1842 E. Carver Rd., Tempe, AZ 85284
928/380-5966 linkedin.com/pub/michelle-schmoker/41/359/187 michelleschmo@gmail.com
Bachelor of Science in Biology and Society with a Minor in Sustainability; Arizona State University; Barrett, The
Honors College; Tempe, AZ; Graduation May, 2012; GPA: 4.0
Recipient, Outstanding Graduating Senior Award, College of Life Sciences: in recognition of
outstanding academic achievement
Honors Thesis Title: Bottom-up vs. top-down regulation of herbaceous annual primary production in
an urban arid ecosystem
Education Outreach Assistant, Ecology Explorers program, Tempe, AZ January 2012-present
Lead before and after school programs to give students and teachers opportunities to learn ecology in their area
Develop ecology lesson plans and educational materials for Phoenix area K-12 schools
NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates, CAP LTER Network, Tempe, AZ January 2011- present
Manage an independent ecology research project funded through the National Science Foundation
Implement an original experimental design and lead student volunteers to collect field data
Communicate results in formal presentations using Prezi and PowerPoint such as my Honors Thesis Defense
Research Fellow, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), Gamboa, Panama Summer of 2011
Gained extensive independent field skills on Barro Colorado Island including seed collection and identification
Collaboratively managed greenhouse experiments with other research interns and a PhD student mentor
Undergraduate Research Assistant, ASU, Tempe, AZ September 2009 - December 2010
Selected to conduct research in Dr. Sharon Hall’s Ecosystem Ecology Lab in an undergraduate research program
Obtained ecology laboratory skills such as soil texturing, plant biomass and nutrient analysis, and field sampling
Research Volunteer, Biodesign Institute at ASU, Tempe, AZ February 2009 - May 2009
Volunteered as a research assistant on a large-scale biofuel research project; maintained sterile algae cultures
Helios Scholar Internship, TGen, Flagstaff, AZ Summer of 2007
Developed a diagnostic DNA test for Valley Fever utilizing DNA sequencing and PCR methods
Communicated research in an oral presentation at intern symposium and received 2 nd place honor
Tillman Scholar, Pat Tillman Foundation (PTF), Tempe, AZ August 2008 - present
Selected by the PTF as a Tillman Scholar; actively involved as a member of the Pat’s Run race committee
Lead and manage recycling and sustainability initiatives with volunteers and other organizations at Pat’s Run
2012. M.K. Schmoker et al. Journal of Arid Environments. In preparation.
2012. M.K. Schmoker. Dynamic Relationships: The Study of Urban Ecology. The Triple Helix at ASU, Nov 2011.
First place poster presentation at the CAP LTER All Scientist’s Meeting (Jan 2012)
Poster presentations at international meetings: Ecological Society of America (Aug 2011) and the AAAS (Feb 2012)