Health and Clinic Information

Health and Clinic Information
The Dublin City School District employs six school nurses (5 full-time and 1 part-time) who
rotate between their assigned schools each week. There is also a full-time clinic aide in each
building who, together with the nurse, monitors the health care of students in the district.
Immunizations - Immunization records must be provided to the school. After records are
reviewed, you will be contacted if additional vaccinations are needed. Students without a record
of all required immunizations by the 14th school day will be excluded from attending until the
appropriate vaccinations are obtained and documented with the school.
Immunization Requirements for Kindergarten Students are - DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis): 5 doses (final dose given after the 4th birthday)
- Polio: 4 doses (the last dose must be given on or after the 4th birthday)
- MMR (measles, mumps, rubella /German measles): 2 doses (1st dose given after age 1 year)
- Hepatitis B: 3 doses (2nd dose given at least 28 days after 1st, 3rd dose given at least 16 weeks
after 1st and at least 8 weeks after 2nd. Last dose must be given after age 24 weeks)
- Varicella (Chicken pox): 2 doses (1st dose given after age 1 year)
Emergency Medical Authorization Forms - Forms must be completed on line through Dublin
Dashboard using an access or link code provided by the school after registration. Please provide
us with all available contact numbers and include individuals authorized to pick up your child if
you are unavailable. Please update contact information throughout the school year if changes
occur. Medical information provided will be compiled into a confidential list of health concerns,
which is shared with staff. This enables school staff and authorized providers to be aware of
student’s medical conditions in case of an emergency. Please contact your school nurse prior to
or at the beginning of the school year if your child has a medical condition such as a lifethreatening allergy, diabetes, seizures, or other serious concerns, so that a health care plan can be
established to ensure your child’s needs are met at school.
Medication - All medications need to be brought to the clinic by the parent and must be in the
original containers labeled with the student’s name. Prescription medications need to have an
authorization form completed and signed by the prescribing physician and a parent. Over-thecounter medications need to have an authorization form signed by a parent. New medication
forms need to be filled out every year. Medication forms are available at the school office, clinic
or online at the school website,, under the “Forms/Links” heading.
Exclusions - Students are excluded from school if they have diarrhea, vomiting, temperature of
100 or above, impetigo, pinkeye, lice, or other condition that may be contagious. Children must
have no fever (temperature of 100 or higher), vomiting, or diarrhea without medication for 24
hours before returning to school. If a student is prescribed antibiotics (including eye drops) for a
contagious illness, he/she must be on the medication for at least 24 hours before returning to
school even if they are without fever or other symptoms. Please report any contagious illness to
the clinic or office.
Hearing and Vision Screening – All Kindergarteners will have vision and hearing screenings
done in the fall. You will be notified if your child does not pass these screenings, and a
recommendation will be made to see a specialist for further evaluation.
Lyndi Brechbuhler, Clinic Aide 614-718-8905
Updated 05/20/14