“Before all else, be armed”. ~ Machiavelli. JOHN CABOT UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION XVIII February 13th, 2013 I) Introduction: (5 min) 1. Lily (1 min) 2. Lucrezia (2 min) a. Roll Call b. Minutes II) Board (10 min) 1. (3min) 2. (6 min) a. a. MUN Coffee Break Kick off report i. Still do not know how much we spent on that. Pictures? We are waiting for Emily to give them to us. b. Clean Up day i. Sunday March 3rd We will not vote that yet. Waiting for an events coordinator with us. : I will make a proposal and work with them c. Forum Report Thanks for the forum. Still missing expenditures. Mainly students have concerns on tuition, vs usually the president has a conference to explain. A student brought up the point of Aderholt, drugs taken into school. Dean’s List. School workers. : 11am meeting with Giummarra. d. : I talked to Harris with Alessandro on the raise of the tuition and our problem it is just the wait it was told us. She said “do not tell me”: e. : just a breakdown even on how scholarships are divided. Any more comments? Moving on. III) Task Forces (25 min) 1. Senior Calendar (Lily + Umberto) COMPLETE. IT IS ONLINE. 2. Fall Break: (Umberto, Alessandro, Lily): sending dean merva a reminder for an update 3. Transparency/Money Management 4. LSAT Testing (Filip) a. a. a. email to dean merva as a gentle reminder and ask for a small update. (Lily, Filip, Francisco, Umberto, Cecilia, Micayla, Alina) : We met with dean Harris and Merva was there to. They can help us with tutoring. All the info is easy to find. Maybe they can put some info on the website. Maybe they could do a tutoring, although maybe too expensive. Everything is close to our university anyways. b. : JCU is signed for GRA not LSAT. They will work with Career Service. Since there is also small demand for Law School, they can organize a workshop for those interested. Harris could also become the advisor for those who want to go to law school. She already does it informally, maybe we should make it official. Especially if you do not know her. 5. Portfolio workshop “Before all else, be armed”. ~ Machiavelli. a. 6. : cannot be taught in one workshop. It is more individual. Next semester professors will help in the class. Advertisement ( Lily, Lucrezia, and Micayla) a. > Meeting with Danette She could not make the meeting this week. We should move it to next. b. : we talked to dean merva informally about it and she actually supports all the advertisement. Especially those on buses. Many students apparently apply after seeing it. c. : our goal is to propose to focus more on advertise within the Italian schools rather than buses. d. : Italians do kind of know the university. If they really want to advertise maybe they should do it more in the states. e. : yes, our goal is more to stress out that we do not want too much of it because it is expensive and because we loose credibility. IV) ISLC Committee (10 min) March 7th through 10th 1. Ordering: Notebooks, pens, folders- 2. Legault, Pulino, Casa Delle Donne, & Ziccone 3. Egypt Update 4. ISLC quota: next week . Right now we are 35. The idea is that we have different workshops. So far we have 3, we are working to get more. : I have a question regarding the schedule. : yes, they can pick any spot that is red. Estimated quota by next week, depending on the number of students. : why do we have to pay all of it? Does not the school want us to do it? It also raises our reputation. : I agree. : They could pay for transportation like last year. V) General Assembly (5 min) 1. a. Update with Boards via Jackie and Pilar i. They want tvs in the student lounge one at the entrance at tiber. ii. : we should have TODAY’S EVENT. iii. : that’s up to the front office iv. CLOSED VI) Open Session (Debates) VII) Closed Session (Voting) Invite JCU students to attend ISLC and they can pay the fee: Favor: 1 Against: 6 Abstain: 4 MOTION FAILS. VIII) Adjournment 21:23