can you rivers? - Radical Geography

– can you rivers?
Can you do the following?
Define and identity the following in the water cycle
 Precipitation
 Interception
 Surface run-off/overland flow
 Infiltration
 Groundwater flow
 Throughflow
 Percolation
 River discharge
Define and identity the following in a drainage basin
 Watershed
 Source
 Tributary
 Confluence
 Mouth
State how the gradient, depth, width, discharge and
load of a river change along its profile.
 Erosion
 Corrasion/abrasion
 Solution/corrosion
 Hydraulic action
 Attrition
 Solution
 Suspension
 Saltation
 Traction
 Deposition
Explain the formation of
 Meander
 Waterfall
 Floodplain
With a labelled diagram
Give the causes, human and physical, and the impacts
of a flood in the British Isles. Boscastle, 2004
State the difference between hard and soft engineering
solutions for tackling river flooding.
Give examples of soft engineering solutions to tackle
 Washlands
 Zoning
 Afforestation
Give examples of hard engineering solutions to tackle
 Damns
 Leeves
 Floodwalls
 Embankments
 Straightening and deepening rivers
 Storage areas
Name a case study of sustainable flood management
outside the UK and evaluate its impact. Three Gorges
Dam, Yangtze
Discuss why our approach to floodplain management
will have to change in the future
Discuss how river features can be used by humans
Niagara Falls, Three Gorges Dam
Can you climate change?
Reducing car use
Increase use of public transport
Food miles
Energy efficiency
Choice of energy supplier
Can you tectonics?
Can you do the following?
Can you do the following?
Explain the difference between the greenhouse effect
and global warming
Explain human factors influencing climate change
 Fossil fuels
 Agriculture
 Deforestation
Explain the natural factors influencing climate change
 Solar cycles
 Volcanic activity
Offer evidence that climate change is occurring
Suggest reasons why some believe that human
influence in climate change is inconclusive
Describe the impact of climate change on an MEDCAlps, France
Describe the impact of climate change on an LEDCBangladesh
Identity and evaluate strategies used to tackle climate
change on an individual scale
Identify the following as parts of the Earth’s structure
 Crust/Tectonic plates
 Mantle
 Core
Explain why tectonic plates move resulting in tectonic
Describe the relationships between plate margins and
tectonic activity
 Destructive
Subduction Zones/Ocean Trenches)
 Constructive plate margins (Ocean Ridges, Rift
Valleys, Shield Volcanoes)
 Collision plate margins
 Conservative plate margins
Name and explain the tectonic features and events
associated with them. Be able to draw diagrams
Identify and explain the difference between a
composite and shield volcano
Describe the different techniques used to monitor
Describe the causes and primary/secondary impacts of
a volcano- Eyjafjallajokull 2010
Explain why people continue to live in hazard zones.
Give an example of an earthquake, its causes, and
impacts and evaluate the country’s preparedness.
Tohoku, Japan 2011
Explain the strategies that can be used to reduce the
impact of earthquakes
Can you population?
Can you do the following?
Define the terms
 Sparsely populated
 Densely populated
 Population density
Give reasons, and examples, of why some areas of the
world are more densely populated than others
Define the term urbanisation
Describe which areas of the world are urbanising
rapidly and be able to explain why
Case study of urbanisation: Kolkata, India
Define the term counter-urbanisation
Describe which areas of the world are experiencing
counter-urbanisation and be able to explain why
Case study of counter- urbanisation- Linby,
Define the terms
 Birth rate
 Death rate
 Nature increase
Describe and explain how different factors influence
the death rate within a country
Describe and explain how different factors influence
the birth rate within a country
Interpret a population pyramid
Understand how a population pyramid will differ
between an MEDC and LEDC country
Case study of population change – India, South-East
Asia, Fertility
Case study of population change- Botswana, SubSaharan Africa, HIV
Case study of population change- United, Kingdom,
Western Europe, Ageing population
Can you globalisation?
Can you do the following?
Define the globalisation
State, and explain, the factors that have encouraged
the process of globalisation
Give the positives and negatives of globalisation
Case study of the impact of globalisation- Coke, India
Case study of the impact of globalisation- Apple, China
Define the terms
 Trade
 Export
 Import
 Balance of payments
 Surplus
 Deficit
 Trading Bloc
 Quota
 Tariff
 Subsidy
Outline the reasons why LEDC countries struggle to
trade in the global economy
Case study of the impact trade- European Union and
tomato exports to Ghana
Case study of the impact of trade – Cocoa bean, Ghana
Case study of the social and economic impacts of
enlargement of the European Union – Polish migration
to the United Kingdom
Can you development?
Can you do the following?
 Social
 Economic
Indicators of development
Provide arguments against the use of social and
economic indicators to describe development
Define the term
Provides the positives and negatives of using it as an
indicators of development
Case study of regional inequality- Ghana
Define the terms
 Aid
 Bilateral aid
 Multilateral aid
 Voluntary aid
Discuss the positives and negatives of Aid
Provide specific examples of the Millennium
Development Goals
Case study of NGO aid- CAMFED- MDG 2
Case study of NGO aid- Solar Cookers International –
MDG 1 and 7
Case study of government aid – UK- Bangladesh female
incomes – MDG1 and Nigeria – Malaria- MDG6
Case study of progress made by South Asian Countries
– India- and Sub-Saharan Africa - Zambia