SCHS Physics Syllabus 2015-2016 Ms. Koerner Room 2118 281-641-5610 Conference: 7th period Teacher Mr. Arias Mr. Kamienski Ms. Koerner Mr. Tetteh Tutoring Times Tues, Wed, Thurs 2:45-3:35 Every Day 2:45-3:35 Tues, Wed, Thurs 2:45-3:35 Tues 2:45-3:35, Thurs 9:00-9:20 Course Description: Level Physics Topics covered in the course include kinematics, dynamics, heat, light, sound, and electricity. Class work includes demonstrations, lectures, class discussions, and problem-solving activities. Laboratory activities help to extend the students' understanding of basic physical concepts. Supplies Needed Everyday: 3-ring binder/paper pens or pencils dry erase markers 4-function calculator recommended Guidelines for Success: Students are expected to have required materials for class every day. You will be responsible for any assignments, labs, or tests that were given in the event of an absence, this includes when called out of class and extra-curricular activities. Students are expected to be an active participant in the classroom. Classroom Rules/Expectations: Be respectful Be on time and prepared to work Follow classroom social and safety contracts. Consequences for Violating Classroom Rules (Except Non-Negotiables, see below) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. verbal warning teacher-student conference parent contact referral behave out SCHS Non-Negotiables: Disruption of the educational process Insubordination Profanity Aggression or Oppression (bullying) Drugs Consequences for Violating SCHS Non-Negotiables IMMEDIATE Referral to Assistant Principal Consequences for Plagiarism (Humble ISD Parent/Student Handbook for 2015-2016) Cheating on an assignment or test will result in a zero being recorded for that assignment or test. In addition, cheating is considered a level 2 conduct violation and is subject to additional disciplinary measures as discussed in the Student Code of Conduct. Grading Content Area Science Grade Content 60% summative/40% formative All grades are an assessment of an academic skill, concept, or performance. Grades based on behaviors are reflected in conduct grades. Major or summative assessments are defined as tests, projects, etc. Minor or formative assessments are defined as quizzes, daily grades, homework, etc. In classes with a summative weight of 60%, a minimum of 3 major or summative assessments will be administered per nine week grading period. The minimum number of grades is 2 grades per week. Grades are posted at least once a week and published to parents and students through eSchool. Parents will be contacted by phone when a student fails a class for the nine weeks. Reassessment Policy Re-teach and reassessment is mandatory for summative grades with a class average of less than 70. A student has the opportunity to reassess after a summative grade of less than 70 for any reason. A maximum of 1 reassessment will be offered per grade, and the maximum grade on the reassessment will be an 85. Students must make and understand corrections to original summative test and complete all formative assignments to be eligible for reassessment. Reassessments must be offered within 1 calendar week of the date in which the original graded assessment was returned. Students must make arrangements to attend the re-teach and reassessment date set by the teacher if reassessment is done outside of school hours. Late Work Policy All Summer Creek High School teachers will utilize the following late work policy for all classes, regardless of level. This policy applies to all assessments. Late work will be accepted up to 5 school days after the due date with a penalty of 20 points per day. Conduct Grades E- Excellent S- Satisfactory N- Needs Improvement U- Unsatisfactory Any student receiving a conduct grade of N or U must have documented disciplinary incidents and parents must be contacted by phone. Online Work There will be some assignments that can be completed electronically via Google Classroom. Since these assignments can be assigned and made due at any time on any day, students must stay aware of deadlines. Due dates and times for online work are absolute and are determined by the teacher. It is expected that teachers communicate deadlines in class, in writing, and electronically as appropriate. Assignment availability can be determined by Google Classroom. For example, an assignment may become available at 3:00 PM on Friday. It is expected that teachers communicate deadlines in class, in writing, and electronically as appropriate. Students are expected to complete online work and should not assume that they have extra time to do an assignment if they are absent on the day that the assignment “opens” or becomes available. If an assignment opens on Wednesday at noon, and the student is absent, the student will be expected to complete the assignment by the same deadline as the rest of the class. Students should make every effort to access the assignment via their own computer, phone, or a library computer. Late work policies and penalties apply to online work. Classroom Procedures Beginning of Class Be in your seat when the bell rings, with all supplies ready to go. Please check the desk for any handouts needed for the day. Please check the board for any supplies needed for the day. Whole Group Instruction Please do not get out of your seat or ask to leave the classroom while I am teaching. I need your full attention while I am giving instructions. Raise your hand if you have any questions. Small Group Instruction/Lab and Independent Practice All group members should be participating in the activity. If you have questions, ask a classmate UNTIL I can assist you. All safety rules are to be followed during a lab. NO EXCEPTIONS. Restroom Trips No restroom trips within the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes class per SCHS rules. Tardy to Class Go to the SWEEP STATION closest to my classroom. Please do not knock on the door until you have a pass. Finding out Grade Status If you have questions about grades, re-tests, and labs, please make an effort to come see me before or after school or contact me via email. Grades will be updated weekly on HAC. Student Responsibilities after an Absence If you have questions about make-up work, please make an effort to come see me before or after school or contact me via email. Make-up work can be found sorted in folders color-coded by day at the entrance or you can check on my website. Finding Daily Assignments Please check the board and the calendar on my website for assignments and due dates. Turning in/Return of Assignments Place in class folder on front desk. I will hand assignments back to you Communication with Parents and Family Members I will maintain my website and Google Classroom with notes and assignments. There will be periodic messages on my website, please check often. I will email and call parents as needed. Ending Class All supplies should be put up in their proper locations at the end of the period, then return to your seat until the bell rings. I release you, not the bell.