Guidelines for English 3 project on medieval art and literature Define “Middle Ages” time period, styles Choose a general topic on medieval art For topics # 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, choose your illustrations from the collections at Metropolitan Museum of art and The Cloisters in NYC. (some of these medieval objects are from France, Italy, or Spain). 1. Armor- See armor collection at main branch of Metropolitan Museum of art) 2 Swords- See sword collection at main branch of Metropolitan Museum of art) 3. Stained Glass- history, color symbolism, religious symbolism, method of fabrication 4. Architecture— Roman Arch (Fuentidueña Chapel; Gothic arch (Gothic chapel) 5. Sculpture— history, material, symbolism. 6. Tapestries- (Unicorn tapestries); (Hall of heroes: “Nine Heroes tapestries”) 7. Paintings- history, materials, symbolism 8. Tombs- history, composition, symbolism, social purpose 9. Monasteries— . St. Michel de Cuxa Cloister; St. Guilhem Cloister _____ For topics 10,11,12,13,14,15, choose your illustrations from British sites and objects only. 10. Universities Oxford University, Cambridge University 11.Castles— Focus on a distinct castle, with its history, floor plan, architectural names of castle components, social purpose. One English castle, one Scottish castle, one Welsh castle. 12. Churches— Canterbury Cathedral; Westminster Cathedral 13. Manors- Focus on a distinct British manor, with its history floor plan, architectural names of components, social purpose (English or Scottish manors) 14. Weapons- (exclude swords); group weapons like catapults, siege engines; personal weapons like cross-bows, and long-bows 15. Medieval Music— names, shapes, materials, and sounds of the instruments. Create a website linking the instruments you describe to their sounds, as recorded in A Guide to Medieval and Renaissance instruments. research texts and images on your topic; note urls’ and bibliographic info compose a plan to arrange your material home page //art works page/texts from literature page; critics’ page; hot potatoes quiz page (they do not have that software yet) set up plan in Front Page choose a theme banner navigation bar email link updated on, and by links from one page to more info or sources thumbnails of photos and drawings image map geography of the place; map of castle; map of weapons; map of insignia map of a tapestry; add bulleted hints at top of map page so that one knows where to mouse over and click for more info links back to home page on every page dynamic html: image swaps; image slide show; background preview site; open site in Netscape check previous guidelines for web pages in word for hints on fonts, background etc.