“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe JOHN CABOT UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION V October 2, 2012 I) Introduction: (3 min) 1. Lily (1 min) Minute Approval (Lucrezia) (2 min) 2. Roll Call (Lucrezia) (1 min) II) Board (25 min) 3. Lily (2 min) a. Forum 4. Filip (7min) a. Meeting with Trustees 5. Lorenzo (5min) Budget Report 6. Emily (5 min) Kick-off Report Announcement 7. Lucrezia (6-7 min) Gala Feedback Monthly agenda When Pict? Next week school event III) General Assembly (10 min) 1. Alina (5 min) a. Proposal 2. Valeria (5 min) a. Make Up days IV) Committees (15minutes) 1. Academic Affairs (5 minutes) a. Yumi i. Meeting with Merva on Thursday 2. Community Service a. Lily (3 minutes) i. Clean-Up day 3. Social Events 4. ISLC a. Lily (5 min) VI) Legislation (minutes) VI) Open Session (Debates) (10 min) Lucrezia: Library on Sundays VII) Closed Session (Voting) IX) Adjournment Manos al Aire – Nelly Furtado