IES Breckland- KS3 Home Learning task Subject: RE Year group: 8 Project Title: ‘Does God exist?’ Description of Project You will learn to be able to… Choose one of the arguments you’ve studied and using the writing frame (from Miss Dowd) if you need to it, to evaluate the argument and whether it proves that God exists. You will show your learning by… Producing an essay that clearly describes and explains your answer to the question. Please use the sheet that I give you to ensure you cover all areas, you can also take your books to read back over the arguments. Successful work will… For a level 5: I have explained arguments for and against God’s existence I have explained my views about those arguments I have shown how these arguments affect people’s beliefs Outstanding learners will….. For a level 7: I have analysed (explained in detail) arguments for and against God’s existence I have used evidence and examples to evaluate each argument I have suggested why these arguments may affect people’s beliefs For/ Strengths Against/ Weaknesses Submission deadline: w/c 30th June