DELAND POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief William E. Ridgway Departmental Standards Directive TITLE: CODIFIED: CFA STD: IN CAR CAMERA SYSTEM 5.10 22.04M DATE OF ISSUE: 10.14.10 EFFECTIVE DATE: 10.14.10 RESCINDS/ AMENDS: 01.12.07 PAGES: 3 PURPOSE The purpose of this directive is to provide department personnel with the procedures for the use of in-car video camera systems and the retention and storage of video / audio produced by this system. DISCUSSION Video cameras with recording capabilities are a valuable tool for fighting crime and preserving evidence. This Directive is intended to provide guidance in the recording of interactions between the Police and citizens. The purpose of the system is to supplement and document the reasoning and conclusions drawn by the officer and to provide corroboration of the officer’s findings. POLICY It shall be the policy of the Deland Police Department that whenever a mobile video system is available that the system be used to record citizen contacts that might result in enforcement action. 1 PROCEDURE 5.10.1 The mobile video systems are installed in patrol vehicles. The officers assigned to those vehicles have the following responsibilities. 5.10.2 Maintain the equipment in the condition in which it was issued. 5.10.3 Report malfunctioning systems to the appropriate supervisor. 5.10.4 Proper set up and function test of the system at the start of each tour of duty. VIDEO EQUIPMENT USAGE 5.10.5 Prior to leaving the Department for assigned duties, officers shall prepare the recording equipment by ensuring proper camera angle, remote audio recording, automatic operation with the activation of emergency lights and operation via the monitor and camera switches. 5.10.6 Officers with vehicle cameras shall record audio and video on every traffic stop. When practical, articulate the reason for the stop, location of the stop, tag number and description of the vehicle being stopped. 5.10.7 Officers initiating traffic stops shall not override any of the camera’s automatic activation features to turn it off prior to the completion of the stop. No officer may delete any previously recorded audio/video without the direct permission of their supervisor. Before permission is given by a supervisor, a memorandum, prior to deletion, shall be completed, signed and forwarded through the chain of command to the Chief of Police as to why deletion is necessary. 5.10.8 Officers will record audio and video, if possible, of any encounters with the public. Often it will not be possible to record video but audio is possible and provides valuable evidence. When possible, describe the reason for the encounter, the location of the encounter and the name of the person involved in the encounter. Typical encounters include, arrest situations, wanted checks, contact with disgruntled citizens, disturbances involving crowds, FTO activity, interviews with prisoners, surreptitious recording between prisoners. 5.10.9 In those situations where it is not appropriate to activate the system with the emergency equipment, the Officer will use the manual activation mode. MAINTENANCE OF AUDIO / VIDEO 5.10.10 All audio/video recordings shall be submitted by downloading them via memory card into the designated Department computers. This shall be done at the end of each duty day unless there is an exigent reason to submit it prior to the end of that day. 2 5.10.11 All audio/video recordings considered evidence must be copied to a DVD and submitted to evidence by the end of shift on the day it was made. All DVD’s shall be marked with a case number and date. A completed evidence card shall accompany the DVD into evidence. 5.10.12 It is an officer’s responsibility to advise their supervisor of any particularly note worthy event that might have been captured by audio/video. 5.10.13 The Evidence custodian at the request of Professional Standards, The State Attorney’s office or a Shift Supervisor will make copies of DVD’s. 5.10.14 Officers are responsible for the care, security and maintenance of all of their assigned equipment. Should an officer find their audio/video system damaged or inoperable, it is the responsibility of that officer to immediately inform their supervisor and send a memorandum to the Support Division requesting repair or replacement. A copy of the memorandum shall be forwarded to the Special Operations Deputy Chief. 5.10.15 Under no circumstance are officers permitted to alter, attempt repair or remove any audio/video equipment. As it is sensitive equipment, only persons authorized by the Chief of Police shall be allowed such actions. DRAFTED: DH-DJH---05/2005 REVISED: GRB---11/2006 REVISED: JFA—01/2008 REVISED: JFA—10/2010 3