University of North Georgia Faculty Scholar Award 2014 - Application Name: ______________________________________________________________________ College / Department or Institute: _________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________ Title of Project: ______________________________________________________________ 1. Summarize past and current scholarship activities. Place special emphasis on projects that are related to the project you are proposing. [One page limit] 2. Project Description [Four page limit]: a. Overview (Provide an overview of your project including the deliverables and goals/objectives.) b. Significance to your content discipline (What is the significance of your project relative to your discipline?) c. Presentation (How do you plan to show, publish, present or otherwise disseminate the results of your project? Briefly explain how these disseminations qualify as scholarship according to the university / department’s promotion & tenure guidelines.) d. Provide a timeline for completing the project, including tentative dates for the commencement of the project and the submission of a final report and/or interim report. (Interim reports are applicable only to projects that span more than one semester.) e. All research using human participants must complete and include the UNG IRB application form – (Allow 2-4 weeks for a review.) 3. Budget and justification [Two page limit]: a. Provide an itemized summary of what you intend to purchase and/or fund with the amount requested. Modify the following table to suit your needs. Items Quantity Cost per item Total per item Item 1 : TOTAL REQUESTED b. Include a brief justification for each item you request. c. Are you are requesting funds to support a course release? Yes / No If “Yes”, indicate the semester you and your unit supervisor or dean have selected for you to take. _____________________________________________ The supervisor or dean’s signature is required for course release funding. Signature:_________________________________________________ d. Do you currently have funding for this project from another source (e.g. Presidential Awards, CURCA, NSF, etc.)? Yes / No If “Yes”, indicate how the funds requested in this proposal will be used differently from the funds you’ve already obtained. 4. I understand that if I am awarded a Faculty Scholar Award, I will submit a final report and present my project at a brown-bag colloquium during the 2014-15 academic year. Faculty Name:__________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________Date:__________________ Faculty Scholar Award 2014 – Rubric Name:_________________________ Project Title:__________________________________ Points Awarded Section 1: History Summary of previous scholarly activities Section 2: Project Description Overview Significance to the discipline Scholarly dissemination and aligned to university and/or dept. P&T guidelines Timeline Section 3: Budget Budget and justification Approvals History is vague or indicative of incomplete projects. No projects similar in nature, scale, and scope as the proposed activity History of completing projects of the same nature but no projects of similar scale and scope. Solid history of completing projects of the similar nature, scale and scope of proposed project. 1 2 3 4 No deliverables and no clearly defined goals/objectives. Vague mention of deliverables and goals/objectives. Clear, concise description of deliverables and goals/objectives. 1 2 No description that indicates value to discipline. Unable to ascertain if the project is significant to the discipline. 1 2 3 4 No mention of any form of dissemination. Mentions possible venue for dissemination and vaguely aligned to univ./dept. P & T guidelines. Mentions possible dissemination venue and aligned to univ./ dept. P & T guidelines. Identifies specific and reasonable opportunities for dissemination with dates and clearly aligned to univ./dept. 3 4 Some significance to the discipline. Very significant to the discipline. P & T guidelines. 1 No timeline. 2 Unrealistic timeline. 1 2 Insufficient budget with no justification. Insufficient budget with unreasonable justification. 1 2 Supervisor’s signature (for course release) and/or IRB form (for using human subjects) not included -24 Other funding Deliverables, goals/objectives are described but are disorganized or unclear. No. 1 3 4 Appropriate timeline. Realistic and appropriate timeline. 3 4 Sufficient budget with unclear justification. Sufficient and reasonable budget and justification. 3 4 Supervisor’s signature (for course release) and/or IRB form (for using human subjects) included 0 Yes, but no explanation for use of other funding. Yes, reasonable justification for use of other funding. 0 1 Total 2/10/14-msc /25