
Application form for associate membership
Date of submission:
Please note: since this application will be subject to internal review, the application form and
preferably all accompanying documents must be completed in English.
1. Basic data
Name of institution /
Contact Person
Surname, first name
Academic degree
Address, No.
ZIP, City
Direct line
Office line
Host Institution
(if applicable)
(institution which will host the CTU and may provide necessary support)
Name of Institution
Address, No.
ZIP, City
Office line
Advising full member
(if applicable)
Name of Institution
Address, No.
ZIP, City
Office line
(institution which advises the applicant and will provide necessary support)
Application form for associate membership – version date: 140415
Contributing Authors
(if applicable)
(other persons beside the designated Contact Person who contributed substantially
to the conceptual work and/or writing of the application)
Surname, First Name
Type of Contribution
Surname, First Name
Type of Contribution
Confirmation by Contact Person
I hereby confirm that all the details given in this proposal, including the appendices, are correct. They were
elaborated jointly with all co-authors, the host institution and the advising full member of the SCTO.
Place, date:
Please include the following documents with the application (where appropriate):
letter of recommendation from the Director of the host institution
other (please specify)
Name institution:
Application form for associate membership – version date: 140415
2. Organisation
2.1 Organisational Structure, Organigram, and Overview of Functions
and Competences
Please provide an organigram of your Institution/Organisation.
Please specify how the necessary competence in clinical study design, trial management, epidemiology,
pharmacology, biostatistics, databank design and handling, nursing, and other disciplines to be covered is
Please provide a short job description for each function listed on the organigram of your CTU. Where appropriate, indicate names and professional background of position holders.
Please specify, whether are interested to collaborate with a CTU from the CTU network and if yes, in which
Institution/Organisation Personnel
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
Head/Coordinator of Institution/Organisation
existing position
position planned to be established
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
existing position
position planned to be established
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
position not existing
interested to collaborate with CTU
Study Nurse
existing position
position planned to be established
Name institution:
position not existing
interested to collaborate with CTU
Study Manager/Monitor
existing position
position planned to be established
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
position not existing
Quality Manager
existing position
position planned to be established
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
position not existing
interested to collaborate with CTU
Secretary / Clinical Trial Administrator
existing position
position planned to be established
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
position not existing
position not existing
Application form for associate membership – version date: 140415
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
Data Manager
existing position
position planned to be established
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
position not existing
interested to collaborate with CTU
Clinical Epidemiologist
existing position
position planned to be established
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
position not existing
interested to collaborate with CTU
Clinical Pharmacologist
existing position
position planned to be established
position not existing
interested to collaborate with CTU
Add other functions as needed
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
Please specify
existing position
position planned to be established
# of Full Time Equivalents
Job Description
position not existing
interested to collaborate with CTU
Please specify
existing position
position planned to be established
position not existing
interested to collaborate with CTU
Job Description
Please add a short description per function or attach existing job descriptions to the application.
Name institution:
Application form for associate membership – version date: 140415
2.2 Operations
Please specify products and services delivered by the Institution/Organisation.
Please give a summary on the day-to-day management of the Institution/Organisation.
Please also answer the following specific questions:
What are the procedures for allocation of resources to projects being conducted with the support of your
Institution/Organisation? Is equal access to Institution/Organisation resources for different disciplines,
other institutes/clinics available?
How do you communicate within the Institution/Organisation and with other Institutions/Organisations?
How do you envisage to coordinate local activities with other Institutions/Organisations in Switzerland
and abroad?
Please specify organisation of quality assessment and quality control.
Please specify your internal/external training programme.
Please specify how data-management is organised and which system is used within your Institution/Organisation.
Name institution:
Application form for associate membership – version date: 140415
3. Track Record
Please list/summarise important clinical research undertaken in your Institution/Organisation over the last five years
(single/multi-centre trials, trials with industry sponsor or sponsor-investigator, do you also act as a sponsorinvestigator, legal representative etc.)
Name institution:
Application form for associate membership – version date: 140415
4. Future Perspectives / expectations
State the motivation of your Institution/Organisation to become an associate member of the SCTO. Summarise the
expectations your Institution/Organisation has in this regard.
Please list/summarise important projects, strategic plans etc of your Institution/Organisation for the future.
Name institution: