ASHLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 20, 2015 5:30 p.m. The Ashland Board of Education met in regular session on July 20, 2015, in the Library at Ashland Middle School, 2800 Kansas Street, Ashland, KY 41102. Chairperson Frank DeMartino called the meeting to order. Present: Frank DeMartino, Charlie Chatfield, Chris Clarke, Carol Jackson, David Latherow Also attending: Stephen E. Gilmore, Superintendent; Tim Walters, Treasurer; Amy Wessel, Board Assistant; Maria Gillette, Murphy-Graves-Trimble; Taylor Coates, Codell; Cary Williams; Linda Calhoun; Derek Runyon, Rebecca Howell, Jamie Campbell, Jamie Lester, Shawn Thornbury, Patsy Lindsey, Phillip Caudill, RoseLinda Stafford, Richard Oppenheimer, Kathy Davis, Girl Scouts; Lora Jordan, Girl Scouts; Faith Jordan, Girl Scouts; Elizabeth Davis, Girl Scouts; Gwen Akers, Girl Scouts; Abby Leeper, Girl Scouts; Chris Akers, Girl Scouts; Lisa Henson, Shannon Hankins, Steve Conley, Putnam Stadium; Mark Swift. Order # 372 Minutes Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 22, 2015. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 373 Emergency Teacher Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the application for Full-Time Emergency Certification for Melissa Harris, Spanish Teacher at Blazer High School. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Steve Conley with the Putnam Stadium Foundation addressed the Board regarding the Donor Wall Brick Fundraiser Program. Those interested will be able to donate money to be on the donor wall by purchasing a brick either 4x8 with 3 lines or 8x8 with 6 lines. There will be 4 different levels available for purchase and they hope to raise $100,000 - $200,000. The bricks will be available for purchase either on the Putnam Stadium website or by visiting Donna Suttles at the South Ashland Greenhouse. Order # 374 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to amend the agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 375 Donor Wall Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the concept of a Donor Wall at Putnam Stadium. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Lora Jordan with Girl Scouts Troop # 983, along with Faith Jordan, Kathy Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Gwen Akers, Abby Leeper, and Chris Akers asked to present a project that their troop had been working on for Charles Russell Elementary School. In order to earn a bronze (4th & 5th grades), a silver (6th- 8th grade), or gold award (9th-12th grade), the troop members must complete a project that benefits their community. Troop #983 proposed an outdoor classroom concept at Charles Russell Elementary School. The concrete and labor will be donated by local businesses and the only fundraising will be for the gravel and benches. The outdoor classroom can also be added on to by future troop members who are coming up next (i.e. a canopy, landscaping, etc.). Order # 376 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to amend the agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 377 Outdoor Classroom Charles Russell Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve Girl Scout Troop # 983’s proposal for an outdoor classroom at Charles Russell Elementary School. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Maria Gillette, Murphy, Graves, Trimble updated the board on Alumni Gym and the possible multi-purpose room in Building #7 at Blazer High School. They are currently waiting on the Blazer schematic design comments from KDE and will have to re-submit the BG-1 because the demolition of Building #5 and canopy was not part of the original BG-1. This will delay the canopy installation and demolition of Building #5. Mr. Gilmore asked that a special called board meeting be scheduled in early August to discuss the final estimates for both Alumni Gym and Blazer’s Building #7 multipurpose room and the sale of 1420 Central Avenue (old central office). Each board member was polled and the date was set for Thursday, August 6, 2015 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Taylor Coates, Codell addressed the board with updates on Ashland Middle School. The City of Ashland is changing the water pressure and is resulting in water main breaks. The preliminary certificate of occupancy has been issued and the City is determining what the cause of the problem is and then we can obtain the final certificate of occupancy. The preliminary certificate is a 90 day permit. Landscapers are to begin tomorrow and the rain in July has slowed things down just a bit, but they will have the rock, sod, etc. taken care of in the next couple of days. Linda Calhoun, Instructional Supervisor presented the board with a Memorandum of Agreement and Professional Services Agreement with Oakmont Manor for the MNA students. Richard Oppenheimer, Director of Student Achievement presented the 2015 Tell Survey Results, along with the 2015 College/Career Readiness results. Lisa Henson, Director of Student Services presented a budget cut to the Program Liaison and Parent Liaison positions due to the need to balance the budget. Order # 378 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to amend the agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 379 Liaison Budget Cut Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the decrease of the Program Liaison’s days from 210 to 200 and to decrease the Parent Liaison’s hours from 6 to 5 hours per day. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Superintendent Gilmore addressed the board with regards to the Poage Playground bid. Treasurer Tim Walters reminded the board that the bid had gone out two times and the low bid was for $63,000.00 by Miracle Recreation of Kentucky. The school had raised over $34,000 and with IDEA funds added to it, the project was only short $9,000.00. The playground would be finished well before school starts and there would be no disruption to the students. Order # 380 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to amend the agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 381 Poage Playground Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the Poage playground bid of $63,000.00 by Miracle Recreation of Kentucky and to fund the $9,000.00 deficit to complete the project. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 382 Treasurer’s Action Change Orders Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Charlie Chatfield to approve change orders for the Ashland (Verity) Middle School Renovation Project: Change Order 6-4: $5,217.00 gable end enclosure Change Order 17-3: $689.00 booster heater for dish washing equip Change Order 18-12: $1,807.00 concession area improvements Change Order 22-43: $1,367.63 gable end enclosure Change Order 22-44: $1,642.78 concession area improvements Change Order 22-3-1 $13,020.08 Credit Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 383 Pay Estimate 24 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve Pay Estimate 24 to Codell/Contractors/Suppliers in the amount of $184,900.84 for the Ashland (Verity) Middle School Renovation Project. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 384 Student Accident Insurance Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the student accident insurance policy with Roberts Insurance for the 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 385 Consent Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to combine and approve the following consent items: Bills for July, 2015 as presented by the Board Treasurer. Head Start bills for July, 2015 as presented by the Board Treasurer. Salaries for July, 2015 in accordance with the 2015-2016 salary schedule. Head Start salaries for July, 2015 in accordance with the 20152016 salary schedule. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 386 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by New Business Action Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve a Board NBCDI 2015 member and a staff member to attend the NBCDI (National Black Child Developmental Institute) annual meeting in Washington, DC October 16-20, 2015. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Latherow, DeMartino Abstain: Jackson Order # 387 Oakmont Manor Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the Memorandum of Agreement and Professional Services Agreement with Oakmont Manor with approved insurance documentation on file. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 388 Admissions & Release Committee Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the following persons to serve as Admissions and Release Chairpersons for the 2015-2016 School Year: Lisa Henson Derek Runyon David Greene Brad Greene Steve Dowdy Rebecca Howell Christine Scott Phillip Caudill Janice Ledford Shawn Thornbury Jamie Lester Beth Ingram Jeff Carroll Kim Moore Freda Jenkins Gara Bowley Chad Tackett Nancy Hemphill Tina Scott Shauna Brillhart Teresa Conway Rachel Branham Jamie Campbell Paula Pinkerman Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 389 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by KSBA Policy Update Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve first reading of the KSBA Policy update: 01.45, 03.111, 03.12322, 03.13214, 03.18, 03.211, 03.22322, 03.23214, 04.32, 05.4, 05.42, 06.2, 06.342, 07.1, 07.111, 07.13, 07.16, 08.133, 08.2323, 08.3, 08.31, 09.11, 09.121, 09.2, 09.211, 09.22, 09.224, 09.2241, 09.227, 09.34, 09.4261,10.5 Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 390 KSBA Procedure Update Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the KSBA Procedure update: 02.14 AP.2, 03.111 AP.2, 03.121 AP.22, 03.16 AP.2, 03.162 AP.2, 03.162 Ap.21, 03.18 AP.12, 03.18 AP.22, 03.211 AP.2, 03.221 AP.22, 03.262 AP.2, 04.9 AP.1, 05.42 AP.1, 07.13 AP.1, 08.133 AP.1, 08.232 AP.1, 09.11 AP.23, 