Unit 1 Study Guide

Name _________________
Hour ______
Unit 1 Assessment Review
This assignment is due at the beginning of the next class period.
Chapter 13
1. What made possible the industrial growth of the late 1800’s? (457)
3. How did the Bessemer Process help accelerate the industrial revolution?
4. Describe the at least 3 key ways in which the railroad industry revolutionized business. (462)
5. What is the difference between vertical and horizontal consolidation? (471)
6. What arguments did wealthy industrialists make that they were Captains of Industry? (468)
7. What arguments did critics make of “Robber Barons”? (468)
8. What effect did Industrialism and industrial growth have on the distribution of wealth in
America? (477)
9. What is Social Darwinism and how does it explain the relationship between government and
business? (469)
10. What is a trust?
11. Summarize the ideas of Frederick Taylor and his impact on business. (474)
12. What is socialism and who was drawn to this idea? (477)
13. What is a labor union and how do they use collective bargaining? (479)
14. Describe the impact of the Pullman strike. What were its long-term effects? (482-483)
Chapter 15
15. Describe the Gilded Age
16. What is meant by government regulation?
17. What is meant by Laissez-faire economics? (521)
18. What is the relationship between the Spoils System and stalwarts and half-breeds? (523)
19. Describe the Pendleton Civil Service Act.
20. Describe the Interstate Commerce Act and what were its effects? (525)
21. Describe how graft and political machines are connected. (538-539)
22. Describe the main goal of nativists. (544)
23. What were restrictive covenants? (531)
24. What did settlement houses offer city citizens? Who founded the Hull House? (542)
25. What is the difference between the temperance movement, prohibition, and purity crusaders?
Test Vocabulary:
26. Philanthropists
27. Capital (economic term)
28. Monopoly
29. Social Services
30. Tariff