The Moncure Clothing Sale is Going GREEN!!!!
With the cost of paper, postage, and lack of
volunteers the sale will be going paperless. Below are
some new procedures we will be starting at the Spring
sale and will be fully operational at the Fall sale.
1. Seller Check-In Form: This will be need to be filledout on-line before the sale. You can find this
document at Anne E. Moncure PTO Website
2. In the Fall the informational letter will only be
available on-line, it will no longer be sent to everyone.
3. If you are unable to access it on-line and still require
a paper copy you will need to indicate at seller checkin at the Spring Sale.
4. STAY TUNED: In the Fall we are looking at using
technology to make our volunteer sign-up easier and
faster for everyone.
SATURDAY, March 15th from 7 AM TIL 1 PM
Dear Seller and/or Volunteer,
The Spring Clothing Sale will be held Friday, March 14th and Saturday, March 15th at Moncure
Elementary School from 7 am to 1 pm. SET-UP and the PRE-SALE will be on Friday, March 14th
and item drop off time is from 5 - 6:30 PM. For the safety of our students, sellers and volunteers
are not allowed on the school campus before 4:30 pm. Items should be unloaded at the side entrance
then your vehicle should be moved so others can also unload. You are responsible for setting out
your items to be sold. Boy Scouts are available for assistance carrying items into the building
only. All items must be tagged prior to arriving at the sale or items will not be able to be sold.
Volunteers will need to exit the building at 6:30 pm to get their hand stamped. Doors will be locked
until the start of the pre - sale at 7:30 pm. Only volunteers can shop the pre - sale. No spouses or
children please! Shopping ends PROMPTLY at 9 pm . CASH AND MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ONLY
Sellers, this is a SPRING/SUMMER sale, so NO fall/winter clothing. Stained,
damaged, or unsuitable clothing (i.e. undergarments) will be removed from the sale.
Use the tags included when tagging your items. Please use $.25 increments for
pricing ($.25, $1.00, $2.50. etc.). Indicate on your tags if items are to be
donated. One Safety Pin must be affixed ABOVE your name to attach tags to
clothing. Please use tags on last page. Larger tags are for large items with full
cardstock, it is difficult to remove and may cause damage to the item being
sold. Bring a sample tag and a tagged item to the seller check-in at the time of
registration. Provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Otherwise we will provide
the envelope for a $3.00 fee. A large envelope with appropriate postage is required
for tag return. Sellers may pick up unsold items Saturday between 1:00 - 2:00 pm;
doors will be locked at 2:30 pm. Sellers must present ID to remove items from the
sale. All unsold items will be donated at 2:00PM.
New Volunteer
There is a $10 participation fee (deducted from your profits). Profit
percentages: 75% for volunteers that have signed-in at the volunteer table,
60% for non-volunteers. Anyone wishing to volunteer to work an extra shift
(the Sat. 1:30 - 3:30 pm shift only) will receive an additional 5% profit! Sale
proceeds will be mailed out no earlier than 3 weeks after the sale. If a check
has to be reissued to a seller, there will be a $50 charge for the reissued
check. Sell at your own risk. Moncure PTO cannot be responsible for items not
picked up or sold. Moncure PTO is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
The following are some selling tips reminders for ALL sellers. 1.) Dresses and coats sell
better on hangers. 2.) Use ziploc bags for toys with small pieces. Seal games &
puzzles with tape. 3.) Outfits with 2 pieces should be safety-pinned together. 4.)
Shoes mainly infants & toddlers can be placed in clear bags, larger sizes should be
tied together, securing the tag with tape. 5.) Clearly label with your name any
bins/bags you bring your belongings in. We are NOT responsible for any lost
Volunteer shifts are 2 hours. Please arrive 10 min. early to sign-in at the
volunteer table. Call Maureen beginning Feb. 12th between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm to
volunteer/sell at (540) 720-3596. (Please allow 2 - 3 days to be called back). Please
do not sign up for friends. We encourage volunteers to park in the commuter lot.
Please note: Lifting required for Fri. set-up & Sat. clean-up. For safety reasons
absolutely NO infants/children with volunteers.
All shoppers must have their own shopping bags. Federal law
prohibits smoking on school property. If you are purchasing a large
item (in the cafeteria), you must pay for that item immediately and
it will be held for you on the stage labeled with your name/ticket. You
must have the matching ticket to claim large items on the stage.
Please be considerate and do not scoop up large piles of clothing and sort through
them later for what you want. Please take the time to put back items that you do not
wish to buy. Not heeding this request could cause your pre-shop privilege to be
taken away. Most importantly please remember that everyone involved with this
sale is a volunteer! All information and tags are available at http://Stafford. by clicking on the PTO tab on the left. You can also find us on Facebook
and receive updates before sales. LET’S MAKE THIS A GREAT SALE!!!
Thank you for your support and participation,
Moncure PTO & Faculty