Teacher name
Office number
Office hours
Teacher contact: email or phone number
Class hours and room
Pen/pencil, eraser, & paper
USB for saving work
Textbook: Grammar Dimensions 2
Binder/folder to keep work in
A good attitude
This course is designed to provide a basic overview of the grammatical structures of English and how to effectively apply them in basic interpersonal communication.
A student learns and accurately applies the grammatical structures necessary for basic interpersonal communication
Insert what teaching philosophy you will use in class here
Our long term objectives for this course are to improve
Increase your knowledge of core grammatical terms
Improve your ability to use grammar effectively
Introduce you to the core grammatical structures of English
(including tenses)
Your responsibilities related to this are:
Do all assigned homework (readings, assignments)
Participate well in class
Keep a weekly learner notebook
During the semester you will:
Learn the core grammatical structures of English
Learn to apply the correct grammatical structures and forms to speech and writing
Although these rules are an overview of what is expected of you in class, see the Student Handbook for a complete list of student rules and policies.
Plagiarism: All work submitted must be your own. Plagiarism is
VERY serious in English academic society. If you are caught deliberately plagiarizing at the ELC, you will be receive an “F” automatically for the assignment. If repeated plagiarism is found, the student may be reported to the ELC director and could result in serious discipline.
This concept often has different interpretations in different countries, so please pay attention when we discuss this in class because it will have a significant impact on your academic career.
If you have any questions about your work, please see your teacher.
HONOR CODE: All students who attend the ELC have signed the
Honor Code. Please make sure that you are familiar with the Honor
Code as we will strictly enforce it at the ELC. Please be especially aware of the “dress code” section and come to class appropriately dressed. (these standards can be found in the student handbook)
English only: The ELC has an English only policy. In all areas of the ELC (except the lunch room during lunch) you are expected to speak English. If you need to communicate in your own language, please go outside to do so. This is a matter of respect, progress and honor. If this is difficult for you, it should help to sit next to someone who doesn’t speak your language
Attendance: You are expected to attend class every day. Excessive absences decrease your chances of passing this class, and could lead to your dismissal from the ELC. ELC policy is that students up to
15 minutes late are marked late, and students arriving later than 15 minutes after class starts are marked absent. Please note this also means that if you are absent from class for longer than 15 minutes,
you will be marked absent.
Homework/Makeup work:
Cell phones
A citizenship grade at the ELC is representative of a student’s effort. A citizenship grade less than 3.0 or 84% will disqualify you from attending the ELC next semester. Your citizenship grade will be determined by the following:
60% Homework—completing homework assignments on time
20% Attendance—attending your classes on a regular basis
20% Participation—participating actively in classroom activities
(Remember that this is a sample syllabus. Some grammatical points may take more or less time than others. The main principle should be mastery of the material over coverage of the book)
Week 1: Sept 8-11
Week 2: Sept 15-19
Grammar Dimensions Review of 1 st half of textbook (1st Half Review)
Introduce Grammar Notebook
Grammar Dimensions Review of 1 st half of textbook
Grammar Notebook Check 1
Week 3: Sept 22-25 Grammar Dimensions Unit 14 Present Perfect and Simple Past
Week 4: Sept 29-Oct 2 Grammar Dimensions Unit 14 Present Perfect and Simple Past/ Unit 15,
Present Perfect Progressive
Grammar Notebook Check 2
Week 5: Oct 6-9
Week 6: Oct 13-16
Grammar Dimensions Unit 15 Present Perfect Progressive
Grammar Dimensions Unit 23 Phrasal Verbs
Grammar Notebook Check 3
Grammar Dimensions Unit 23 Phrasal Verbs/Unit 19 Past Perfect Week 7: Oct 20-23
Week 8: Oct 27-30 Grammar Dimensions Unit 19 Past Perfect
Grammar Notebook Check 4
Grammar Dimensions Unit 20 Articles Week 9: Nov 3-6
Week 10: Nov 10-13 Grammar Dimensions Unit 20 Articles/Unit 21 Articles
Grammar Notebook Check 5
Week 11: Nov 17-20 Grammar Dimensions Unit 21 Articles
Week 12: Nov 24 Grammar Dimensions Unit 22 The Passive
Grammar Notebook Check 6
Week 13: Dec 1-4
Week 14: Dec 8
Grammar Dimensions Unit 22 The Passive
Turn in Grammar Notebook