services who have been in the job less than 6 months. They will provide a foundation in analytical epidemiology and good practice in disease investigation. Level 1 includes the following modules: Code Module 1.1 Epidemiological concepts Outcomes 1.2 Foundation investigation skills 1.3 Foundations of outbreak practice Main purpose Delivery To provide a solid Online foundation in applied epidemiology as a prerequisite to understanding analytical epidemiological studies To establish consistent 1-2 day workshop good practice in investigating single cases of disease, to build the foundations for effective field work in outbreak investigations. To introduce Half day workshop participants to a typical outbreak investigation through a realistic table top exercise. After completing this level (along with relevant experience in the workplace and associated professional development) staff will have a good awareness of outbreak investigation and be able to support aspects of an investigation under supervision Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 7 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 1.1: Epidemiological concepts Overview This module would provide an overview of epidemiological principles and practices as a foundation for outbreak investigation practice. It is intended to provide a foundation for those who have not previously studied epidemiology (or as a refresher for those who have). Learning outcomes At the end of this module participants will be able to: Define epidemiology and describe the historical development of the field. Identify the various uses of epidemiology in public health practice. Describe different theories of disease causation in communities. Illustrate how agent, host and environment variables interact to affect health in communities. Identify and describe the stages of the natural history of a disease primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Understand the meaning of public health surveillance and explain the use of surveillance data in public health practice. Identify the steps of the surveillance cycle. Explain ethical principles underlying the uses of epidemiology in public health practice. Competencies supported Surveillance Epidemiological concepts Length 25-30 hours Delivery On line How often Twice a year Assessment On line test Provider ESR NCBID to investigate modifying an on line module such as the Public Health Agency of Canada Epidemiological concepts, for New Zealand (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2007b). Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 8 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 1.2: Effective case investigation Overview This course would be for participants who have worked in public health for less than six months and likely to be involved on outbreak investigations in the future. It would provide the opportunity to refresh knowledge of important public health diseases and develop and practice the investigation skills required in single sporadic case of disease. It would also provide the foundation for skills that will be used in outbreak investigations. Learning outcomes At the end of this module participants would be able to: Apply a standard operating protocol for case investigation Follow a pre-prepared standard investigation questionnaire Effectively gather and collate accurate, relevant information about the risk factors for a disease Provide accurate information about simple control measures to prevent spread Have a basic understanding of laboratory investigation and sample taking Think of cases as part of a potential outbreak Competencies supported Investigation skills Length One – two days Delivery Regional courses How often Once a year Assessment To be determined Provider Experienced Public health service staff. NCBID to coordinate a train the trainer package to support staff to deliver this module. Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 9 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 1.3: Introduction to outbreaks Overview The module would provide an introduction to an outbreak investigation through a 2-4 hour facilitated table top case study. It would be taught by experienced Public Health Service staff within the workplace who had been through a train the trainer course to introduce them to the case studies. Learning outcomes At the end of this module participants would be able to: Differentiate an outbreak from background disease Understand the concept of investigation triggers Understand the main procedures used in an outbreak investigation Understand the purpose of an analytical epidemiology study Competencies Supported Surveillance (Confirmation and assessment) Investigation skills Analytical epidemiology Length Half a day Delivery At the workplace How often Once a year Who Experienced Public health service staff. NCBID to coordinate a train the trainer package to support the facilitation of appropriate case studies in the workplace e.g. (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007; Klaucke & Vogt, 2005; Morrow & Novick, 2005). Assessment This would be an optional module. If there is interest in this option ESR NCBID to explore the potential of having the completion and facilitation of this workshop recognized for credit (CME or HPO continuing competency). Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 10 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Level 2: Training for outbreak practitioners Introduction The modules in level 2:Training for outbreak practitioners would be designed for staff working in public health services who have been in the job from 6 months – 3 years. They are intended to prepare students to competently carry out the epidemiological investigation of a ‘straightforward’ outbreak of infectious disease such as a common event outbreak in their local area. Contents At this level the following modules will be offered: Code Module 2.1 Outbreak investigation and response training workshop 2.2 Using EpiData and Epi Info™ for outbreaks Outcomes 2.3 Making the most of the laboratory 2.4 Outbreak investigation on line case study Main purpose To strengthen the ability to detect and respond to outbreaks at the local level Delivery 3-4 day workshop To teach the use of EpiData and Epi Info™ to support the analytical epidemiological component of an outbreak investigation. To develop expertise in managing in the laboratory aspects of an outbreak investigation. 