an enrollment form here

Parent copy – please retain for your record.
A. Fees: I wish to enrol my child at the Avenues Nursery. I hereby agree to pay in advance the
weekly/monthly fees due. I understand that if the fees are delayed by more than seven days
immediate withdrawal of my child will be required until such times as the overdue balance is paid in
full. Returned cheques are to be repaid in full together with a £5 surcharge.
B. Enrolment deposit: On enrolling you will be requested to pay the first weeks fees in advance. If
you do not take up the place at the Nursery this money acts as a non-returnable deposit.
C. Withdrawal: Notice of withdrawal of your child from the Avenues Nursery must be given in writing to
the supervisor. We require four weeks notice prior to the withdrawal date. You will be held
responsible for fees in lieu of notice if the supervisor is not notified.
D. Sickness: I hereby agree that there will be no reduction in fees if my child is absent from Nursery
for part of the weeks registration. I understand half fees will be charged if my child is absent for the
full weeks registration.
E. Holidays: Providing advance notice of at least 2 weeks is given Avenues Nursery will charge 50%
for holiday absences if your child is absent the whole weekly registration period otherwise full fees
will be charged. Full fees are charged for Bank/Public Holidays.
F. Lateness: A fee of £5 is charged every 5 minutes that a child is late for collection.
G. Illness: A child should not attend if suffering from fever, diarrhoea or a communicable disease. If
you child becomes ill whilst at the Avenues Nursery you will be contacted and requested to collect
your child. If a child has diarrhoea they will be excluded from the Avenues Nursery until they have
been free from diarrhoea for 48 hours.
H. Medication: Please note that no medication can be given without doctors or parents written
authorisation – Forms are available for consent should you wish medication to be given. Please
indicate your consent for calpol or its equivalent to be given if your child has a high temperature or
mild pain whilst in our care.
I. Sunshine: In the sunny weather we like the children to play outside. We take care to keep them
protected whilst they play – please help by providing hats, protective creams and some cover-up
clothing during the summer months.
J. Rain: In the wintery weather we like the children to still access the outside area as much as
possible. Please provide welly’s, appropriate rain coat and a change of clothing for your child
during the wintery months.
K. I understand that if the Avenues Nursery is unable to open or has to close through no fault of its
own that there will be no entitlement to any form of compensation whatsoever.
L. Complaints: We aim to provide you with a quality service, if however, you should have a complaint
please make this directly to Jackie and Joanne (Proprietors) of the Nursery. Should you feel it
necessary, you can contact the OFSTED complaints team at:
OFSTED, 3rd Floor, Royal exchange buildings, St Annes Square, Manchester, M2 7LA
Or on the Helpline: 0300 123 1231
A. Fees: I wish to enrol my child at the Avenues Nursery. I hereby agree to pay in advance the
weekly/monthly fees due. I understand that if the fees are delayed by more than seven days
immediate withdrawal of my child will be required until such times as the overdue balance is paid in
full. Returned cheques are to be repaid in full together with a £5 surcharge.
B. Enrolment deposit: On enrolling you will be requested to pay the first weeks fees in advance. If
you do not take up the place at the Nursery this money acts as a non-returnable deposit.
C. Withdrawal: Notice of withdrawal of your child from the Avenues Nursery must be given in writing to
the supervisor. We require four weeks notice prior to the withdrawal date. You will be held
responsible for fees in lieu of notice if the supervisor is not notified.
D. Sickness: I hereby agree that there will be no reduction in fees if my child is absent from Nursery
for part of the weeks registration. I understand half fees will be charged if my child is absent for the
full weeks registration.
E. Holidays: Providing advance notice of at least 2 weeks is given Avenues Nursery will charge 50%
for holiday absences if your child is absent the whole weekly registration period otherwise full fees
will be charged. Full fees are charged for Bank/Public Holidays.
F. Lateness: A fee of £5 is charged every 5 minutes that a child is late for collection.
G. Illness: A child should not attend if suffering from fever, diarrhoea or a communicable disease. If
you child becomes ill whilst at the Avenues Nursery you will be contacted and requested to collect
your child. If a child has diarrhoea they will be excluded from the Avenues Nursery until they have
been free from diarrhoea for 48 hours.
H. Medication: Please note that no medication can be given without doctors or parents written
authorisation – Forms are available for consent should you wish medication to be given. Please
indicate your consent for calpol or its equivalent to be given if your child has a high temperature or
mild pain whilst in our care.
I. Sunshine: In the sunny weather we like the children to play outside. We take care to keep them
protected whilst they play – please help by providing hats, protective creams and some cover-up
clothing during the summer months.
