ASHLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, June 22, 2015 5:30 p.m. The Ashland Board of Education met in regular session on June 22, 2015, at the board office of 1820 Hickman Street, Ashland, KY 41101. Chairperson Frank DeMartino called the meeting to order. Present: Frank DeMartino, Charlie Chatfield, Chris Clarke, Carol Jackson, David Latherow Also attending: Stephen E. Gilmore, Superintendent; Tim Walters, Treasurer; Amy Wessel, Board Assistant; Chuck Trimble, Murphy-Graves-Trimble; Taylor Coates, Codell; Anthony Wright, Harshaw Trane; Cary Williams; Linda Calhoun; Derek Runyon, Rebecca Howell, Jamie Campbell, Shawn Thornbury. Order # 345 Minutes Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 18, 2015. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Chuck Trimble, Murphy Graves Trimble, updated the Board on the various projects underway. The Blazer canopy should be installed by the beginning of school. At this time, Alumni Gym was still under evaluation as to the cost to bring the inside up-to-date ‘vs. the cost of a new auxiliary gym. Mr. Trimble expects to have estimates at the July Board meeting. The demolition of Building 5 at Blazer should be complete before the start of school in August. Taylor Coates, Codell, informed the Board that the punch list for Ashland Middle School was under completion now and the occupancy inspection would occur on Friday, the 26 th. Most of the work left was on the outside (i.e. asphalt, landscaping, etc.). Linda Calhoun, Instructional Supervisor presented the new Certified Evaluation Plan for certified teacher, other professionals, principals, and assistant principals. Both plans were developed under the direction of KDE and the district 50/50 Committee. The plans include the requirements set forth by KRS 156.557 and 704KAR 3:370, which includes the new Professional Growth and Effectiveness components for teachers, other professionals, principals, and assistant principals. Jacqui Thornburg, Director of Head Start was unable to attend the meeting; however the following documents were provided for Board information: USDA Report PIR Report New director announcement Order # 346 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Carol Jackson to amend the Agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 347 Meeting Change Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Carol Jackson to move the July Board Meeting from July 27, 2015 to July 20, 2015 and to change the location to Ashland Middle School, 2800 Kansas Street, Ashland, KY 41102. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Tim Walters, Treasurer presented the board with an offer from 2 local individuals to purchase the Old Central Office (1420 Central Avenue). The offer was for $25,000.00 and was based on the buyers estimate of the value of the land only. While this is the only offer the board has received for this property since the property was vacated in July 2011, it was the opinion of Mr. Gilmore, Superintendent that the offer was low and the state would probably not approve the sale. Mr. Walters provided details to the board of the approximate total cost to the district of continuing ownership of the facility and the cost for the 20152016 school year. These costs included property insurance, utilities and maintenance. He also noted the benefits that the district would receive if the facility were sold including the elimination of the annual costs as well as adding a new property to the districts property tax rolls. He also stated that a contractor that had inspected the building and estimated the cost of demolishing the building of at least $250,000.00. He suggested that the district pursue several options that included obtaining an appraisal for the value of the land, advertising for the sale of the land only based on the appraisal, or holding an auction for the property. The board directed Mr. Walters to obtain information related to the purchase of the parcels of land by Members Choice Credit Union located directly across Central Avenue then present this information at the next board meeting. Order # 348 Retainage Payment Harshaw Train Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the payment for retainage to Harshaw Trane in the amount of $104,120.00. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 349 Change Order Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve change orders for the Ashland (Verity) Middle School Renovation Project: Change Order 22-42: $48,343.20 Bradley property land swap agreement items. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 350 Pay Estimate 23 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve Pay Estimate 23 to Codell/Contractors/Suppliers in the amount of $364,283.58 for the Ashland (Verity) Middle School Renovation Project. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 351 Alumni Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Charlie Chatfield to approve the contract between the owner and architect for the Alumni Gymnasium project. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 352 Out of State Tuition Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve out of state tuition at an amount equal to the base SEEK funding amount for the 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 353 Treasurer End of Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to combine Items 6 & 7 and authorize the treasurer: To make financial transfers between district checking accounts and funds to close out the 2014-2015 school year. To make budget amendments as needed to close out the 20142015 school year. