Partner no
Partner acronym
Partner name
Partner 1
Partner n
PIC 1 Organization type
End user
Legal status validated by EC for
FP7 2
SME status validated by EC for
FP7 3
New to
EC projects 4
How did you learn about the CloudFlow Open Call?
1 See https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/organisations/register.html for registration of your organization and the validation procedure. The validation process involves many steps and has to be completed before a new project can be appended to CloudFlow. Payment of prefinancing will first be done when an Experiment has been amended to the CloudFlow Grant agreement. We consequently advice all partners that have not been validated by the EC to immediately start the validation process as soon as they have decided to submit a proposal to avoid delaying the start of the experiment.
Note that CloudFlow is an fp7 project not a Horizon 2020 project, so the participation rules are those of fp7.
In fp7 validated SMEs are funded according to the Special Transition Flat Rate that gives higher funding level than for none SMEs.
Experiments do not require that all partners are new to EC-projects, but we would like to encourage new experiment consortia to bring in companies that have not yet been involved in EC-research projects.
C O O R D I N A T O R / E X P E R I M E N T L E A D E R
A B S T R A C T (5 lines)
K E Y W O R D S (max. 5 keywords)
Keyword 1, …, keyword 5
Call information
Call title:
Project full name:
Project acronym:
New application experiments for CloudFlow – 2 nd
Computational Cloud Services and Workflows for Agile Engineering
Grant agreement number: 609100
Open Call
Call deadline: 30. September 2015, 17:00 h (Brussels local time)
Which product or process is to be simulated or optimized?
What is the duration and cost of the corresponding design/engineering task?
Which software is to be used/cloudified on an HPC-resource?
Which benefits are intended to be achieved for the end user(s)?
Please quantify in terms of:
Product innovation
Cost savings
Time reduction [engineering hours / engineering duration / compute time / compute duration]
Product/process quality improvements
Job creation
In which market is the above product positioned? What is the market size and share? What is the expected growth of your market share given that the above benefits are achieved in a 1 to 3 years perspective? Please characterize potential further market segments that you want to address with the results of this experiment in a similar way.
Which benefits are intended to be achieved for the independent software vendor(s)?
Please quantify in terms of:
Product innovation/improvement
New distribution possibilities
Interoperable workflows with existing CloudFlow offerings
Job creation
In which market is the above software positioned? What is the market size and share? What is the expect growth of your market share given that the above benefits are achieved in a 1 to 3 years perspective? Please characterize potential further market segments that you want to address with the results of this experiment in a similar way.
What do you think is the [technical/economic] impact of your experiment on the CloudFlow infrastructure? Please discuss from the end user and independent software vendor perspective.
How are you going to address the above mentioned markets?
Which dissemination activities are planned during and after the lifespan of the experiment?
How are the results going to be exploited during and beyond the lifespan of the experiment?
How do you like to scale up after the end of the experiment to include other users, markets, countries, etc.?
How are you going to continue the partnership of this experiment after the end of the project?
Please discuss from the end user and independent software vendor perspective.
Please note that the exploitable results (incl. software) are to be made available on the CloudFlow
Portal after the end of your experiment under the conditions to be defined in the Business Model of this experiment.
What are the driving questions for the experiment? What do you want to learn/know/prove?
How will the experiment provide evidence and answers to the driving questions?
What are the "ingredients" to your experiment?
What are the steps (recipe) of your experiment?
What are your performance indicators?
How will you measure them?
Please answer and discuss the above questions for economic AND technical aspects possibly from the end user and independent software vendor perspective. To do so, you may recall your school lessons in Physics and/or Chemistry where a certain set-up and specific tools, materials (‘ingredients’) have been used to show that a certain physical phenomena happens. Your teacher had the ‘recipe’ what she wanted to show/prove to you. Here we would like to read a description of what the experiment shall demonstrate/develop (similar to the ‘recipe’). In the next section we ask you to describe how the experiment shall be developed from a technical point of view.
Explain how you want to implement and run the experiment.
What are the building blocks of your solution, e.g. the components of your software?
Which changes do you plan to perform on the building blocks, e.g. modularization and cloudification of your software?
How are the building blocks related, and how will they be integrated?
How are you going to integrate your developments with the CloudFlow infrastructure and make them sustainable beyond the CloudFlow project duration?
How does the experiment expand existing workflows, services, applications? Which existing ones is it building-on?
How is it complementary to existing ones?
