Chatham Marketplace Board Meeting, September 23, 2015

Chatham Marketplace Board Meeting, September 23, 2015
Members Present: Doug Wakeman; Sarah D’Amato; David Simmons; Jenny
McLaurin; Deb Cameron; Kathleen Conroy
Absent: Katie Niver, Jamie Saunders
General Manager: David McComas
Agenda Modifications: add discussion of NCG Agreement
1) Reading of the Ends
2) Minutes: Pending approval
3) Finance Committee Meeting:
A) Miki had asked Finance Committee about renaming or eliminating Rent
Escrow Line. Finance Committee noted that Board approval was not necessary
for this.
B) Inventory reduction: reducing back stock in meat, frozen, and back room.
Inventory reduction is not the reason we are seeing holes on shelves. That is a
result of ordering and out-of-stocks from distributors. David meeting with staff
Thursday to identify products with inconsistent supply to see about other
distribution options. David will update Board with results of that meeting.
C) AP up $6300. David says this is because we have secured longer terms with
4 vendors
4) GM FYI: Do Deli employees have written expectations? Yes and job
descriptions. But no training module.
A) Beer and wine reset discussion. Will know more about when and what it will
look like in a couple weeks. Boehr Brothers coming in to look at cooler.
B) Working with Elizabeth to rebrand store. David will show Elizabeth ideas
tomorrow. When Elizabeth creates plan, David will share with Board.
C) Grocery manager leaving. Plan is in place in case new hire is not here in time,
David Dellea and Brittany will cover purchasing. New person will train in
Carrboro and Durham.
D) PCI Compliance update: LOC, SMS and Mercury Systems do not have a
solution. October 1 is deadline. For temporary fix we will use non-integrated card
readers. POS Software will not talk to card readers. Cashier must input the total
before the swipe introducing user error. Readers will have the encryption
technology as well as chip input utilizing Apple and Google pay.
E) David asserts that we need to invest in people. Finding staff is very difficult
due to what we are paying. He is working on a budget that includes higher labor
cost for higher salaries and more training.
5) ENDS reporting. Because 3 people were out we are moving vote to October.
Any comments or requests for more information should go to Sarah by Monday,
October 5 . We will not discuss ENDS at October meeting. Vote only.
A) Is a good place to work. What pay and other benefits do other small
retail/restaurant businesses in our area offer? This information can be used by
GM to build case for increasing wages.
6) Board Business:
NCG Agreement is coming. Will standardize certain operations across all NCG
stores. Board signs to say that GM can make decisions. Needs to be on
October’s agenda. Tom and Sarah will review Agreement and present to the
Board. Doug to assist.
CBLD Agreement is due. Sarah will reach out to NCG to see if they will pay
portion of the dues. We would be able to put up $3,000.
7) Staff Appreciation Day has been shut down. After rescheduling the
date/catering orders twice, David and Elizabeth just don’t think we can make it
work this year. Hopefully the board can channel this energy into the holiday
Next Meeting 10/28/15 @ 5:30 in Jenny’s shop.