09.111 AP.22, 09.121 AP.1, 09.15 AP.1, 09.15 AP.21, 09.224 AP.1, 09.4281 AP.1, 09.4281 AP.2, 09.42811 AP.2, 09.42811 AP.21 Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 391 New Business Consent Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to combine and approve the following new business consent items: Fundraiser requests as listed: AMS Chain Links after school candy sale and car wash with proceeds going to Cash and Coins activities, 7th & 8th football team Moes, Zanzi’s, Texas Roadhouse, car wash, hot dog sale, pancake breakfast, Foodfair bag groceries, discount cards, chocolate bar sales to purchase travel gear for the team, Cheerleading Team Kona ice of Ashland sale to raise money for competition costs, Boys Soccer Team Gattiland discount card sale to earn money for team supplies, Explorer’s Team school store sales, shirt and bag sale, Chick-Fil-A night, Orange Leaf night, family movie night, gift wrapping at the mall, shoperoo to offset field trip costs, and team t-shirt; Blazer Boys Golf Team Invitational Tournament at Bellefonte Country Club August 3 rd to raise money for team tournament entry fees, Charles Russell Elementary 4th Grade Back to School dance, Earth Day shirt sale, and sucker sale to offset expense of the annual 4th grade trip at the end of the school year, STLP greeting card, badges, business cards, banners, signs, photos sales, etc. and collecting printer cartridges, cell phones, digital cameras, laptops, etc. for recycling through the Green School Project, collecting Campbell’s UPCs for points towards school supplies and equipment, collecting box tops for funds applied to Accelerated Reader/library program, collecting Tyson A+ coupons, and using search engine with each search accumulating funds for STLP projects. Order # 392 Personnel Action AMS Athletic Pay Schedule SAFRC to transport 50-80 children to Campbellsville, KY for a 3 day Tim Horton’s Camp on September 25-27, 2015 free of charge. Transportation provided by Tim Horton’s (charter buses). Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by David Latherow to approve Ashland Middle School’s Athletics’ Pay-Schedule Proposal tabled from the June 22, 2015 meeting with the amended pay rate of Athletic Director to 15% instead of 20%. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 393 Extra Duty Increments Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by David Latherow to approve the 2015-2016 extra duty increments for elementary, middle and high school positions. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 394 Athletic Worker Positions Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve athletic worker positions for fall/winter/spring sports, AIT, Kitten Shootout and, as necessary, post season tournaments, for the 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Nays: Chatfield Motion carries Order # 395 Policy 03.18 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by David Latherow to approve the revision to Certified Personnel / Evaluation Policy 03.18. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 396 Procedure 03.18 AP.12 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the revision to Certified Personnel / Confidentiality of Records Procedure 03.18.AP.12. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 397 Procedure 03.18 AP.22 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the revision to Certified Personnel /Evaluation Committee /Evaluators and Observers Procedure 03.18.AP.22. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 398 Procedure 03.28 AP.1 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the revision to Classified Personnel / Evaluation Process Procedure 03.28.AP.1. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 399 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Classified Evaluation David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the revision Instrument to Classified Personnel / Evaluation Assessment Instrument 03.28.AP.21. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 400 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Certified Evaluation Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the revision of District Personnel/Certified Evaluation Plan for district central office certified personnel. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 401 Second Reading Teacher & Principal Evaluation Plan Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve second reading of the new Teacher Certified Evaluation and the new Principal Certified Evaluation Plan. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 402 Two IA Positions At AMS Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Charlie Chatfield to approve two Instructional Assistant positions at Ashland Middle School. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 403 Blazer Secretary Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the revision to the job description of Secretary – Blazer. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Personnel for Board Information Only in accordance with KRS 160.390 Employed Name Position Site/School Alger, Elizabeth Armstrong, Tiffany Barnes, Bryce Chapman, Tina Conway, Teresa Conway, James Corliss, Michael Gullett, Janet Hall, Kaitlin Harmon, Mark Harris, Melissa Hess, Brittany Hicks, Steve Howard, Sara Litteral, Kyrie Lovins, Jana Moore, Heather Phelps, Colt Runyan, Sarah Russell, Rebecca Sayles, Kirby Stevens, Stacey Tussey, Kristina Wheeler, Kristina Workman, Sarah Preschool Teacher English Teacher Math Teacher Elementary Teacher Head Start Director PE Teacher Custodian Instructional Assistant English Teacher Science Teacher Spanish Teacher Science Teacher FMD Teacher Science Teacher English Teacher English Teacher Social Studies Teacher Math Teacher Elementary Teacher Speech Language Pathologist Social Worker Early Childhood Specialist EBD Teacher Elementary Teacher English Teacher Head Start AMS AMS Poage Head Start Blazer Oakview Poage Blazer AMS Blazer AMS AMS AMS AMS AMS Blazer Blazer Hager HS/Hager AMS District Crabbe Hager Blazer Effective Date 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 07/01/2015 08/10/2015 07/01/2015 08/12/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 07/01/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 Retirements: Name Position School/Site Hart, Bonnie Wilcox, Jeff Business Office Assistant PE Teacher Blazer Blazer Resignations/Terminations: Name Position School/Site Collins, Christy Fraley, Kelsie Ketter, Allison Owen, Kim Turner, Billie Jo Walter, Shelly Instructional Assistant Elementary Teacher Food Service Director Assistant Kittens Basketball Coach Food Service Worker Math Teacher Charles Russell Hager District-Wide Blazer Blazer Blazer FMLA: Name Bruce Barker Position Custodian School/Site Blazer Transfers: Name Position School/Site Collins, Christy Dinkens, Carrie Moore, Amanda Patrick, Jacqueline Rivers, Vicki Smith, Sue Wilcox, Jeff School Secretary Food Service Manager Elementary Teacher Health & Wellness Assistant Full-Time Substitute Teacher School Secretary PE Teacher Itinerant Charles Russell Head Start Hager Central Office District-Wide Blazer Charles Russell Spring Coach Rescind Letters: Name Position School/Site Al Baker Shane Campbell Phillip Caudill Scott Ingram Don Murphy Jamey Sellars Eddie Sizemore Jordan Smith Blazer Blazer Blazer Blazer Blazer Blazer Blazer Blazer Assistant Track Coach Assistant Softball Coach Track Coach Head Softball Coach Assistant Softball Coach Kitten Tennis Coach Tomcat Tennis Coach Assistant Softball Coach Effective Date 10/31/2015 09/30/2015 Effective Date 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 07/17/2015 06/30/2015 07/06/2015 07/15/2015 Effective Date 7/7/15 Effective Date 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 08/10/2015 07/01/2015 08/10/2015 07/29/2015 8/10 – 9/30/15 Effective Date 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 Rescind Certified Letter: Nancy McHenry Rescind Classified Letters: Rachel Adkins Jane Dixon Kim Allen Brenda Edmonds Amy Alley Tasha Farrow Stacy Amos Katlyn Fetty James Barker Melissa Foutch Maria Bavtista Jamie Fraley Donald Bolt JoAnn Fugett Ryan Bonner Toni Gabbert Elisa Bradley Rosemary Gehringer Nancy Burke Madison Gould Phillip Cameron Keisha Hall Jana Carr Cassie Hamm Angela Childers Janaya Hammonds Adrienne Clarke Magean Harris Jessie Cook Sarah Helms Tabitha Crank Bernice Henry Brianna Crump Mary Hill Krisi Figley Kaylon Hummer Tessa Delong Mellody Johnson Michelle Kelly Erin Kohut LaDonna LaRue Stephanie Lester Diana McClanahan Richard McGowan Michele Miller Jennifer Moore Paula Oppenheimer Robin Osborne Jhonda Page Bridget Palmer Melissa Pennington Connie Reliford Josh Reliford Curtis Rice Ashley Riggs Brandie Salyers Carrie Samons Barbara Shivel Chris Slone Jackie Slone Jeannie Stafford Rose-Linda Stafford Johnda Stambaugh John Stambough James Swinford Lisa Talamantez Julie Thacker Christina Thomas Denise Wamsley Debbie Weiher Missy White Teresa Whitehead Geri Willis Phyllis Woods Chairperson Frank DeMartino asked that the minutes reflect his comments regarding the passing of David “Dirk” Payne. David was a huge part of this community and Ashland sports program and through his effort and integrity he was able to provide a great influence on our student athletes. David Latherow also asked the record to reflect his condolences and that as he moved here years ago, he noticed right away that David Payne was a big reason Ashland’s sports program had so much success. Order # 404 Adjourn There being no further action to bring before the Board, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to adjourn. Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino ________________________________ Frank DeMartino Chairperson ________________________________ Stephen E. Gilmore Secretary