Please describe the technical approach, introduce the corresponding activities and involved partners, so you can relate to them in the tables in section 5. Note the tables do not provide enough space for activity descriptions. We expect the activities to be described here. Introduce titles for your experiment activities so you can use them as table entries in the next section.
Please fill the tables for the activities described in Section 4 introducing milestones and deliverables.
Activity No
<Activity #> <name>
Activity name Lead participant no.
<Participant #>
Start month
End month
<#> <#> <#>
NB: There is a mandatory activity to evaluate the experiment. The corresponding work will be carried out by the CloudFlow Competence Center.
Milestone No. Milestone name
<Milestone #> <name>
Activity(-ies) involved
<Activity #>
Expected month
Nature 5 Internal
Del. No.
<I #>
Deliverable name Activity(-ies) involved
<name> <Activity #>
Dissemination level 6 Delivery month
R/P/D/ other PU/PP/RE/CO <#>
NB: In addition to the experiment internal deliverables listed above, there are obligations to
CloudFlow, including activity reporting (verbally: every month / written progress reporting: every three months), a final experiment report and project review contributions.
Please indicate the nature of the deliverable using one of the following codes:
R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other
Please indicate the dissemination level using one of the following codes:
PU = Public
PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services).
RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services).
CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services).
Participant number
Participant short name
1 (Lead) <name> <#>
Estimated eligible costs
Personnel costs (€)
Other direct costs (€)
Indirect costs
Total costs
<#> <#> <#> <#>
EC contribution (€)
Please fill the table. Explain clearly and justify your (types of) costs (other direct, etc.), e.g.:
use of HPC resources
Note, you have to estimate the HPC running costs here. The running costs have to be carried out of the experiment budget of the new beneficiaries. Our HPC centers are open to help you estimating the costs; please contact them. You find the contact information in our FAQ document.
In terms of travel costs, you should take into consideration the following mandatory trips:
kick-off meeting for the new experiments
review meeting
intermediate meeting
final CloudFlow ‘conference’
Note that additional costs for the CloudFlow Competence Center do not have to be considered here.
There is independent financing for existing CloudFlow partners of up to 50% (estimated, on average) of the total EC contribution requested by an experiment (maximum 90.000 € ). In sum the total per experiment EC contribution could add up to 90.000 € + 45.000€ in kind contributions of the CloudFlow
Competence Center. In case the proposal is selected for financing the CloudFlow Competence Center will specify in detail the budget distribution amongst existing partners.
Please describe the consortium as a whole.
Please describe what each partner brings to the experiment and to the CloudFlow project.
Please provide a company profile with key personnel (per partner, existing CloudFlow partners need not be listed)
Partner name
Link to webpage
1-2 key person(s)
<description of company / organization>
<size of company, number of employees, revenue (estimated)>
<country of headquarters>
<international subsidiaries>
<web link>
Max. 5 lines
<profile>, <who is doing to day-to-day management of the experiment>
Prior participation in
EC projects
Max. 5 lines if you are new to EC programmes, please explicitly state so. If you have been involved in EC projects, please name them (with ref. to web address).
Administrative contact
Technical contact
Name, Phone and
e-mail address
Name, Phone and e-mail address
Please fill these tables completely, it will allow easier administration of all contacts during future steps.
1. Industrial relevance (Weight 4, Threshold 3)
Justification of score: <Text>
Score(0,1,2,3,4 or 5)
Score(0,1,2,3,4 or 5) 2. Dissemination and Exploitation strategy (Weight 1)
Justification of score: <Text>
3. Experiment design (Weight 1)
Justification of score: <Text>
4. Soundness of technical approach (Weight 1)
Justification of score: <Text>
5. Quality of work plan (Weight 1)
Justification of score: <Text>
6. Effective and justified deployment of resources (Weight 1)
Justification of score: <Text>
7. Appropriateness of the consortium for the experiment (Weight 1)
Justification of score: <Text>
Score(0,1,2,3,4 or 5)
Score(0,1,2,3,4 or 5)
Score(0,1,2,3,4 or 5)
Score(0,1,2,3,4 or 5)
Score(0,1,2,3,4 or 5)
Threshold for the total score is 30 out of 50.
At most 2 categories can be strictly below 3 point, not including 1.
Industrial relevance that has a threshold of 3.
In case of a tie of two or more proposals reaching the same numerical score and lying at the cutoff for acceptance imposed by the available funding resources, the CloudFlow Competence
Center will take the decision which one(s) to accept. For more details on the selection criteria, please see: Guide for Applicants and FAQ. This decision then has to be justified towards the
European Commission as represented by the Scientific Officer of the CloudFlow project.