steering committee minutes

Working together to decrease domestic and sexual violence
Thursday December 11, 2014
Donna Joyce, KGH SA/DV (Chair); Elayne Furoy, SACK; Cloe Joly, KFACC Admin;
Margot Coulter, Queen's HRO; Antje McNeely, KP
Pam Havery, KIH; Donna Forster; K3C
Review of the minutes from November 11, 2014 – Minutes approved
ACTION. Cloe to post minutes on KFACC website
Review of the agenda – Agenda approved.
Review of the agenda for January 2015 quarterly meeting
Follow up Items
- Webmaster issues – Cloe
- We are experiencing trouble getting in touch with original website creator for WORDPRESS
Training. Antje gave name of new contact for KP - #14theories. ACTION: Cloe to contact for
availability and quote.
- Waitlist on website has been abolished and removed.
- Membership area is still on website and can be accessed, but will remain dormant as a new area
for agendas and minutes has been added to the public section of the website.
- Recommendation that recent Strategic Planning be added to website - Completed
- December 6, 2014 – 25th Anniversary Celebration. $300 was donated by KFACC.
Standing Committees
i. Membership Committee- Antje. Decision was made within the committee to only meet a couple
of times per year unless there is a need for planning on accepting a member to the larger KFACC
group. Donna will share annual attendance record for review and discussion.
ii. Protocol Committee – Margot. Committee still in the process of developing the powerpoint
training module and online training needs. Group will be meeting in January. Margot would like
to facilitate the training sessions and use of service users as speakers for training. Cloe has
offered to help. ACTION: Cloe to post new protocols on website, search for diagram of “System
Access Points and Service Options”, go through KFACC material to locate any existing protocol
training resources and help with any other outstanding items. Save The Date flyer will be
circulated once received.
iii. L & A Update – Next date for Lunch and Learn has been scheduled for January 22.
Presentation will be on “Thrive Program”.
KFACC Project(s)
KASAC – Update deferred to January meeting
Working together to decrease domestic and sexual violence
Chair Update
KFACC Finances – November finance sheet circulated and reviewed.
Notification to MCSS Ministerial contact of new Co-Chairs.
Card sent to Francis on behalf of Steering Committee.
Discussion Items
French Update – KFACC website will have a section where all KFACC agencies that
currently offer French services will be listed. Cloe showed document that will be posted.
Not many responses within KFACC group and will be addressed at larger KFACC
Member Updates
Margot – Queen’s is facing lots of attention on sexual assaults in light of all the media
coverage lately. Recommendation to set up an interim policy focusing on providing a
good coordinated service using available community resources – Interim Sexual
Assault Response Protocol being addressed. S/C provided some feedback.
ii. Donna J. – Provincial meeting in November spoke of upcoming changes from CFS –
SAEK will be changing to accommodate eligibility criteria to be extended to 12 days
due to increased ability to process evidence.
iii. Anjte – KP bringing back Timea Nagy to present to Corrections on Human Trafficking.
Date of next meeting: January 8, 2015 –9:00-11:00 am at SAC
Kingston 400 Elliott Avenue.
Date of next larger KFACC meeting: January 15, 2015 –9:00-11:00
am at Pathways 993 Princess Street.