Language in Motion and Bad Weather (Snow, Sleet, Ice, Extreme Cold, Flooding, etc.) If you suspect, because of the weather forecast, that your school might be delayed or canceled, email the teacher and/or LIM in advance to find out what to do. If the public schools are closed or delayed because of the weather, our presentations or observations will be affected. To find out on presentation day if schools are in session and on time: Option A: (faster than the other two options unless you get lucky with the timing): - Go on the internet to: OR - Look for the name of the school district, not the school itself, (list follows) in which you are presenting. The schools are grouped by what is happening: Closed or Delay (and the length of the delay) or Early Dismissal. Option B: Tune in to a local radio station such as 102.5 FM and listen for announcements. They are usually made two or three times per hour. Option C: Watch a local TV channel. They usually scroll delays and closings in alphabetical order across the bottom of the screen. What to do next: If you find the district of the school you are going to is listed, here is what you do: A. If the school is closed, the presentations for that day are cancelled. Contact by email right away. We will contact the teacher. Be sure your driver (or presenter) also knows that the scheduled trip is not happening! B. If the school opening is delayed, any presentations scheduled before 10:00 a.m. are either cancelled or have had the time changed. Presentations later in the day may also be on a new time schedule. You need to do several things: 1. Call the school to find out whether the periods you were to present in are still going to meet (some schools rotate which periods get skipped on the day of a delay; other schools have them all but shorten them, thus changing their start and end times). 2. If you can still go to those periods, contact your driver (or presenter) to be sure that your transportation will still work. If so, contact the school to tell the teacher that you will be coming. 3. If you can’t go because the period times have changed or because you no longer have transportation, call the school to cancel your presentations. Be sure to tell them the name of the teacher in whose classes you are presenting! Then email with some dates for which we can reschedule you. The teacher will expect you to do these presentations on another day. 4. If the driver can’t go but you still can, contact the driver coordinator, Bri Voth, by phone at 760855-3684 or Deb Roney by phone (814-641-3493) or email ( We may be able to find another driver to get you there. If we find one and you are going, we will confirm with the school that you are coming. If we don’t find one, we will cancel for the day, and you will need to send us new dates for us to reschedule you. Schools Teachers Altoona Area School District (814) 946-8211 Altoona High School (814) 946-8273 Altoona Junior School (814) 381-7500 Penn Lincoln Elementary School 814-946-8396 Bergstein, Haduck, Patton, Petrarca, Poole, Quynn Apollo Ridge School District Apollo Ridge High School 814-404-0891 Misja Bald Eagle Area School District (814) 355-4868 Reese, Simpson, Smith Bedford Area School District (814) 623-4290 Bedford Area High School (814) 623-4290 Kegg, Lantz, Neff, Taylor, Ulanowicz Bellefonte Area School District (814) 355-4814 Bellefonte Area High School (814) 355-4833 Barton, Butch, Fitzgerald, Howard, Maney, Martin, Mease, Morris, Packer, Zimdahl-McManu Belleville Mennonite School (814) 502-8008 Farley, Harztler, Quinn Bellwood-Antis School District (814) 742-2270 Bellwood-Antis High School (814) 742-2274 Brant, Burch, Claar, Elliott-Smith, McMaul, McMinn, Smith, Van Scoyoc Central Cambria District Bishop Carroll High