“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” -Robert Frost JOHN CABOT UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION III September 18, 2012 I) Introduction: (5 minutes) 1. Lily (2 min) Minute Approval (Lucrezia) (2 min) 2. Roll Call (Lucrezia) (1 min) II) Board (25 min) 3. Lily (3 min) Introduction of Menna and Francisco ACT 009(1 min) Extended opening hours (1min) 4. Filip (7min) Clubs meeting 5. Lorenzo (5min) Budget Revision 6. Emily (5 min) Kick-off Feedback 7. Lucrezia (5 min) Gala PICT Board of Trustees III) General Assembly (10 min) 1. Davide (5 min) a. Proposal IV) Committees (15minutes) 1. Academic Affairs (5 minutes) a. Yumi i. Forum, Thursday 20th ii. Next forum/ Q&A? 2. Constitutional Committee (7 min) a. Lily and Jerelyn i. Amendments 3. Community Service (3 minutes) a. First Clean-Up day? 4. Social Events a. Lily & Lucrezia i. Romecoming 1. Committee + extra help. 2. Free tickets 5. ISLC a. Email by Dean Merva VI) Legislation (minutes) VI) Open Session (Debates) (10 min) VII) Closed Session (Voting) 1. Vote on Constitutional Amendments up to Art.4 2. IX) Adjournment Mr. Brightside – The Killers