J. Rain: In the wintery weather we like the children to still access the outside area as much as
possible. Please provide welly’s, appropriate rain coat and a change of clothing for your child
during the wintery months.
K. I understand that if the Avenues Nursery is unable to open or has to close through no fault of its
own that there will be no entitlement to any form of compensation whatsoever.
L. Complaints: We aim to provide you with a quality service, if however, you should have a complaint
please make this directly to Jackie and Joanne (Proprietors) of the Nursery. Should you feel it
necessary, you can contact the OFSTED complaints team at:
OFSTED, 3rd Floor, Royal exchange buildings, St Annes Square, Manchester, M2 7LA
Or on the Helpline: 0300 123 1231
Childs name:___________________________________________________
Above accepted by parent/guardian: _________________________________ Date:___________
Avenues Nursery Enrolment Details
Child’s name:
Child’s address:
Parent/Guardian details:
Date of birth:
Tel (work):
Tel (work):
Tel (home):
Tel (home):
Tel (mobile):
Tel (mobile):
Who else is authorised to collect your child:
Tel (work):
Tel (home):
Tel (mobile):
Telephone number:
Relationship to child:
Emergency contact information:
Contact number:
Relationship to child:
Ethnic origin:
White UK___ White European___
Black Caribbean___
Black African___
Other___ (please specify):
Home language:
Preferred language of child:
Christian___ Catholic___ Sikh___ Hindu___ Jewish___ Muslim___
Buddist___ No religion___ Other___ (please specify):
Religious/cultural festivals celebrated by family:
Social and medical information
Doctors name:
Telephone number:
Immunisation details:
Does your child have any allergies? YES/NO
Please specify:
Does your child have any special requirements – diet or otherwise? YES/NO
Please specify:
Is there anything else you think we should know?
Shared Care information:
Has your child attended a nursery/crèche/childminder etc in the past?
YES/NO If yes please state the name and contact information:
Is your child still attending this setting? YES/NO
If yes please specify days/times they attend:
Is your child attending any other nursery/crèche/childminder etc? YES/NO
If yes please state the name and contact information:
Health information
Has your child any difficulties with:
 Hearing:
 Speech:
 Vision:
Does your child suffer with:
 Asthma
 Diabetes
 Febrile convulsions
Please give details of medication required and whether required to administer
during the nursery day:
Does your child attend any health/medical clinics? YES/NO
If yes please give details and state the name and contact details of the
professionals involved:
Are there any other health needs you think we should know about?
Please specify:
Accident and illness:
I hereby agree that in cases of accident or serious illness the Avenues Nursery staff
may directly seek medical help for my child.
I hereby release and hold Avenues Nursery and its employees harmless from any
and all claims liability for accident and illness that may occur whilst attending the
nursery, or on an outing, unless in cases of gross neglect.
Signature of parent/guardian:____________________ Date:_______________
I hereby give consent for my child to be given Calpol or its equivalent if needed:
Signature of parent/guardian:____________________ Date:_______________
I hereby give my permission for my child to be taken on supervised outings:
Signature of parent/guardian:____________________ Date:________________
Shared care consent:
I hereby give consent for my child’s key worker to contact any other early year’s
settings or health care professionals involved in my child’s health and education to
share information on my child’s learning and development.
Signature of parent/guardian:___________________ Date:_________________
Transition to school and other nurseries:
I hereby agree that in situations where my child leaves to attend another nursery or
school setting, the nursery practitioners can forward my child’s individual file and/or
a summary of their learning and development to the new setting.
Signature of parents/guardian:__________________ Date:________________
Occasionally, photographs are taken of children within the nursery; these images
may then be used as part of assessing your child’s learning, used on our website, or
displayed on boards within the nursery.
To ensure that we comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 we must ask your
permission to do so; to give your permission for the nursery to photograph your child
to be used for promotional purposes please answer the questions below then sign
and date.
1. May the nursery use your child’s photograph on the website?
2. May the nursery use your child’s photograph on display boards?
3. May the nursery use your child’s photograph to assess their learning? Yes/No
Signature of parent/guardian:___________________ Date:________________
I would like my child_________________________________________________
To commence the Avenues Nursery on:_________________________________
Enrolment is for the following days/sessions each week:
Please note that rota bookings are always subject to available places.
I would like to register my email address so as to receive updates and information
Email address:_______________________________________________________
Email addresses will be kept safe and secure and will only be used by the nursery
practitioners to send valid and relative information about the nursery and the service
it provides.
The signing of this enrolment agreement confirms that the agreement has been
read, understood and accepted by the parties concerned.
Signature of parent/guardian:____________________ Date:________________
Signature of Nursery representative:__________________ Date:____________