Health Clinic Sub Folder (Sample)

Health Clinic Sub Folder
School Name
Health Para:
Office Secretary:
School Psych:
District School Nurse:
Contact Info:
Health clinic: (phone #:
Main office: (phone #:
Office fax: (fax #:
District Nurse: (phone #:
School address:
Health Clinic: Basics
Follow treatment protocols for basic first aid in the health clinic
o “Emergency Guidelines for Schools” (location:
o Be sure to check student’s temperature with all “sick” visits; stomachache, HA,
sore throat, etc.
 Follow Illness Policy
If a student injury is serious or a significant head injury (anything major), fill out:
o Incident/Accident report
 (location:
 Keep report for District RN to review – do NOT put in student health
folder or send home with student
Follow individual health care plans for students with medical needs
o (location:
o Only staff who have been trained and delegated by the RN may perform specific
care procedures
Record all visits in the health clinic log (location:
Document all student visits in Powerschool
o Student name, health, health office visits
o Include:
 Chief complaint
 Observations (temp, etc)
 Treatment provided (rest, ice pack, etc.)
 Discharge (home/back to class, etc.)
 Discharge time
Health Clinic: Daily Schedule
2014-2015 school year
Student name
- daily scheduled medication (name, dose)
- treatment
Student name
- daily scheduled treatment
Student name
- medication (name, dose)
Diabetic student with pump
- Check BG (supervise student check BG)
- May give correction bolus before lunch (if BG is high)
Diabetic student with pump
- Calculate grams of carbs eaten with student
- Enter into insulin pump: carbs eaten, BG before lunch
- Confirm insulin dosage and delivery
- Record in IC:
*Time, BG, carbs eaten, units of insulin administered
Student name
- medication (name, dose)
- treatment
Student name
- medication (name, dose)
- treatment
Health Care Plans: 2014-2015 School Year
The following students have Individual Health Care Plans – follow specific care procedures
***Trained and delegated staff only
Student Name
*HCP’s are in a 3-ring binder, location: (
) in the health clinic and must remain confidential
*Diastat and Epi-Pens are located: (