2 day workshop 1-2 day workshop To provide an alternative for On line those unable to attend the face to face Outbreak investigation and control workshop that could also be used as a refresher subsequent to the workshop Combined with on the job experience and related professional development, completing level two training will enable participants to carry out local outbreak investigations and support national investigations Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 11 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 2.1: Outbreak investigation and response training Overview The Outbreak investigation and response training would be for staff working in public health units who have been in the job from 6 months – 3 years. It is intended to prepare students to identify, investigate and control a ‘straightforward’ outbreak of infectious disease typically dealt with by a public health service, such a common event outbreak in their local area. The workshop will include pre-reading, and some lectures but the emphasis will be on practical application of theory to a case study. Learning from the course would be reinforced by completing a project. Learning objectives Topics By the end of the course students will be able to Understand the importance of outbreak investigations, as well as the decisions resulting from such investigations. Identify a potential outbreak. Plan and execute all the necessary steps of an outbreak investigation. Understand the importance of the laboratory component of an investigation Identify and conduct control and response measures Topic 1. Current international context 2. Identifying an outbreak and steps of an investigation 3. Case definitions 4. Transmission chain 5. Epidemic Curves 6. Designing field investigation 7. Specimens and samples 8. Analytical Epidemiology Studies 9. Control measures 10. Preparing an outbreak report Competencies supported Surveillance Basic public health science Field Investigation Epidemiological Analysis Control Reporting Length 4 – 5 days How often Annually Delivery Face to face workshop Assessment Brief exam Completion of an outbreak report based on a work place example Continued on next page Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 12 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 2.1: Outbreak investigation and response training, Continued Work based component NCBID to explore: developing an additional on line phase after the face to face workshop, to support students in completing a written report of an actual outbreak investigation after they have returned to work Lescano et al (2007) report using this successfully in their outbreak investigation training. Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 13 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 2.2: Using EpiData and Epi Info™ for outbreak investigation Overview This course is for staff who want to develop further competency in the analytical aspects of an outbreak investigation. It is a practical workshop that teaches the use of EpiData and Epi Info™ to support the analytical epidemiological component of an outbreak investigation. Learning outcomes At the end of this module participants will be able to: Use EpiData to generate a questionnaire for an outbreak investigation Use EpiData to enter outbreak investigation into a record suitable for analysis in Epi Info™ Use Epi Info™ to support an epidemiological study Competencies supported Analysis Length 2 days How often Twice a year Delivery On site at the workplace Delivered by ESR staff. NCBID to develop a resource and training programme to support public health staff to deliver this course Assessment To be developed Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 14 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 2.3: Making the most of the laboratory Overview This module is designed for public health staff who want to develop expertise in managing the laboratory aspects of an outbreak investigation. Learning outcomes At the end of this module participants will be able to: Follow protocols for specimen and sample collection Identify the appropriate tests needed for diagnosis of a disease Interpret the diagnostic and epidemiological significance of reports from laboratory tests Communicate effectively with the laboratory team Organise the laboratory component of an outbreak investigation Competencies supported Investigation Communication Public health science Length 1 – 2 days Delivery Face to face workshop Delivered by ESR laboratory staff Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 15 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 2.4: Outbreak investigation: on line case study Overview This would be an option for teaching some of the knowledge covered in the face to face Outbreak investigation and control workshop (2.1) that could also be used as a refresher subsequent to the workshop. There are several online options for teaching outbreak investigation via case studies that have had promising evaluations that could be used as models (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2007a; Stehr-Green & Gathany, 2005) Learning outcomes To be developed Competencies supported To be developed Length 6 – 8 modules Delivery On line Delivered by If there is support for this concept, ESR NCBID to work with a training provider to develop a pilot programme Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 16 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Level 3: Advanced outbreak investigation Overview These courses are designed for people who have been in the job for at least three years. They will offer opportunities to Reflect on professional practice Keep knowledge current Work through issues likely to arise in more complex investigations. Provide training on more specialised topics Take on a teaching or leadership role in outbreak investigation Module overview The table below describes each course and its main purpose: Code Course 3.1 Advanced Outbreak investigation 3.2 3.3 3.4 Outcomes Special topic modules e.g. specialised laboratory methods or advanced analysis techniques Train the trainer Investigating a case of disease Train the Trainer Case study facilitation Main purposes To explore issues arising from a complex outbreak investigation through a facilitated case study or simulation To develop additional expertise in investigation and analysis Delivery Face to face workshop To develop regional facilitators of the investigating disease outbreak module To develop and support staff to facilitate epidemiological case studies To be determined Face to face workshop Combined with on the job experience and related professional development, completing level three training will enable participants to take a lead role in local outbreak investigations, support national outbreak investigations and to share their expertise with others. Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 17 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 3.1: Advanced outbreak investigation Overview The Advanced Outbreak Investigation training is designed for staff working in public health units who have been in the job at least three years and have experience investigating outbreaks of infectious disease. The workshop will explore issues arising from a dispersed outbreak through a facilitated case study or simulation such as CDC’s A multistate outbreak of E.coli 0157:H7 Infection (Communicable Disease Centres, 2007). It will offer the opportunity to reflect on professional practice as well as working through investigation and analysis issues likely to arise in more complex investigations. Learning outcomes After completing this workshop participants will have a greater understanding of Determining the most efficient study design to test hypotheses Approving the selection of investigative processes Analysis issues in control studies Traceback investigations Collaborating on a complex investigation involving more than one jurisdiction Competencies supported Surveillance/assessment Epidemiological Concepts Investigation skill Epidemiological analysis Prevention and Control Length 1 – 2 days Delivery Face to face workshop Delivered by Specialised training partners Prerequisite CIMS level 2 Outbreak investigation and response 2.1 Experience of an outbreak investigation Frequency Offered every two years Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 18 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 3.2 Special topic Overview These workshops would be designed to develop additional expertise in investigation and analysis methods such as traceback investigation, modeling or more advanced laboratory methods or interpreting findings Learning outcomes Dependent on the topic Competencies supported Investigation skills Epidemiological Analysis Delivery One day special topic modules offered as options as part of the advanced outbreak workshop or independently on alternate years. Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 19 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Module 3.3: Effective case investigation trainers module Module 3.4: Facilitating case studies Overview These courses would be ‘train the trainer’ courses designed for people who wish to take on a teaching or leadership role in outbreak investigation in the workplace. Effective case investigation The Effective case investigation module would support public health practitioners to lead a workshop for staff in their own or other public health services on effective investigation of single cases of disease Facilitating case studies The Facilitating case studies model would support public health practitioners to introduce others to a typical outbreak investigation through facilitating a realistic table top exercise. Delivery ESR NCBID to work with a training provider to develop a pilot programme for the train the trainer modules. The content is likely to include several modules covering Familiarisation with the resources and their objectives Likely issues arising from participants Facilitation skills An opportunity for participants to practise alongside an experienced facilitator Feedback Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 20 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme Level 4: Specialist field epidemiology expertise Overview ESR NCBID is investigating opportunities to develop and support a pool of New Zealand staff skilled in applied epidemiology including support for training courses, work experience placements and secondments. In the interim they will use the following strategies to ensure a high quality of technical and training expertise. Strategies The strategies used will be 1 2 3 Description Recruitment of a field epidemiologist Links with international agencies to ensure access to overseas experts Partnerships with New Zealand training institutions and public health agencies to draw on local specialised expertise. Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 21 of 22 ESR Epidemiological Skills Development Programme References Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). Epidemiologic Case studies. Retrieved October 30, 2007, 2007, from http://www2a.cdc.gov/epicasestudies/htm Klaucke, D., & Vogt, R. (2005). A case exercise: outbreak investigation at a Vermont community hospital. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 11(4), 301305. Lescano, A. G., Salmon-Mulanovich, G., Pedroni, E., & Blazes, D. (2007). Outbreak investigation and response training. Science, 318, 574-575. Morrow, C. B., & Novick, L. F. (2005). A case exercise in public health preparedness: A community outbreak of influenza-like illness. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 11(4), 306-310. Public Health Agency of Canada. (2007a). Skills enhancement for public health. Retrieved June 2007, from http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/php psp/core_competencies_for_ph_index_e.html Public Health Agency of Canada. (2007b). Skills enhancement for public health - module description. Retrieved 30 October, 2007, from http:/www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/sehsacss/module_description_e.html#ms Roseveare, (2007). Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation: epidemiological skills development programme: Competency framework and preferred design Stehr-Green, J., & Gathany, N. (2005). Training in outbreak investigation through use of an online discussion group. Journal of Environmental Health, 68(4), 9-13. Glossary CDC CIMS CME EARS MAE NZFSA SMS Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Coordinated Incident Management System Continuing Medical Education Early Aberrant Reporting System Masters of Applied Epidemiology New Zealand Food Safety Authority Southern Monitoring Services Outbreak and aberrant disease investigation Page 22 of 22