Committees of Academic Council 2015-2016 Academic Planning Terms of Reference 1. The Academic Planning Committee shall facilitate the development and implementation of the Grenfell Campus Academic Plan. a. The Committee will solicit academic plans for each division and consolidate these into an overall Campus plan for approval by Campus Academic Council. b. The academic planning cycle will be consistent with the strategic planning cycle of Grenfell Campus and the Academic Plan will be updated as necessary throughout that period. 2. The Committee shall receive proposals for new academic programs and evaluate these for alignment with the Grenfell Campus Academic Plan. Programs approved in principle by the Committee will be submitted to Campus Academic Council fo further consideration. Composition of Committee The Academic Planning Committee shall consist of the Vice-President (Grenfell Campus) (ex officio), Associate University Librarian (ex officio), 1 GCSU representative, 5 members of Campus Academic Council (1 Arts, 1 Science, 1 Social Science, 1 Fine Arts, 1 at large) and 1 faculty member from Western Regional School of Nursing. Academic Studies Terms of Reference There shall be an Academic Studies Committee to discuss and make recommendations to the Grenfell Academic Council pertaining to: (a) established University credit courses and programs; and (b) proposed new credit courses and programs. The Academic Studies Committee shall (a) discuss and make recommendations to the Grenfell Academic Council pertaining to established and proposed University regulations; and, (b) consider and act upon special cases and academic appeals of students at GrenfellCampus. Composition of Committee The Academic Studies Committee shall consist of the Vice-President (Grenfell Campus) (ex officio), Registrar (ex officio), 1 student, 5 members of Grenfell Academic Council (1 Arts, 1 Science, 1 Social Science, 1 Fine Arts, 1 at large) and 1 faculty member from WRSON. Library Planning Committee Terms of Reference There shall be a Library Planning Committee to develop policies and plans for library holding and acquisitions. The Library Planning Committee shall (a) review present holdings in different disciplines and consult with these disciplines; (b) recommend to Grenfell Academic Council on priorities for long-term collection development and to record the order of acquisition; (c) recommend to Grenfell Academic Council future requirements such as equipment and long term technological considerations; and (d) review its mandate and report back to Council regarding any amendments it wishes to recommend. Composition of Committee The Library Planning Committee shall consist of the Vice-President (Grenfell Campus) (ex officio), the Associate University Librarian (ex officio), 1 student, 4 members of Grenfell Academic Council (at large) and 1 faculty member from WRSON. Nominating Committee Terms of Reference There shall be a Nominating Committee to nominate members to the various committees of Council. Membership on Campus committees can be drawn from all members of the Grenfell Academic Council. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for (a) the election of the Vice-Chair and Secretary of Council; and, (b) the election of the members of the Corner Brook Sub-Committee of the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies. Composition of Committee The Nominating Committee shall consist of 3 members of Grenfell Academic Council from different divisions. Research Committee Terms of Reference There shall be a Research Committee to report to the Grenfell Academic Council on issues related to research, which includes Campus and university-wide research policies. The Research Committee shall (a) evaluate and make recommendations to the Vice-President (Grenfell Campus) concerning application for funding from the Vice-President’s (Grenfell Campus) Research Fund; (b) recommend procedures concerning the application for monies from the fund; and (c) serve as a liaison with the office of the Associate Vice-President (Grenfell Campus) Research. Composition of Committee The Research Committee shall consist of the Vice-President (Grenfell Campus) (ex officio), Associate Vice-President (Grenfell Campus) Research (ex officio), 4 members of Grenfell Academic Council (1 Arts, 1 Science, 1 Social Science, 1 Fine Arts) and 1 faculty member from WRSON. Teaching Committee Terms of Reference There shall be a Teaching Committee that shall report to the Grenfell Academic Council on matters relating to teaching, teaching development, applications of educational technology and curriculum design. The Teaching Committee shall (a) support the planning of regular events to foster improvements in teaching (e.g., teaching workshops, panel discussions); and (b) maintain a liaison with the Office of Instructional Development and MUN, St. John’s in order to facilitate presentations by visiting speakers at Grenfell Campus and other collaborative undertakings. Composition of Committee The Teaching Committee shall consist of the Vice-President (Grenfell Campus) (ex-officio), 1 student, 2 members of Grenfell Academic Council (not from the same Division) and one faculty member from WRSON. Motion # 2389 December 5, 2012 “That the composition of the Teaching Committee be changed from 2 members of Academic Council to one member of Academic Council from each Division”. Other Corner Brook Sub-Committee of the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (SSCUGS) Composition: Vice-President (ex officio), Chair of Academic Studies Committee, Senior Academic Advisor (ex officio, non-voting), Registrar (ex officio), Associate VicePresident (Grenfell Campus) Academic (ex officio), 1 student, 4 members of Academic Council – 1 Arts, 1 Science, 1 Social Science, 1 Fine Arts, 1 faculty member from WRSON Other Positions on the College Academic Council Vice Chair of Academic Council: Secretary of Academic Council: