Allerton Bywater Primary School Leeds Road, Allerton Bywater Castleford, WF10 2DR Headteacher: Richard Cairns 01977522620 2AC Autumn 2 – Newsletter. Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half term break. Literacy: This half term in Literacy, we will focus on three different genres of writing: Biographies, UK Legends and Poetry. We will start our learning looking at Biographies, with the children having the opportunity to write a biography of their hero. Following on from this, we will be learning about the legend of “Robin Hood”. Christmas poetry will also feature this half term, during which the children will have chance to write and perform their own Christmas poems. Maths: In Maths this half term we will be focussing on “Number”, including addition and subtraction problems, multiplication, division, the 2,5 and 10 times tables, and fractions. Our key instant recall facts for this half term will focus on multiplication and division facts for the 2 times table. Science: Our topic for this half term is “Everyday Materials”. The children will learn to identify a variety of everyday materials, as well as comparing their suitability for particular uses – hopefully there will be no chocolate teapots! We will also be investigating how the shapes of solid objects can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. Topic: The school topic is titled “Heros and Superheros”. Our topic lessons this half term will be split between History and Design and Technology. In History, the children will be investigating how their own timelines, as well as interviewing one of our Silver Friends to find out more about their lives. We will also be learning about the life of Winston Churchill. In Design and Technology, the children will be designing and creating their own Superhero masks. This will involve generating suitable templates, using a range of tools and equipment to then create the masks, and finally evaluating their finished creations. PE: During PE sessions we will focus on Ball Skills, giving the children time to practice and develop their handeye coordination. As well as this, the children will develop their group work skills as they put into practice the skills they have learnt in game situations. Our PE day will be a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit (white polo shirt or tshirt, black or blue shorts and pumps) in school every week. We ask that children do not wear jewellery (earrings/watches) so if your child needs assistance, please remove these before school. ICT: During ICT lessons this half term, the children will have the opportunity to design and create their own internet safety superhero, reminding them how to remain safe when online. As a school we see Internet safety as a big focus, if you have any questions or queries regarding this please do not hesitate to ask. Homework: Homework will continue to be sent home on a Wednesday and will need to be returned by the following Monday. This will consist of either one page of Maths or Literacy each week. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have any issues with this. We also ask that children read at home every night, even if it is only a couple of pages of their school book. Book Bags: Please can you ensure that book bags are brought in every day, containing a planner, school reading book and water bottle. 1|Page Allerton Bywater Primary School Leeds Road, Allerton Bywater Castleford, WF10 2DR Headteacher: Richard Cairns 01977522620 We are really looking forward to another fantastic term of interactive and investigative learning. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to ask! Many thanks, Miss Cowley and Mrs White 2|Page