By Ray Bradbury.
1. The children pressed together like so many roses, line 14 (simile). The children
were close together like a bush full of roses.
2. With the sweet crystal fall of showers, line 18 (metaphor). The rain looked like a
shower of crystals.
3. They turned on themselves, like a feverish wheel, all tumbling spokes, like 47
4. I think the sun is a flower, that blooms for just one hour, line 35-36 (metaphor).
Margot's poem describing the sun as a flower, because it only comes out for so
5. She was an old photograph, dusted from an album, whitened away, and if she
spoke at all her voice would be a ghost, line 50-51 (simile). Margot was so
depressed, and drained of the life that she looked dull.
6. The silence was so immense and unbelievable that you felt your ears had been
stuffed or you had lost your hearing altogether, line 108-109 (metaphor). It was
really quiet, unusually quiet.
Introduction - The setting is dark and dismal, and it has been raining for seven
years. The characters are students in a class, they're staring out the window in
anticipation for the sun.
Initial incident - The scientists say that it will finally be sunny, the children are
ecstatic. They're making fun of Margot, a little girl that remembers the sun.
Rising Action - The little children lock Margot in a closet, down the tunnel.
She is alone, and her only hope of seeing the sun is gone, at least for seven
more years. She is sobbing behind the closed door.
Climax - The clouds let up, and the sun starts to shine. The children are
playing and running outside, all without Margot.
Falling Action - The rain starts to pour again, everyone goes back inside.
Conclusion - They finally remember that Margot is in the closet, and they go
let her out.
Direct characterization - She was a very frail girl who looked as if she had been lost in the
rain for years and the rain had washed out the blue from her eyes and the red from her
mouth and the yellow from her hair. She was an old photograph dusted from an album,
whitened away, and if she spoke at all her voice would be a ghost.
Describing her appearance.
Indirect characterization - "It's like a penny," she said once, eyes closed.
"No it's not!" the children cried.
"It's like a fire," she said, "in the stove."
"You're lying, you don't remember!" cried the children.
She's so certain that she's seen the sun, she talks about it a lot. It shows she's passionate and
determined to prove everyone what it's really like.
1. Person vs. person. - Hey everyone, let's put her in the closet before the
teacher comes, line 90-91.
2. Person vs. nature. - But they were running and turning their faces up to the
sky and feeling the sun on their cheeks like a warm iron; they were taking off
their jackets and letting the sun burn their arms, line 117-118.
3. Person vs. nature. - It had been raining for seven years, thousands upon
thousands of days compounded and filled from one end to the other with
rain, line 17-18.
4. Person vs. technology. - Do the scientists really know? Will it happen today,
will it? line 12.
The main conflict is person vs. nature because for the most part, the story is
about the rain, and how it never stops raining, and how the sun never shines.
Climax - There is no happy ending. Margot was locked in the closet while the
sun was shining. In a normal story, she would have been let out and she would
play amongst the children.
Nature - Nature plays a big part in this story. Without the lack of sunshine,
there the story wouldn't be complete.
Social Groups - The group of children form a social group, and they gang up
on Margot.
Society - The children restricted Margot.
Margot lives on Venus, supposedly. That's very different from our planet
Earth. On Venus it's always raining. On Earth we have a vast variety of
weather. In Mexico, it's hot. In Canada, it's rainy. In the Arctic, it's freezing. It
compares because it rains, but not nearly as much as on Venus.
1. Third World Countries - In parts of Africa and India, people are really
restricted as to what they can and can't do. They want to be free, and eat good
food, and drink clean water, but they just can't. Those conditions are slowly
destroying them.
2. Prison - Even though they are in prison for a reason, the conditions there
are very bad. Being assaulted by other prisoners, not getting privacy and not
seeing their friends and family. That can be bad.
3. Poverty - Just like the third world countries, poor people want the better
things in life, but they economically can't.
The big consequence is that they hate her for her possible future. If they pick
on her for being smart and successful, she may feel bad and give up on her
dreams, whatever they are.
The little consequence is that they hate her for her pale snow face. There's
nothing really wrong with that. So she's pale, there's no sun for them to tan
so I'm guessing that they all could use a little sun.