School 814-472-7500 Holy Name School 814-472-8817 Adams, Hertzog, Kochara, Seymour Schools Teachers Central Fulton School District McConnellsburg Jr./Sr. High School 717-485-3183 Matthews Clearfield Area School District (814) 765-5511 Clearfield Area High School (814) 765-2401 Simpson Elizabethtown Area School District (717) 367-1521 Elizabethtown Area High School (717) 367-1533 Elizabethtown Area Middle School (717) 361-7525 Bronson, Crawford, Gotowski, Jennings, Huesken, Murphy, Nicodemus, Safford, Sahid, Shenk, Vamer Everett Area School District Everett Area High School (814) 652-9114 Beidle, Leonard Fannett Metal School District Fannett Metal High School 717-349-2363 Logan, Waite, Wilson Forbes Road School District Forbes Road Jr./Sr. High School 814-685-3866 Bollman, Cutshall, Gelvin, Hollinshead Huntingdon Area School District Huntingdon Area High School 814-643-1080 Huntingdon Area Middle School 814-643-2900 Southside Elementary School 814-627-1100 Standing Stone Elementary School 814-643-0771 Juniata County School District (717) 463-2111 East Juniata High School (717) 463-2111 Elder, Foster, Guisler, Kurtz, Marter, McMath, Oldham, Tomlinson, Werner Anders, Botteicher, Brown, Buterbaugh, Decker, Miller (K), Miller (L), Mykut, Schaffer, Smith (P), Hess, Kraft, Kylor, Marko, Miller (T), Palguta, Reed, Savino, Smith (Catie), Smith (Cheryl) Clapper, McNamara, Miller (J), Payne, Simpson, Snare, Watson, Wright (P), Zerbe Boyd Schools Teachers Juniata Valley School District (814) 669-9150 Juniata Valley High School (814) 669-4401 Juniata Valley Elementary School (814) 669-4422 Braxton, Gregory, Hershey, Johnson, Joivell, Musselman, Cowher, Czambel, Gillam, Hurley, McMullen, Musser (B), Musser (M), Rahoi, Rimmer, Sipols, Smith, Steward, Vlasak Mifflin County School District (717) 248-0148 Mifflin County High School (717) 248-5441 Mifflin County Middle School (717) 242-1401 Mifflin County Jr. High School (717) 242-0240 Strode Mills Elementary School (717) 248-7154 Fernandez, Pascon, Soldubehere, Yoder, Appel, Aultz, Barnhardt, Bowers, Cassner, Castro-Hopple, Eckenroth (J), Mattern, Watkins, Reese, Grimes, Eckenroth (E), Miller, Smith Mount Union Area School District (814) 542-8633 Mount Union Area High School (814) 542-9311 Kistler Elementary School (814) 542-2595 Mapleton Elementary School 814-542-4401 Burton, Hendricks, Plank, Shields, Starr, Young, Dell, Keating, Wright Penn Cambria School District Penn Cambria High School (814) 886-8188 Davidson, Gleason, Lawlor, Manning, Rodgers, Tomaselli Penn-Mont Academy (814) 696-8801 Barthelmes, Grove, Rodriguez, Zajac Penns Valley Area School District (814) 422-2000 Penns Valley High School (814) 422-8854 Kitchen, Lanich, Suhey, Zatek Southern Fulton School District (717) 294-2203 Southern Fulton High School (717) 294-3251 Southern Fulton Elementary School (717) 294-3400 Barton, Greist, Hollenshead, Layton Schools Teachers Southern Huntingdon County School District (814) 447-5529 Southern Huntingdon County High School (814) 447-5529 Rockhill Elementary School (814) 447-3631 Shade Gap Elementary School 814-259-3137 Atherton, Gozikownski, Bartello, Deihl, Griest, Park, Hicks, Maxwell Spring Cove School District (814) 224-5124 Central High School (814) 793-2111 Logan, Waite, Wilson Tuscarora School District Tuscarora Junior High School 717-436-2165 Cook, Imes Tussey Mountain School District Tussey Mountain High School 814-635-2975 Defiance Elementary School 814-928-4611 Adams, Jancula, Kozak, Manges, Thompson, Wakefoose, Houck Tyrone Area School District (814) 684-0710 Tyrone Area High School (814) 684-4240 Burket, Cammarata, DePiro, Hetrick, Redinger, Salamy, Sechler Williamsburg School District Williamsburg Community High School (814) 832-2125 Baronner, Estrada, Over