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 355 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Worker’s Comp. David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to combine and Business & Property approve Items 8, 9, and 10 with the stipulation to Item 10 that we Insurance Policies verify that Ashland Independent can receive a refund if the 1420 Central Avenue property sells before the year concludes. Worker’s Comp insurance policy for the 2015-2016 school year. The low premium quoted was Seneca Insurance-Ison Insurance Agency in the amount of $70,186.00. Business (Property, Casualty, Liability, Fleet and Umbrella) insurance policy for the 2015-2016 school year. The low premium was Liberty Mutual-Peoples Insurance Agency in the amount of $165,204.00. Property Insurance for the Old Central Office Building for the 20152016 school year. The only quote received was from Liberty Mutual-Peoples Insurance Agency in the amount of $8,571.15. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 356 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Alumni Scoreboards David Latherow and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the purchase of new scoreboard(s) for Alumni Gym. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 357 Consent Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Carol Jackson to combine and approve the following Consent items: Bills for June, 2015 as presented by the Board Treasurer. Head Start bills for June, 2015 as presented by the Board Treasurer. Salaries for June, 2015 in accordance with the 2014-2015 salary schedule. Head Start salaries for June, 2015 in accordance with the 20142015 salary schedule. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 358 Tabled AMS Pay Schedule Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Charlie Chatfield to table Ashland Middle School’s Athletics’ Pay-Schedule Proposal. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 359 Evaluation Plans Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by to approve the new Teacher Certified Evaluation and the new Principal Certified Evaluation Plan. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 360 Consent Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to combine and approve the following New Business Consent items: Fundraiser requests as listed: AMS Discovery Team (to offset team activity costs) Zanzi’s Pizza, Scragglepop, Candles in March, Magical Night of Giving, Elder-Beerman Night, Shoparoo, Cheerleading (to pay for competition and lower out of pocket each cheerleader has to pay for needed items) Tri-City Fundraising Savings Card sale; Blazer Choral/Band/Orchestra (fund activities) entertainment book sales, Mu Alpha Theta (fund math competitions) car wash, World’s Finest Chocolate sale, T-shirt sale, FBLA (earn money for FLB Conference expenses) school spirit and drinkware sale, custom resources brochure sales, pecan sale, Krispy Kreme Doughnut sale, jewelry sale, shirt sale, Class of 2018 (fund Senior trip, Senior breakfast, Prom, etc) flower sale, custom resource brochure sales, car wash, Mary Kay, Yankee Candle sale, T-shirt sale, Archery (fund equipment fees, travel expenses) T-shirt sale, car washes, hosting archery tournaments (gate, concessions, sponsors), Donato’s Pizza sale, Zanzi’s pizza sale, Texas Roadhouse, Momcats (raise money for football team) T-shirt sale, Moe’s, DQ, Zanzi’s nights, pancake breakfast, Applebee’s, Texas Roadhouse, IHop, bake sale; Crabbe Safety Patrol (fund cost of patrol trip) Goodwill donation drive; Oakview Safety Patrol (fund cost of patrol trip) World’s Finest Chocolate sale, T-shirt sale, candy sale. Ashland Middle School’s 8th Grade Dream and Adventurer’s Team trip to the Kentucky State Fair, Louisville, Kentucky (to expose students to Kentucky culture and attend the 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta), on August 27, 2015 via Spring Valley Charter with SBDM approval and insurance documentation on file. Surplus equipment listed in accordance with KRS 45.425: ITEM SERIAL NUMBER 300VMF Modulator DVD Recorder DVD/VCR Player 3M Overhead CDR-RN Playback Discarded/Damaged/Obsolete Books and materials (318 total) Arctic Air Com. Chest Freezer Amana Chest Freezer Amana Chest Freezer Maytag Chest Freezer Hobart Meat Slicer Hobart Deep Fryer Hobart Deep Fryer Hobart Flat Top w/oven Hobart Dbl Wide Reach-in Refrig. Vulcan Dbl. Stack Oven Hobart Db. Stack Pizza Oven VM300-T000-02 704SHBS241661 DVP3340V 80075861 CFD-S350 CONTROL NUMBER FROM ASSET STICKER Hager / 6-30-15 Hager / 6-30-15 Hager/ 6-30-15 Hager/ 6-30-15 Hager/ 6-30-15 CRS/7-1-15 10183334EP 10414045JG 11597833 JN 1738099 KCK5738 7884429 KCD5018 DISPOSAL/LOCATION DATE 10902 10901 10904 10893 10899 10898 AMS AMS AMS AMS AMS AMS AMS AMS AMS AMS AMS / / / / / / / / / / / 6-30-15 6-30-15 6-30-15 6-30-15 6-30-15 6-30-15 6-30-15 6-30-15 6-30-15 6-30-15 6-30-15 Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 361 Head Start Director Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by David Latherow to approve the appointment of Teresa Conway as the new Ashland Head Start Director. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 362 Emergency Subs Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the use of emergency certified substitute teachers for the 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 363 District Behavior Specialist Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the amended job description for the District Behavior Specialist position. