Faculty of Arts Professional Development Funding Policy
The Faculty of Arts General Staff Professional Development Funding is intended to provide financial assistance for general staff to attend professional development opportunities , both as a ‘top-up’ to School funds, and when no
School funding is available.
Funding of up to $1000 is available for staff to attend eligible professional development programs.
Proposals can include related accommodation, travel and registration fees.
1. Applications will be considered on a monthly basis by a panel of three, including:
The Faculty Manager
A nominee from the School Administrative Managers group
A nominee from the Faculty Office Administrative group
2. Applications must be received by the Faculty Office by the 1 st of each month. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their funding request no later than the 15 th of each month.
Funding is available for continuing staff, and to contract staff who have at least 12 months remaining on their contract at the time of the professional development program.
Once the activity has been completed, a brief report (template attached) should be submitted to the Faculty
Manager within 1 month of attendance.
Staff who receive funding are only eligible to receive future funding on completion of the abovementioned report.
Staff may apply for more than one grant per calendar year subject to availability of funding and evidence of objectives being met.
Applicants must demonstrate how the development activity directly relates to their current position, will enhance their performance and/or has a demonstrated value to the team/School/Faculty.
Applicants must present a feasible, cost-effective proposal, including the sourcing of best prices, and the justification of costs involved (e.g. information on registration fees, cheapest travel selected, etc.)
Please note:
Funds are limited and applications will be rated competitively.
It is Faculty policy to fund accommodation and sustenance at the respective university rate.
Travel will only be funded for the cheapest feasible alternative.
On completion of the activity, only actual expenses can be claimed in accordance with university travel policy.
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Please submit your application electronically to the Faculty Manager.
Applicant details
Given Name
Current Position
2. Title of professional development program
3. Date and location of training
4. Total funds requested
5. Objectives
Please demonstrate how this development activity directly relates to your current position, will enhance your performance and/or has a demonstrated value to your team/School/Faculty.
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6. Previous support
Have you received professional development funding in the last 3 years?
If yes, please indicate the program/s attended:
Year awarded
Amount Name of program
7. Budget summary and justification
Detailed budget items
Registration costs
Total funds requested:
How money expended/justification
8. Certification by applicant
I certify that all the details on this form are correct and complete.
I agree to submit a report to the Faculty Manager on completion of the program.
I agree to share the acquired knowledge/resources with my team/School/Faculty. will be
9. Signature of applicant
10. Signature of Head of School or School Administrative Manager
Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _
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11. Certification by funding panel
We certify that the application meets the criteria for support under the Faculty of Arts Professional
Development Policy.
Optional comments:
Signature of Presiding Officer :
I endorse the application for professional development funding.
Signature of Faculty Manager:
Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _
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A final report MUST be submitted to the Faculty Manager within one month of completion of the professional development program.
Program attended:
Please give a brief summary of the professional development program you attended.
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Please indicate whether or not you were able to achieve the objectives set out in the original application. If any objectives were not achieved, please give reasons for this and indicate whether these outcomes might still be achieved in another way.
Please include any other comments about the professional development program, for example whether you think the program would be of benefit to other staff.
Printed name:
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