WRITING I (SECONDARY) ESSENTIAL UNIT 5 (E05) (Grammar Seminar) (July 2014) Grammar is the blueprint of language used to construct meaning. Unit Statement: The student will sharpen their knowledge of grammar through application and editing within their own writing. While exercises from the textbook and electronic sources may be used to teach or re-in force a particular grammatical element, the focus of the unit should be to help the student improve his/her grammar through authentic texts such as the model texts and his/her own writing. (E05) should be opened in conjunction with (E06) and (E07). Instructors are encouraged to use previous units to ascertain the specific needs of students. Major issues should be covered with the class, but specific grammar issues of individual students should be addressed through differentiated instruction. (Depending on the needs of the group, (E05) may be taught as an “independent study.” Students should be assigned “Mastery” when their “published” writing (with minimal instructional editing) illustrates “mastery” according to the rubric included here. “Above Mastery” should be assigned based on consistent evidence in the student’s “published” writing (with no instructional editing). Students actively manipulate grammar to enhance the expressiveness of their writing. Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery) 1. The Student Will annotate grammatical details in model texts and student texts. 2. TSW use correct word choice according to standard English. 3. TSW use the eight parts of speech with correct syntax. 4. TSW construct sentences based on a variety of sentence patterns/styles. 5. TSW punctuate sentences correctly. 6. TSW demonstrate improved knowledge of grammatical conventions through assessment samples and standardized testing. Introduced Outcomes: (taught, not assessed) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Student Will practice reasoning skills when completing multiple choice exams. TSW self-evaluate areas of concern related to grammar and English language support. TSW devise a plan for improvement of grammar and vocabulary. TSW navigate electronic resources for additional instruction and support. TSW maintain a record and evidence of independent endeavor in improving grammar and vocabulary. 19 QSI WRITING I SEC E05 Copyright © 1988-2014 Practiced/Ongoing Outcomes: (development is ongoing) 1. The Student Will constructively critique peer texts. 2. TSW communicate knowledge and ideas effectively. 3. TSW use reading and vocabulary building strategies to improve English proficiency. Key Terms and Concepts: Concrete / Abstract nouns Restrictive / Nonrestrictive Appositives Antecedent Subject-Verb Agreement Objective / Subjective Adjectives Syntax Gerunds Simple / Compound / Complex Parallel construction Fragment / Run-on / Splice Misplaced Modifiers Active / Passive Verbs Suggested Student Materials: (provided by school) “Improving Your Vocabulary” (WS 501-512) “Basic Grammar and Writing” (WS 532-603) Grammar and “Practice” (WS 604-763) Consumable Workbook: Write Source Skills Book (Grade 9) Suggested Professional Materials For Teachers: (provided by school) “Improving Your Vocabulary” (WS 501-512) “Basic Grammar and Writing” (WS 532-603) Grammar and “Practice” (WS 604-763) Consumable Workbook: Write Source Skills Book (Grade 9) Additional Resources: (may not be provided by school) English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy English Vocabulary in Use by Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell Technology Links: Destiny Webpath Express (found in school library) http://dailygrammarlessons.blogspot.com/ http://www.wwnorton.com/college/english/write/fieldguide/index.asp Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies: Students may use their FastWrites to compose short paragraphs. (The initial fast write text should not be used as the purpose of the FastWrite exercise is not concerned with grammatically, well-written texts.) Students will trade paragraphs/sentences and peer edit. Students will discuss questions related to grammar or syntax. Students may peer edit In-Class Essays in an editing conference. Students may be asked to REVISE the sentences within a paragraph to experiment with syntax and sentence length. Students may work as individuals on a single paragraph and then compare and discuss their choices in small groups. Students may work with on-line grammar sites that provide examples and explanations and record their scores. The exercises in the Write Source Skills Book may be completed and discussed as short warm-up exercises or bell work during a class setting. 20 QSI WRITING I SEC E05 Copyright © 1988-2014 Instructors may mark “grammar” and “syntax” issues in the first paragraph / first page of the students drafts (after peer editing and discussion has been completed), allowing the student to continue EDITING in the remainder of the draft without the instructor’s highlighting of the errors. NOTE: Emphasis should be on helping the students recognize errors and improve their own use of grammatical conventions. While “worksheets” may be used to facilitate this process, they should be used as support and not as the dominant method of instruction or practice. Attached Rubric will be used to assess ALL essential outcomes (TSWs). RUBRIC FOUND ON FOLLOWING PAGE………………………………. 21 QSI WRITING I SEC E05 Copyright © 1988-2014 Suggested Unit Evaluation Rubric – Grammar Seminar (E05) Student Name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________ To receive ‘Mastery’ in the unit, a student must demonstrate “MASTERY” of all TSWs with minimal instructional editing of “published” writing. NOTE: Mastery cannot be assigned if a grammatical error leads to confusion within the text. To receive ‘Above Mastery’ in the unit, a student must demonstrate consistent “ABOVE MASTERY” of TSWs with no instructional editing of “published” writing. TSW ‘A’ LEVEL ‘B’ LEVEL (TSW1) Annotate grammatical details in model and student texts (TSW2) Use correct word choice according to standard English Explains significance of grammatical choices and the impact on meaning. Correctly identifies grammatical structures. Consistently uses standard English vocabulary. Edited text illustrates the student’s ability to use “correct” vocabulary in context. Some errors may remain but do not create confusion. (TSW3) Use the eight parts of speech with correct syntax Correctly uses gerunds, infinitives, participles and when appropriate; manipulates grammar to enhance quality of writing (TSW4) Construct sentences based on a variety of sentence patterns (TSW5) Punctuate sentences correctly Justifies sentence structures used throughout the essay. (verbally or in written selfanalysis) Basic parts of speech are used correctly. Subject-verb agreement. Pronouns Prepositions Adjectives and Adverbs Conjunctions Interjections Published work illustrates the use of a variety of sentence patterns. Notes Minor errors may remain, but errors do not create confusion in the text. Edited text is void of sentence fragments and runon sentences. Student demonstrates improvement from the initial testing sample in subsequent testing samples. (TSW6) demonstrate improved knowledge of grammatical conventions through assessment samples and standardized testing NOTE: Tracking Student Progress: This rubric may be used to assess the grammar in each unit. Instructors who engage this unit as an open unit for an extended period of time in conjunction with other units should maintain a tracking record of the students’ progress through the course. 22 QSI WRITING I SEC E05 Copyright © 1988-2014