
Illustrative example 2. The arrangement of the bibliographical list of different types of publications
in accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008
Endnotes or references are placed after the main text and the numbering of bibliographic endnote references is
presented with the help of continuous numbering for the entire text of the document. The text of the article should
contain references to endnotes. Reference to endnotes should be presented in square brackets. Reference may
contain a sequence number of the correspondent endnote.
If the reference contains information about several endnotes, the information is separated by semicolons: [13;
26], [74, p. 16 - 17;82,p.26].
If the text is not quoted from the original source, but from the other document, there should be the mark [Quote
from] at the beginning of the reference [Quote from: 132, p. 14]. If there is not a quotation, but the author mentions
someone's views, thoughts, ideas that are not taken from the original source, in such case the reference should
include the words "taken from :", for example, [taken from: 108]. If the required page, you can specify: [taken from:
108, S. 27].
Links to the bibliographical references
1. Abelian I. Yu. Talking about speech. A communication system. - M.: Logos, 2004. - 304 p
2. Alifirenko N. F. Disputed issues of semantics: monograph. - Volgograd: Peremena, 1999. - 274 p.
3. Bell, R. T. Sociolinguistics. Goals, methods, problems / translated. from ENG. - M.: International relations, 1980. - 318
4. Azhezh K.
Man with a speech: the contribution of linguistics in the Humanities / translated from french. - ed. 2nd,
stereotypical. - M.: editorial URSS, 2006. - 304 p.
5. Andreev, M. Social psychology: textbook for higher educational institutions. - 5th ed., Corr. and extra - M.: Aspect Press,
2006. - 363 p.
6. Belyanin B. N. Psycholinguistics: a textbook. - 3rd ed., Corr. - M.: Flynn-the Moscow psychological-social Institute, 2005.
- 232 p.
8. Myers D. J. Social psychology: the intensive. course. - 3rd international. ed. - SPb.: Prime-Eurosac: Neva; M: OLMAPress, 2000. - 510 p.
9. Berger P., Luqman T. the Social construction of reality: a treatise in the sociology of knowledge. - M.: Moscow. Filos.
Fund, 1995. - 322 p.
10. Fundamentals of communication theory: textbook / M. A. Wasylyk, M. S. Vershinin, V. A. Pavlov [and other] / edited by
Professor M. A. Wasylyk. - M.: Gardariki, 2006. - 615 p.
11. Antonova N. A. Strategy and tactics of pedagogical discourse // Problems of speech communication: collected scientific
articles. / Ed. by M. A. Kormilitsyna, O. B. Sirotinin. - Saratov: Publishing house of Saratov University, 2007. - Vol. 7. - p. 230236.
12. Bart R. Linguistics of the Text // New in foreign linguistics. - M.: Progress, 1978. - Vol. VIII: Text’s Linguistics. - p.
13. Sirotinin O. B. Structural-functional changes in the modern Russian literary language: the problem of the relationship
between language and its actual functioning // Russian literature in the context of modern integration processes: proceedings of
the Intern. scient. proc. - Volgograd: Publishing house of Volgograd State University, 2007. - T. 1. - p. 14-19.
14. Braslavsky P. I., S. Danilov Y. the Internet as a means of inculturation and acculturation // Understanding in the dialogue
of cultures: the conditions of success: monograph: in 2 parts / under the General editorship of
L. I. Grishaeva, M. K. Popova. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2004. – Part 1. - p. 215-228.
15. Voiskounsky A. E. Metaphors Internet // Questions of philosophy. - 2001. №11. - p. 64-79
16. Asmus H. , Linguistic features of the virtual communicative space: abstract of dissertation for the degree of the candidate
of Philological science. - Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk State University, 2005. - 23 p.
17. Chkalova M. S. Linguistic and semiotic aspects of constructing identity in electronic communication: abstract of
dissertation for the degree of the candidate of Philological Sciences. - Tver, 2005. - 174 p.
Links to electronic resources
In endnote references electronic resources are included in the total array of references, and therefore, you should
specify the designation of materials for electronic resources [Electronic resource].
1. Bakhtin, M. M. Creative works of Francois Rabelais and folk culture of the middle ages and Renaissance. - 2nd ed. - M.:
URL: (date of the last view: 05.10.2013).
2. Borges H. L. A Bad Dream // the Writings of God: collection of works. - M.: Respublika, 1992. - 510 p. [Electronic
resource]. URL: (date of access: 20.05.2014).
3. Orehov C. I. Hypertext way of organizing virtual reality // Journal of Omsk State Pedagogical University: electronic
scientific journal. - 2006 [Electronic resource]. System. requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. - URL: (date of access: 10.01.2014).
4. Novikov S. S. Sociology: history, fundamentals, institutionalization in Russia. - M.: Moscow Psychological-Social
Institute; Voronezh: Publishing house of NGO MODAK", 2000. - 464 p. [Electronic resource]. Systems. requirements: RAR
Archiver. - URL: (date of access: 17.05.2014).
5 Panasyuk A. Y. Image: Definition of Central Concepts in the Science // the Academy of science. - 2004. - March 26
[Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 17.04.2014).
6. Pampalk R. Communication in the Internet // Personal Site of Roman Abalaka. - 2006. December 10th [Electronic
resource]. URL: (date of access: 26.07.2014).
7. General resources for linguistics and Philology: the website of Igor Garshin. - 2002 [Electronic resource]. Update date:
05.10.2013. - URL: (date of access: 05.10.2014).