Tuesday 10th September, 2014 PARKLEA PUBLIC SCHOOL 2015 ORIENTATION PROGRAM Dear Parents & Caregivers, Thank you for enrolling your child at our school. Please read through the following information carefully to ensure you and your child gain full benefit from our 2015 Orientation Program. There will be a series of three orientation visits for your child, Tuesday 21st October, Tuesday 28th October and Tuesday 4th November. It is important that your child attend all three sessions to gain full advantage from the transition to school program. On Tuesday 21st October, please come to the school hall at 9am where your child will be allocated an Orientation classroom. Students will then move to their assigned classroom with their Orientation teacher. We encourage parents not to prolong or delay their separation from their children at the classroom doors. One important aspect of the Orientation program is to see how well the children separate from their parents. It is equally as important that you are at the classroom at 11am to pick up your child. Children kept waiting often become anxious and reluctant to return the following week. On Tuesday 28th October and Tuesday 4th November, please take your child directly to their Orientation classroom at 9:15am. Children should wear comfortable clothing and bring a hat. It is unnecessary to bring a backpack or school bag to Orientation. Children will eat a small snack with their friends each visit and this should be placed in a snap lock bag, clearly labelled with your child’s name. Examples of appropriate snacks include; a small piece of fruit, a muesli bar or a biscuit. Please note that we have students at Parklea PS who have allergies to nuts, it is preferable that your child does not bring any food products containing nuts. During your child’s time in the classroom, he/she will be observed interacting with peers as well as completing various literacy, numeracy and fine motor tasks. We will collect some samples of your child’s work and make observations of their time in the classroom. We will use this information to get to know your child and prepare for their first learning experiences in Kindergarten. On the first day of Orientation, Tuesday 21st October 2014 at 9:20am, there will be an Eat It To Beat It Healthy Lunch Box presentation in the school hall where parents receive simple, healthy lunchbox advice and a free show bag of goodies that includes a Healthy Lunchbox kit. All 2015 Kindergarten parents are welcome to attend. On the final day of Orientation, Tuesday 4th November 2014, parents are invited to attend a Kindergarten Orientation Morning Tea and Assembly. Morning Tea will commence at 9:15am in the COLA area and our Orientation Assembly will begin at 10:00am in the school hall. Finally, if you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the school. If your child has a special learning, physical or health need, you are advised to make an appointment as soon as possible so that we can be prepared to have support in place for your child in place for 2015. We look forward to meeting you and your child. Yours faithfully, Sarah Akmens ES1 Supervisor Relieving Assistant Principal Scott Fisk K-2 Supervisor Relieving Deputy Principal