Year 1/2 MTP Spring 1 - Rivacre Valley Primary School

Year 1/2 MTP Spring 1
Children will investigate different materials. They will explore the
difference between manmade and natural materials. The children will
also sort materials into these different categories.
Children will learn the topic related words to describe different materials
e.g. rough, smooth, soft and spongy.
They will use their sense of touch to recognise common materials.
We will compare kings and queens across different time periods
e.g. Henry viii, Elizabeth 1st and 2nd and queen Victoria. We will be
looking at significant historical events and finding out about what
life was like in those times.
We will look at the features of castles; who would have lived in a
castle and what would life have been like?
We will learn to use maps. This will include knowing symbols for
castles and other geological features. We will find out why people
settle in different places.
Understand use of algorithms.
Write and test simple programs.
Use logical reasoning to make predictions.
Use computers to research information relating to topic.
Continue to look at E-safety.
Follow planned lessons with specialised
music teacher.
Make links to enchantment topic.
Contrasting music to represent the
difference e.g. volume
The children will complete invasion games – the children will
practice throwing, catching and movement in to space. The
children will also practice moving in a variety of ways e.g. rolling,
hopping and running.
Gymnastics – Year 1 and 2 will complete gymnastics lessons taught
by a specialist gymnastics teacher.
We will be following the story of Jack and the baked beanstalk and
learning how to write a story in the same style. The children will learn
skills necessary to write fantastic narratives. This will include using story
language such as adjectives.
The children will use talk for writing techniques to sequence stories and
also recreate and reinvent. The children will use the boxing up method to
reinvent Jack and the baked beanstalk to suit their own style e.g. John
and the fried turnip.
The children will also story map the story in small cooperative groups.
The children will continue to learn about stories from the bible. The
children will listen to stories and recreate them using drama techniques
such as freeze frames.
The children will also sequence biblical stories using story frames and
Getting on and falling out.
Children are going to make their own
castles out of a range of materials with
different properties.
We will work co-operatively to study
pictures we have taken on our visit to
Beeston Castle and recreate the castle
using given techniques.