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 364 Health & Wellness Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Charlie Chatfield and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the creation Assistant of a Health, Wellness, and Safety Assistant with corresponding job description. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 365 Project Launch Teachers Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by David Latherow to approve the creation of two Project Launch Teachers with corresponding job description. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 366 AMS Academic Coach Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by David Latherow to approve an Academic Coach position at Ashland Middle School. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Personnel for Board Information Only in accordance with KRS 160.390 Employed Name Position Site/School Allen, Paula Blankenship, Bob Campbell, Jamie Clark, Nikie Fugett, JoAnn Gartin, Pam Gumbert, Tammy Heaberlin, Randy Hebert, Oksana Ledford, Janice Ledford, Janice Roberts, Kim Thorarinsson, Frances Williamson, Antha Summer Feed Admin. Assistant Substitute Homebound Instructor Principal School Technician Substitute Custodian Summer Feed Food Service Worker Summer Feed Food Service Mgr. .7 Industrial Education Teacher Part-Time ESL Teacher District-Wide Consultant PEP Grant Director Part-Time Early Childhood Specialist .4 Art Teacher Summer Feed Food Service Worker Crabbe District-Wide Crabbe Poage District-Wide Crabbe Crabbe Blazer Blazer District-Wide District-Wide District-Wide Poage Crabbe Retirements: Name Position School/Site Mahanna, Linda Powell, Kathy Teacher Instructional Assistant Hager Blazer Resignations/Terminations: Name Position School/Site Callihan, Sharon Latour, Alicia Ledford, Amy Leistner, John Wittich, Phil Food Service Worker Instructional Assistant Safety Patrol Co-Sponsor Robotics Coordinator Assistant Kittens Basketball Coach Hager Head Start Charles Russell AMS Blazer Transfers: Name Position School/Site Adkins, Lisa SLP Arthur, David PE Teacher Head Start to Oakview Blazer to CRS Clayton, Kim Crump, Sandy Greene, Brad Helms, Sarah Teacher Itinerant Special Education Teacher Assistant Principal Instructional Assistant Hill, Mary Instructional Assistant Oakview to AMS Central Office AMS & Blazer Oakview to Poage Oakview/AMS Effective Date 6/1/15-8/7/15 8/12/15 7/1/15 8/3/15 6/1/15 6/1/15-8/7/15 6/1/15-8/7/15 8/10/15 8/10/15 7/1/15 7/1/15 7/1/15 8/10/15 6/1/15-8/7/15 Effective Date 6/30/15 6/30/15 Effective Date 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 Effective Date 8/10/15 8/10/15 8/10/15 8/10/15 7/1/15 8/12/15 8/12/15 Kight, Vickie Layne, Geneva McDavid, Becki Mullins, Jeff Osborne, Shelly Renfroe, Tanya Revely, Lynn Salyers, Brandie Food Service Worker Food Service Worker Teacher Special Education Teacher Teacher Food Service Worker Teacher Instructional Assistant 8/11/15 8/11/15 8/11/15 8/10/15 8/10/15 8/11/15 8/10/15 8/12/15 Special Education Teacher Food Service Worker Teacher PE Teacher Crabbe/AMS AMS to CRS CRS to AMS Oakview to AMS Hager to AMS AMS to Crabbe Blazer to AMS Crabbe to Poage Oakview to AMS Blazer to Poage Blazer to AMS CRS to AMS Smith, Noel Stambaugh, Cassie Whitlock, Chris Wilcox, Jeff Increase in Time: Name Position From/To Greene, Brad Scott, Christine Assistant Principal Assistant Principal 210 days to 215 205 days to 215 Effective Date 7/1/15 7/1/15 Rescind Certified Letters of Non-Renewal Lori Baier Penny Grubb Misty Barnett Ray Hall Andrew Brillhart Alison Hawker Cory Brown Justin Imel Matt Chapman Eliza Lee Jamie Cox Hannah Lewis Ben Davis Tara Lewis Katie Evans Alicia Lowe Jennifer Ford Whitney Martin Kelsie Fraley Nancy McDowell Continuing Contracts: Alexandra Boyd Emily Cooksey Amanda Hicks Rebekah Hall Jeremy Howell Rebecca Howell Anita Laney Kristy Minton Janice Moore Order # 367 Amend Kim Moore John Mulvaney Kim Murray Destiny Myer Kathryn Norrod Tonia Parker Amber Patrick Stephanie Phillips Sarah Profit Julie Roberts 8/10/15 8/11/15 8/10/15 8/10/15 Samantha Royalty Noel Smith Robin Stanfield Nicklas Wilburn Michelle Witt Matt Moresea Gretchen Neubeck-Hill Braun Ream Paul Royster Shelley Sayles Karen Scalf Heather Stout Marsha Wireman Alicia Zornes Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by David Latherow to amend the Agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 368 FRYSCC Contract Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by David Latherow to approve the 2015 FRYSCC Contract. Ayes: Clarke, Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 369 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Charlie Chatfield to amend the Agenda. Ayes: Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Abstain: Chris Clarke Order #370 Ashland Tennis Center Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Charlie Chatfield to donate $1,250.00 to the Ashland Tennis Center. Ayes: Chatfield, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Abstain: Chris Clarke Order # 371 Adjourn There being no further action to bring before the Board, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to adjourn. Ayes: Chatfield, Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino ________________________________ Frank DeMartino Chairperson ________________________________ Stephen E. Gilmore Secretary